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  • Quote from rmg126: “The Blackberry OS is of course inferior to the iPhone OS on the iPod touch, but the Blackberry Curve is still a good phone nevertheless. I'm probably going to end up getting a Blackberry myself when I qualify for an upgrade. The iPhone is better, but AT&T blows so I won't be signing a contract with them. I'd much rather stay on Verizon. :cool:” ye i can get the iphone too, but meh, its a waste since i have 2 ipod touches, might as well get the storm cause i want the facebook …

  • lol i have one of those ghetto phones, cost my dad like 3000 back in the day. i think il get the storm cause the facebook is better on that, plus its a gsm phone so it can be used anywhere, i like the curve but its screen is limited and everyone has one lol. il have to call and cancel order on my curve

  • Quote from rmg126: “It should be. :wink: I've had no trouble.” lol jsut doesnt look as good cause im soo used to the layout on my ipod touch

  • Quote from rmg126: “The Curve, definitely. The Storm is fail...the iPhone is the only usable touch-screen phone in existence. And maybe the Palm Pre too........But not the Storm.” everyone saying curve, i geuss il get that, hope its easy to use with facebook lol

  • ahhhh, i have a dilemma. both phones have a 35 dollar a month plan, 200 mins, unlimited text,facebook,msn and email ok so besbuy has the storm for 99 bucks with a free 75 dollar gift card (to buy anything in the store) and the Curve for 0 dollars and 75 dollar accessory card ( just to buy phone stuff) ahhhh what do i choose, im like soo confused. i have a LG keybo, i can return that and get my 150 bucks back. Eather i save that money when i take the curve, or spend it on the storm. il be using f…

  • airplanes are one of the safest places to be, hmm tell them "what if theres an earthquake??? then what are u gonna do!!!" lol, just tell em that its what u wanna do, just gotta convince them, dig it into their heads or wait till ur 19, my parents use to be strict, but than sorta laid off now cause im older and responsible. im gonna be a cop and i got a motorcycle, they all denied me that when i was 16, but i geuss ull have to wait till they let go.

  • playin games

    gookiecookie - - General Advice


    so ive been going out with the girl lately for the last 5 months, her name is **** and i probably mentioned her to u before. we met at my cousins b day party and pretty much started from there, she started comming along with us to the movies and stuff and her and i had so much in common, so i really started to like her, she asked me to drop her off at school a few times because she got kicked off the bus for fighting... since i was finished highshool and i was at home i said ok and eventually st…

  • Re: i feel bad...

    gookiecookie - - General Advice


    ahhh i had that problem, but than again i dont know what to do with my life lol

  • i suggest u hit him, if he does this when he gets older OOOO man, u dont want him labeled as a perv in school.

  • Re: Stress

    gookiecookie - - General Advice


    Quote from phenomenon: “Two days ago I had to swim (I'm a competitive swimmer) the national championships. I have worked for this incredibly hard. I have spent two weeks at swimming camp, so I would be prepared. After I had swum my race, I was extremely disappointed. I didn't swim well, even though I was prepared. At practice, I swam very good and my trainer was confident that I would do well. Now, what's the problem then? I get extremely nervous before I have to swim. My heart starts racing, my…

  • Re: should i help her out?

    gookiecookie - - General Advice


    Quote from Assaultrifle: “Um no. Especially considering the fact that he wants to be her boyfriend. Even though she may be happy about being helped out, she will still think he's a weak fool who she can use and step all over. In other words, they won't really be "closer". She will just act like it because of his money.” she doesnt usually ask for stuff, but this is something she really needs, i said no, i sent her this msg "ok i decided and i cant give u the money. I really want to help and i wa…

  • Re: should i help her out?

    gookiecookie - - General Advice


    Quote from *Rawr*: “You said she asked you to go with her right? Well then maybe you could and make sure this actually legit. I mean if you're worried she's only asking to steal from you. But I know its difficult when you feel bad about not doing a favor for someone but then you also feel the relief of not doing something you sort of don't want to. Are you real good friends with her or just aquaintances?” ye she asked me to take her, il be paying on the spot, i know shes not going to steal it an…

  • Re: should i help her out?

    gookiecookie - - General Advice


    Quote from *Rawr*: “This is all up to you. Do you beleive that she has really changed because you did mention she's a bit shifty. And really it should be her dad helping her, but maybe he's not supporting her for a reason. If you like her and trust her enough to then do it, but think about it before you do.” i have a soft spot for people like her, shes jsut confused but i think she really means it this time, than again i think she doesnt aghhhhh i dun no

  • Re: should i help her out?

    gookiecookie - - General Advice


    Quote from DareToDream: “Personally, I wouldn't give her the money. You should be sure that helping her is the right decision, but you're having doubts. She needs to learn that she can't always rely on other people. There are bumps in the road of life that we have to learn to get over by ourselves. It's nice to be a shoulder for her to lean on, but it's good for both of you to keep a little distance. She may just be coming back to you because of what you have to offer. And no one deserves to be …

  • Re: should i help her out?

    gookiecookie - - General Advice


    Quote from Jack: “yh man go for it help her out! :)” lol im not so sure

  • Re: should i help her out?

    gookiecookie - - General Advice


    Quote from Stjowa: “It matters if YOU want to spend the money on her. Do you like her enough to pay for it. This is something you have to weight to good and the bad, the pros and the cons. GOOD LUCK!!!” we had a tough time before, but i dont know, i sort of want to be her boyfreind but knowing her i doubt it will work out, she never has a steady relationship and shes unstable, she just needs someone like me to keep her from going crazy she comes and talks to me about everything all her problems …

  • Re: should i help her out?

    gookiecookie - - General Advice


    Quote from I Promise: “I think you have to be careful that she's not taking advantage of you. I know it's hard to say no to someone, and especially someone who you do have a weakness for. I would be asking myself a few questions. It's going to be a gift, really, as I doubt she''d pay you back. And if she doesn't, you say money is no object, but when is the next time going to be? When you're the only person she can turn to. You know? I think she is possibly seeing you as a walking ATM, and that's…

  • should i help her out?

    gookiecookie - - General Advice


    ok, so most of u guys probably know about this girl, ye the same girl i always talk about. so just to recap she has lied to me before alot of time, tried to snatch an ipod off me and failed ofcourse. I have known her for a year now, and i think she has changed, for the better im not sure shes sort of shifty. ok so she got this acting gig and needs help with a photoshoot, shes asking me for $780 for the shoot and for me to take her to the place, her dad does not want to support her anymore with h…

  • a girl i like had a problem with her relationship i used ur post to explain it to her, now she wants to date me thinking i understand her. thanks.

  • Quote from libra baby: “EWW, Zac Efron is UGLY! lmaoo. thank GOD you don't look liek him! As for the actual question, I really wish I could help. Juss be yourself. Don't change the way you act juss to try to get a girl.” really? id go gay for him hahaha. I thought girls jsut like one type of guy, geuss im wrong. ye i guess i shouldnt change myself for anybody, its just hard not to fall on ur knees to a women...