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  • Quote from Kara Zor-El: “The OP got banned. 82473f119f42436922c8dea10dd09ac2.gif ” Yes, I wish I could say I'm shocked at this point, but there have been so many bans lately it's kind of hard to be surprised any more.

  • Dating

    Quantico - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Oops, didn't last too long, did you?

  • I know I should use condoms and have a couple of times, but it feels soooo good when I don't, and I don't always think to use one, even if we've got one.

  • Where did you lose

    Quantico - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Durango: “Quote from Gabraham247: “Quote from Durango: “Did you tell your friends/family? I didn't need to, as they were all right there watching us do the deed. ” Same. Nothing like being judged by your family. Mom kept saying, "put your back into it". Little cousin kept repeating "yolo, yolo, smash her like u mean it". Grandma gave me a yelp review that said "3/10. Wouldn't recommend" ” Yeah, and in my case my dad kept hollering things like "That's right, son! Show him what the men …

  • Where did you lose

    Quantico - - Teen Sexuality


    Where were you when you lost your virginity? the locker room at school (after school, and we were the only two in there besides the coach, who was in his office and completely unaware of what was going on) how old were you/them? Both 12 Did you enjoy it? yes Did you do it with them ever again? yes Was it their first time? Yes Were you dating? no Did you tell your friends/family? We let everyone know we were Doing It by going "Woo hoo! Woo hoo! Woo hoo!" the whole time

  • How does it feel to cum inside a girl during sex? Great! For those who are gay, how does it feel to cum inside a boy? Also great! (I'm not gay, but am bi.) Is the feeling different to an orgasm during masturbation? Yes Is the feeling different if you have a condom on or not? Yes.

  • Thoughts on nudism

    Quantico - - Puberty


    Well, I'm naked in my bedroom and in places like the school locker room, but as Pahern brought up, is that really nudism? Otherwise, I tend to go around with at least some clothing on, as I'm not an exhibitionist or anything like that.

  • Who influences the way you dress?

    Quantico - - Fashion


    And for me, it's a mixture of mainly what I like, with occasionally stuff that others get me (for birthdays, Christmas, etc.) thrown in.

  • Since the weather outside was nice, a fwb and I had a picnic out in my back yard (since the rest of my family was gone). Well, that was the last appropriate thing, anyway since what happened afterwards would probably be considered very inappropriate (at least for this thread).

  • Quote from Gabraham247: “Could just be a troll. I HOPE the person is just a troll. ” I actually kind of hope they're not, just because that would mean they're going through life either being really angry or having a really bizarre sense of humor (or both...), and that would be really sad if either one was the case.

  • Are you gay/bi/straight

    Quantico - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Vic2022: “Quote from Jericho14: “I identify as fabulous that’s all ” And humble ” Yes, some of us are very humble around here. In fact, it's the one trait we're most proud of.

  • First time

    Quantico - - Teen Sexuality


    If you had sex: How old were you the first time? 12 Who was it with? a friend Do you regret it doing it with that person? no

  • Your Dick Size....Determined

    Quantico - - Puberty


    Quote from Pultost: “Quote from BlackParadePixie: “Quote from Jericho14: “While genetics controls the actual size, your perceptions and views can control your size on the internet ” yeah whatever it is, just add 3 inches. ” The best way is just measure the dick in centimeters, then post it as inches. ” Yes, I can just imagine the reaction that would get. "You're how big again?!"

  • Quote from Pultost: “Quote from Quantico: “I'll admit I've been thinking about this Bellu guy and his obvious issues. In some ways, this may be one of the few times I almost wish someone wasn't banned, just so I can ask him why he seems to be so angry all the time. (Bellu, if you ever do read this, follow Kara's advice and get some help. Seriously.) ” It's a nice thought, but, unfortunately, I doubt he'd want to talk about it. He'd probably just lash out at you, calling you a ''biotch'', and go …

  • Your Dick Size....Determined

    Quantico - - Puberty


    Quote from BlackParadePixie: “Quote from Jericho14: “While genetics controls the actual size, your perceptions and views can control your size on the internet ” yeah whatever it is, just add 3 inches. ” Gee, I guess that means I'm about 9 inches hard. I'll admit I can certainly go for that.

  • shaving

    Quantico - - Puberty


    I don't shave/trim "down there" at all. I don't think it needs it, and since no one I've ever made out with has ever complained about it, I just don't see the need.


    Quantico - - LGBT


    I hope no one ever feels lonely and unwanted. Those are horrible things to feel.

  • I'll admit I've been thinking about this Bellu guy and his obvious issues. In some ways, this may be one of the few times I almost wish someone wasn't banned, just so I can ask him why he seems to be so angry all the time. (Bellu, if you ever do read this, follow Kara's advice and get some help. Seriously.)

  • Quote from Eilae: “prolly in jail or getting a new brain or is under a new name and details here ” Well, at this point (after almost another month) he's probably been off banging some other girl and wondering if he's gotten her pregnant too.

  • Quote from Gabraham247: “Quote from Quantico: “I have several friends with benefits, but at the same time, if I'm alone and I'm horny, sure I'm going to masturbate. There's no way I'm going to be walking around with my hard-on jutting out just because I think someone's going to be offended if I get rid of it myself, ” If someone gets offended that you got rid of your jutting out hard on yourself, they need to chillax ” Yeah, after all, the idea of being "friends with benefits" (or at least a par…