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  • Re: So confused.

    stillrain - - Advertising Agency


    dude he probably likes you. mind you if he's three years older, he may just be trying to get another notch on his belt (you said he had a bad rep). Be wary, but otherwise, if he isn't that kinda guy, he probably likes you.

  • A- Arctic Monkeys B- The Black Keys C- City And Colour D- Does It Offend You, Yeah? E- Editors F- French Kicks G- Glasvegas H- The Helio Sequence I- Interpol J- Justice K- Kaiser Chiefs L- Lupe Fiasco M- Muse N- Nas O- Oasis P- Police Q- Queens of the Stone Age R- R.E.M. S- Sam Roberts Band (saw them in concert last week: they were so good) T- Three Days Grace U- USS (Ubiquitous Synergy Seeker) V- The Vines W- Wolfmother X- ~ Y- Yorke, Thom (aka Radiohead) Z- The Zombies Couldn't get "x", so her…

  • Re: Your Favourite Band/Singer

    stillrain - - Music


    music is my only true love: i love it all. if i had to choose a fav, probs tied between City and Colour and the Arctic Monkeys

  • Re: Unheard-Of-Bands/Artists

    stillrain - - Music


    Ubiquitous Synergy Seeker weird name, bloody kill music. give em a listen

  • Re: Avenged Sevenfold

    stillrain - - Music


    they arent metal, i agree. a little piece of heaven was one weird ass video!

  • like everyone else said, he's goin out with you, not them. and as for the whole facebook poking thing, i'd be a little worried if he were poking guys. Bit weird, eh

  • Quote from petriieplayspool: “no....are you stupid?” haha this made me laugh... ..anyways. flirting helps, be casual, and if you want to play the game, play it well. There's nothing worse than when a girl drives you in circles, you go out with her and then there's nothing there. Save the excitement for the relationship. As much fun as the chase is, it's never as fulfilling as it is in the movies.

  • nope. never have. but i abused caffeine instead. don't recommend it...

  • i personally think that your sister wouldn't care and shouldn't: she has a boyfriend. as for your ex, you don't go out with him anymore, and given you said you've been crushing on this other guy for 5 months, that's more than enough time for your ex to move on (assuming you were already broken up). Okay. So, in short, you should just go for it. Don't worry so much. And don't second guess if he likes you back or not. It's normal to second guess someone when you're crushing on them so bad that you…

  • Quote from Iceman_: “Step one: Try to notice how often you are calling him. Step two: Give him some space. Step three: Observe results. Step four: If needed, talk to him about it (if he's feeling down).” Excelent advice right there. Maybe he is going through something tough; maybe the spark is waining.... ...or maybe he feels down, and the reason he calls you anyways is to hear your voice. sometimes, when one's down they just want to hear their significant other's voice. And although it's not re…

  • i hate to use this cliché, and to be honest i hate when people say it to me, but i think it applies.... ....there are more fish in the pond. Honestly I understand how hard it is to move on. I've been there, but the only way I got out alive was by moving on and meeting other girls. As wonderful as she may have been, I guarantee there is someone better:) Hold your head up, and look around... you never know what you'll find.

  • He's probably shy. You said he was a recluse, so go for it... listen to what hitch said lol

  • i think that if you truly love her, and if you think she may feel the same: go for it. and seriously read this it's helpful

  • well atleast if you do, you might be able to solve that problem with your rents for now (im referring to your other post). you'll still have to work them over though. good luck

  • Quote from Cynic17: “ Nice Guys Tend To Seek The Approval Of Women Due to their family and social conditioning, Nice Guys tend to seek the approval women. Even as they are trying to become what they believe women want them to be and doing what they believe women want them to do, Nice Guys tend to experience tremendous frustration in gaining the approval they so intensely desire. This frustration is due to the reality that in general, women view men who try to please them as weak and hold these m…

  • i was going to tell you to write a book, but then i scrolled down only to find that you've already been told. obviously people like it as much as i do. great work, and thanks for the advice!

  • this situation sounds really hard. a similar thing happened to my sis at her school, and it's no easy task to deal with. What are your " friends' " reasoning for suddenly hating you? What do they allege you did, or what may you have done (intentional or not) to provoke one of them? Or is it a case of one of them simply not liking you for no reason, and spreading lies to hurt you? If I know this, I might be able to give a little advice. I'm a big believer in sticking it through and trying to fix …

  • Quote from VoDKaMarine: “Lie, lie that you are happier. Lie that you DON'T have low self-esteem. Lie to yourself. that's the key, once you've done that it'll be embedded in your mind that you are happier and have higher self-esteem.” this guy's right. it's the power of intention buddy. i know it's easier said than done, and a lot of the time people who suffer from depression (i dont know if you do) have a hard time keeping optimistic; but if you keep reminding yourself that you are a functioning…

  • Quote from Pipkin: “If you like like it then don't do it. Just remember that in turn, some girls don't like eating boy cum.” you're absolutely right. perspective, eh

  • yeh i wouldn't mind doing it. if it makes the girl squirm with pleasure and she enjoys it, then im all for it