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  • Re: Bro or Sis???

    Cradle of Filth - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from stars&straps: “ever heard of jerry springer? seriously wrong, where do you live? incest village??” lmao lol good point, i have seen my cousin naked though....shes like in her 20s or something *cough* i was looking up some ****COUGH**** porn and i see a girl that looked like my cousin by the was just witha porn name but w/e ever since ive stayed out of porn lmao dont want another surpise like that

  • Quote from Chaco64: “Music is a big cause for teen suicides...Terry Watkins has a cool article on tat music can hypnotize a person with the ongoing beat of the music to make somebody do anything it tells them to do....and proof from Ozzy Osbourne, he says "kill yourself" behind the song, you can barely hear it,but it's there.....damn, i hope this guy didn't kill himself....” Wow pick on rock eh. Suck my balls and choke on the hair bitch! Ozzy is awesome and jeez its A FUCKING SONG!!…

  • Quote from lastwords_x: “This is not a thread for you to talk me out of it. I am killing myself. I've thought it through and through, and there's nothing left for me. I want to share it with someone and maybe talk with someone before I do it. I've set a date in the near future to do it but I'm not sharing it with anyone. I live in the United States, that's all you need to know. My childhood was terrible and all of my family are dead. I have an uncle who's dying and a cousin left, that's it. I've…

  • Re: Wasn't getting hard

    Cradle of Filth - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from pnoyz: “It's happened to me before. As weird as sounds, it was in class, but we weren't going to have sex. These two girls were like, "Come on! Show it to us!" and I wouldn't get an erection for shit, lol. But that was like...6th grade, so whatever. I saved my virginity for my current girlfriend and I have no regrets.” rofl "*punch nuts* wake up damn it wake up!" hahahahha i can only imagine lol

  • sn4ke put it in a clear asshole way but yeah you gotta go make a change yourself, people telling you "it can only get better" isnt gonna help u, it can get worse, much worse so you gotta make a diff .

  • Quote from Kat[confused];567302: “my best guy friend was in love with this girl. He was crazy about her and she told him that she didn't love him. He wanted to kill himself but i talked him out of it. I love this guy dearly. I've known him forever! He comes out yesterday and told me that he loves me. I didn't know what to say. He got upset because I didn't say it back. He told me he wanted to die again and he logged off of yahoo. I'm scared now because he wont talk to me or anything. I love him …

  • Quote from YeahWhatever: “Your post made me laugh so hard. I have to say, I'd really like to stay herpes/AIDs free. And on the subject of religion, that's really helping right now. I know that you don't believe in God, and I respect that, but I actually went to a youth group tonight and ended up having a really good time. It felt good to be around other people my age without all of the BS that goes on at school. I mean, I actually got to talk to a girl my age who didn't look me up and down and t…

  • Quote from Doughnut: “Yeah well in my experience it definatley has haha. xx” wooooooow chicks from France r so fine

  • Re: cum in girls hair

    Cradle of Filth - - Teen Sexuality


    lol experiment , random Q cuss my Pokéballz are itching atm but wen you shave your vagina does it itch(I didnt shave,but trimmed cuss I was bored) and my Dragon ballz itch like a mutha also when I did shave like hella months ago my growing pubez were making my huevos itch sooo much I regreted it, does it happen to u girls/guys

  • my god damn huevos r itching shizm Oh ...ugh(scratch)....(scratch) should try....ugh!!(scratch)...(scratch).....SON OF A BITCH F8ckin PUBEZ(scratch) anyways try (scratch)...gah!!!....try not messing up ah!!!(leaves thread scratching his Pokéballz)

  • Holy shizm, this is my Christianity ruins lives rather than saves....wutta bish her mom is. I think u can report that...for isolating but prolly not. wow her mom needs to realize the bible is a fairy tale

  • Quote from giefwomen: “Dont do it if you dont want to. she sounds abit selfish to me no offense. You will get plently more Bj's in your life so is it worth doing something you dont want to do for afew more? GL with your decision” (psst, lie) oh no I'm in the same position as him, I dont want her to force me. "you will get plenty more bjs in you life" Oh shweet u solved my you will start as soon as I brake it up k:D

  • wat the f is ky idk much bout lubes cuss I dont use any. Ahem did I not post SALIVAAAAAAAA a couple of times lol Btw let UPS deliver your captain crunch

  • To do what? I though the thread was about what's a good lube

  • Quote from ohaithur: “Is Baby Oil good? What else is there?” na I tried it b4 its not thick as lube and stuff so it doesnt work that good,just try saliva it work well

  • Christian followers I'm going to ask you something, now you must get it right, if this god exist, btw if you logg out and make a profile with the name of god won't help....just makes you look stupid. And I rember that the priest himself says there will be "non beleivers" that will tell you he doesnt exist. You look old enough to realize they say that only so you can keep donating money to the church and keep their job. oh back to my Q how can you beleive that every animal species in THE WORLD wa…

  • Quote from Sn4ke: “A full explanation would've helped, but I understand your point. And lets just let these idiotic Christians wade in their own's hilarious. Their being blinded by the light they claim to see...” I guess your not so bad yourself, and we do have something in common. we both beleive that Christians beleive a fairy tail, and base their life style on a book....worst part star wars makes more scence than the bible...

  • I was thinking swallow lotion n to have a mint right after so she won't know its lotion

  • no 1 said he was real...but someone has to make that bullshit up right? Could or could not be this so called "Jesus" well I guess I am a moron for not putting my whole explanation.... or it also could have been an old that got sent to jail and got tired of being pounded in the asshole by his cell mate and made that shit up and included you cant be bi or straight in the "bible" so he'd stopgetting rapped Have u Christians ever though of that? Have you or do you decide to blinding follow this so c…

  • Quote from Tayhov: “andthat will make our life after death all the more rewarding.” are an drunk or have a shoe up your @$$ what can possibly be more rewarding then having your family with you and alive,and their love. Also sex. Are you suggesting being trapped in your after life with a jewish zombie Is more rewarding than your family , love and sex?