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  • Re: Boys...

    woodz - - Teen Sexuality


    why no 7 1/2??? you making me downgrade!!!!!!!

  • you shouldnt have lied... that was your fault no matter how pretty you are. he has every reason to not trust you no matter how much you love him. once you betray someones trust thats not a very easy thing to regain. sorry but it seems like you shot yourself in the foot on this one

  • Quote from Jenna: “ This isn't stalking or spying, it's just "collecting intelligence". ” oh thats too funny haha collecting intelligence sounds like spying to me lmao :rofl: but yes do this just dont get caught or she will think your weird

  • ... well my 2 cents would be that if you are already seeing her tomorrow night and it has been three months since you have been doing whatever it is between you, that asking her out on a date isnt really necessary unless you feel as if you can wait an extra week or however long it is until that time. if your ultimate plan is to do it tomorrow, then i wouldnt go with the blunt route because its not a blunt topic per say. a good way to approach it i guess would be to tell her how you feel about he…

  • Quote from “Or you could do a cutesy thing and write her a note, then leave it in her locker, or on her desk. You could ask her to meet you outside after school by "the blue light pole" or something else, then be there after school with a flower or a candy bar. :P” hell yea thats a good idea, note in the locker with a joe bros cd or something lol... well kids now adays dont use cds anymore :p but note in the locker sounds solid. just make sure if you do the after school thing you still …

  • Re: I deserve a medal!!!!!

    woodz - - Teen Sexuality


    this is the teen sexuality thread... therefor we discuss sexual things on this thread. wasnt even that bad man

  • lol 13 year olds going on dates when they cant drive lol glad those days are over. instead of just doing it, you can ask her to the side one day and seperate her from her friends and make things a shit ton easier on yourself. so essentially you have two options. seperate her from her friends, or converse to her while she is with them, either way gonna have to get some courage. good luck

  • Re: I deserve a medal!!!!!

    woodz - - Teen Sexuality


    lol im not trying to make it out to be a big thing, i thought it would be funny to share with my fellow teenhutters, but honestly sometimes guys wouldnt stop a girl doing that you know? i know i did the right thing and id do it again, but sadly some guys dont do that.

  • I deserve a medal!!!!!

    woodz - - Teen Sexuality


    last night my girlfriend came over, and you know, we have been having some issues over the past month an a half and since ive been back in chicago for 2 weeks our sex drive has been lower then normal. it used to be every other day, now its only been once since ive been back!!!!!! so obviously ive been sexually frustrated, and last night she came over and we were making out a bit and stuff and so i asked her "sooooooooooooooooo... was wondering... could i get a blowjob?" and it ws funy and we bot…

  • fuck man that was an essay lol well... since you are a senior in college and im a sophomore myself, i think we can both agree its really hard to find real true good friends, so id say the best thing to do is just remind them exactly how much you appreciate that friendship and let em know that hangin out and shit with them is a lot of fun and you hope that when you get old and 60 all of yall can still hang out and reminisce about old times (for real i had to do this to a friend of mine who was st…

  • Quote from artizhay: “No. Effing. Way. On a real note, I think you mean overconfidence, not ranting. ;)” no that was my rant Quote from Jenna: “True, fair enough. But YES, you are correct. Everyone is different. Sweeping generalizations about what all girls want, or how all guys should act are generally a load of crap. Personally, whenever some guy comes up to me with an arrogant attitude, I may be smiling but the voice in my head is saying "Would this jackass PLEASE go away?" Whereas I'm sure t…

  • Re: So.

    woodz - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from louiebugooey: “Haha! Thanks for the honesty!! I can't change my face, but I can live with having a 9 for a body!!” your welcome for honesty, and yes most girl struggle to make the 8 for a body sooooooooooooooo whatever your doing your doing good

  • Re: So.

    woodz - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    mmm 7.5, great body but (im going to sound like a meany head so i apologize) im not liking the face to much nice body though, give the body a 9

  • ranting can catch you off gaurd, but on a real note lack of confidence does really affect peoples abilities to assert themselves in certain situations and especially when it comes to the opposite sex

  • theres always a chance my good sir. just a matter of you taking the opportunity to capitalize on those chances. that shes complimenting your humor is a good start, just dont go thinking of bf/gf to quickly haha id say the best thing to do is ask her out for something to eat one day, best place to know her outside the group and you get the maximun to capitalize on your humor (see it all comes back around) and if things go good, then you guys can probably schedule something for a later date and co…

  • yeeaaaaaaaaaa hate when that happens. go to my friends how to give her a "massage" after i give her a little warm lotion massage (recommend it to everyone) things got pretty heavy and heated and right when i was going for the zipper... her "god im so horny right now me "well why dont you help me cure that" her "i cant... im on my period" me ":(" twas sad but we did cuddle for a few hours haha. ive heard for a lot of girls the time right before and sometimes during (for a small number) is the tim…

  • Quote from artizhay: “I think you skipped the word "over" in front of "confidence," creating a new word: "overconfidence."” nope overconfidence, and having a strong confidence in yourself are two completely different things, i guess you would say almost the same as having "a lot" of confidence in yourself. i stand by what i put down Quote from Forseti: “Yeah right. Don't walk up to her and be all smug and egotistical. Generally women tend to like a shy guy, who seems to open up to them. So actin…

  • Re: how often do you...

    woodz - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Kate.x: “I totally should lol... I've thought about it but I don't think I could do that. I'm too nice :rolleyes:” being to nice is why you dont get that stimulation!!!!! trust me, i remember when me and my g/f first started dating and she always would give me a b/j and i usually never returned the favor. one day she told me flat out "if you dont eat me out more often im not gonna give you any more blowjobs" now for the most part we usually go back and forth with the forplay, and i lo…

  • Quote from Capt.Awesome: “Does an Ego and pure Awesomeness count in having confidence?” that counts a lot broski! i feel like i too share those qualities. im in college to in chicago and i see some fine ass women almost everyday!!! (god bless chicago) but just i like you said sometimes the sheer beauty of them just keeps you away. the best way to approach it, and you can trust me cause ive used this before and its worked almost everytime. during that time that you do see her working out by herse…

  • tired for full response so you get the quick one dont fuck it up... you have talked to a girl before in your life so thats not an excuse only difference is, is now the girl you will be with you will really like and you will definitely be shy around her. we can sugar coat it all we want but at the end of the day you may not even get that many words in while she is with her friends, and there is nothing wrong with that. just act NORMAL, dont try and act different just cause you are with her,…