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  • Third party? In American politics? Really? I almost find myself wishing them good luck.

  • Some believe dinosaurs are mentioned in the book of Job. And I don't see how anyone can take the 6 days literally when the sun wasn't created until day 4.

  • Re: Ex-gay Camps

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    I don't see the point in purging someone of a harmless psychological perspective they were born with.

  • Very good question. As the saying goes: "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter." Not to mention that symbols for peace such as Nelson Mandela were once terrorists themselves. Nobody likes terrorism. It's not the way things should be done, because it is inherently uncommunicative and, like warfare in general, whitewashes opponents as the 'Other Side' rather than as human beings who see things differently. I would always support non-violent means of protest such as those espoused by…

  • There is a practical argument. If you were to take into account sexuality as well, you would end up with four bathroom types, which is messy and takes up space, so the simplest solution is to go with the heterosexual majority and split it male/female. It has its flaws, but I can't see another solution. Personally, I'm not bothered about anyone seeing my willy, and I'd certainly be more bothered about sharing facilities with women than with gay men. (I'm straight, I'd just feel awkward in that si…

  • Music will have a long-lasting effect.

  • Re: Question about college.

    Esmo - - Education & Jobs


    Quote from **Amb_91**: “In the UK it's mixed student flats” Well, it varies university-to-university, and by what you mean by 'student flats'.

  • Re: School uniform

    Esmo - - Education & Jobs


    I don't believe they have an effect on education one way or the other, so whilst I think they're pointless, I don't mind them.

  • Re: American rappers or British rappers???

    Esmo - - Music


    Quote from breakboy: “british rappers are so boring and annoying to listen to. there's a definite reason they listen to our music and we don't listen to theirs” Yes, the domination of American culture across the world butting out all the others. =Takes of Sasha Hat= I find modern British rap far more interesting than the current American stuff. Dizzee Rascal's Dance Wiv Me is class.

  • Re: any quick singing tips?

    Esmo - - Music


    You're much better asking someone in real life who sings rather than someone across the Internet. But my recommendation would be to adapt the chorus to within your range, which should be possible. Also, when doing high notes, imagine yourself landing on the note rather than reaching up to it.

  • Re: Good Rock Music?

    Esmo - - Music


    Well, what have you already tried?

  • Quote from Number Juan: “Is it really possible to make every bully empathize though?” I guess not in extreme cases, but I think we all know what the appropriate action would be. But by making the bully realise that the victim is a person, like them, the bully might realise the harm of their behaviour. This could be done through a series of one-to-one meeting sessions, etc. or whatever that someone who knows more about education than me would come up with. I think it's worth bearing in mind as we…

  • Re: France and the Burka:

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from BlockHead2111: “I'll use the balaclava as an example. It's designed to keep the head and face warm in cold climates, but is now used more for hiding the identity of the wearer.” At that point of when abuse tips over there might be an argument for banning an item of clothing, but that is simply not the case with the burka. Another point, where is the French balaclava ban? There is more to the intentions of French legislators than security... Quote from BlockHead2111: “Regardless of wha…

  • Re: Love

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    I guess that love is ultimately the product of chemical reactions and brain activity, but it does bother me when people put it like that. It's certainly amongst the most inextricable of feelings.

  • Re: I was thinking

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    Whenever I read that the security forces had been monitoring So-and-so for several months prior to their terrorist attempt, I always shudder to think how they thought to monitor him in the first place.

  • Quote from Megatron: “The odd looking trapezoid buildings look out of place and don't belong in New York. Maybe they could build the Freedom Tower in Chicago.” Funny how this argument is usually implemented against modern buildings in 'traditional' settings, whereas here New York, itself a model of modernity, has adopted its own stuck, 'traditional' image. When it comes to architecture, we can't just keep throwing up yesterday's styles. Environments would become set in their ways and boring.

  • Re: Boys Straightening Hair

    Esmo - - Fashion


    Hairstyle does not correspond to sexuality. Quote from artizhay: “they probably think I'm gay but whatever. xD” I dunno, most girls have an acute gaydar.

  • Quote from Number Juan: “How do you know that it isn't the kind of person that thinks "The more I hurt him, the better." ?” The point is to eradicate that thinking by making the bully empathise. If they're thinking that, you haven't done the job.

  • Re: David Guetta

    Esmo - - Music


    And then I vom'd in my mouth.

  • Re: Help me to save our Earth.

    Esmo - - General Advice


    I stand between Pranit and Dexter. I believe that I have a responsibility to do all I can to reduce my effect on global warming and the environment, and I also believe that all I can do won't make a difference in the face of all the people who don't believe they have a responsibility. Quote from ~+ Bear +~: “Ugh omg I honestly can't stand people who do this shit. One of my pet peeves.” Lemme guess, you're a sceptic?