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  • Quote from shadowsnip: “Last weekend my girlfriend and i were having sex and i made her orgasm 3 times then when i was fingering her from behind i was sorta playing the dominant one. she said "it hurt" then i like spanked her and said "I dont care" then she started to cry and i stopped as soon as i realized she was upset. I feel really scummy because she was a victim of sexual assault and i think she had a flashback or something... then i apoligized and i feel like crap now. i feel like a fuckin…

  • "I dont know your very well" oh that horror of those words! I think you might of broken the ice with her a little too soon and didn't talk to/flirt with her enough. Do you still have a shot? I suppose as long as you don't keep pushing the issue that you like her, hell I'd even try and get to know her better and somewhat act like I don't like her so her mind runs crazy and she doesn't know what to think. (don't worry if it works in the end you'll pull her back in) Best of luck mate.

  • If she says she's busy next time, don't be afraid to be blunt and ask her if you two are actually going to or not..

  • Quote from ANTI CONDOM: “ That's so sad. Most if us guys, are creeps. If you need a shoulder to lay on, or just someone to listen to you. Do not hesitate to get in contact with me. Tootles.” So, basically your saying all guy's are creep's, so you want her to cry on your shoulder? wait what?! am I missing something?

  • only one way to find out and that's to tell her how you feel..

  • Pretty much she's saying your cool but she's not DTF'ing with you. In other word's move on.

  • You can alway's get your mom to drive you to where you need to go? At this age, not having a car really isn't a deal breaker but it can be a bit of a nuisance not having one. -_-

  • Re: Military?

    Cowpiepk - - Education & Jobs


    Well I know my contract is 3 years and i think 19 weeks active and then the rest reserves, so I really don't know the terms of a reserve contract but I would assume that you can't just say "I quit" and then never be called back because, I know a lot of reservists end up going over to Iraq/Afghanistan.

  • Quote from Jenna: “It's nothing to worry about, you didn't hurt her or anything. To me, it sounds just like it was her period. From personal experience, if I'm going to have sex on my period, it's usually going to be at the very end when my flow is the lightest... or just wait another day or two until it's done altogether. My boyfriend and I have done it when my period's been pretty damned heavy though, and when we are done it looks like someone was murdered. (not to sound too gross or anything …

  • Something more, go for it bro.

  • Quote from kelly bean: “We both were messing around with the same guy, unbeknown to us. We eventually figured it out and cornered him and we've been friends ever since.” Wow, lol I'd hate to be that guy.. >_>

  • Re: Military?

    Cowpiepk - - Education & Jobs


    Quote from Bubba O Nero: “Actually if your in the reserve you can leave any time, you just give your notice in, and cash in all your kit to stores” Actually I'm not quite sure about that, but i'm pretty sure the same rule's still apply because, your under contract?

  • Quote from Blood of the Fallen: “looks are only part of attraction, yes it is the first things that people notice about someone, but IF i was a girl(im a guy), i would not call you ugly. And most girls DO like when the guy makes the first move. so if there is a girl you might be interested in gather up your courage and talk to her. and here is a hint. if you can make a girl laugh at you in the first 5-10 minutes of conversation it usually shows that you have a sense of humor and you are not a si…

  • Re: Military?

    Cowpiepk - - Education & Jobs


    Nice nice, I ended up joining the Army and plan on leaving sometime in the winter not quite sure right now lol. :p

  • I don't know, maybe? I'm not friends with any of my exes lol.

  • Nice nice.

  • How often do you think about a girl you really like? Every so often How often do you think about a girl you like a bit? Every so often Do you still think about a girl a lot if you like other girls ? Do you think about the one you like the most? Meh, I normally only like one girl at a time ha. What do you talk about with your guy friends? Sex like if you would "do" a girl, or that you really like her, or how to ask her out etc.. Mainly, that I would bang her brains out and leave it at that. If a …

  • Not in my world. I've tried that just "good friends" crap and either A. the girl ends up liking me or B. I end up liking the girl. Either way it ends up bad.

  • Quote from AlexMason: “Yeah it's basically rape. It's a slightly different situation than you usually hear about, but he had no right to force himself upon you. You'd be best off finding a guy who respects you, and it wouldn't hurt to sue him either. Whatever you decide will be fine though.” Sue him? Is it all about getting a nickel and dime anymore? Seriously?! Yes, it was rape because you told him to stop and he kept going.

  • Don't become a fire fighter just because, girl's think there "hot" . Trust me you'll just be a miserable person.