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  • Re: Obama

    Nietzsche - - Debate and Discussions


    Good Lord... Obama is a politician, a very charismatic one... Of course, he make good speeches, he has presence, he connect with the people. But that doesn´t mean at all that he is going to make a big change, that´s a disney fantasy. I understand that after all this years of bush goverment, the people have so much hope in someone to fix the mess that him did to USA. But, wake up! Yes, I think that he will be, probably, a better president in a lot of aspects. But i don´t see him as the savior tha…

  • 1 girl and 2 guys = puke!! 2 guys ans 1 girl = - THE WINNER! And that´s all I have to say about it.

  • Re: Question for the guys . . .

    Nietzsche - - Teen Sexuality


    Good face and average body, for sure... The girl can have the greatest body on earth, but if she has an ugly face, I´m not interested. Which by the way is a little cruel because someone can fix a body (doing a lot of exercise) but no way can fix a face (well, only with plastic surgery)

  • Well, there are a lot of people who found him/her love in the internet, so, I think is possible. In a relationship are involved three important factors: physic attraction, mental attraction and spiritual attraction. (Though not necessarily the person need to have all of them) In internet, you can see first the mentality and the spirituality of the person, and feel atraction for two of the three factors. the only thing left would be the appearance. And if happens that you like it, well, then ther…

  • Yes, two or three times almost every day *boy*

  • Re: Are You A Homophobe?

    Nietzsche - - Gay


    Quote from FrozenLust: “no not really, but i think we have every right to adopt, anyone who adopts hasn't gone through the "natural" process of birth. (some acceptions)” I don´t know, I just feel that it´s abnormal that two dads or two moms raise a child. But that´s only my (subjective) opinion, and of course I could be wrong. I don´t want to offend anyone...

  • You have to find a more constructive way of liberate your anger. And you have to talk to someone about your problem, you can´t keep that secret forever, you need help...

  • Re: bestiality

    Nietzsche - - Teen Sexuality


    every person has the right to live their sexuality the way they want, but, otherwise, poor animals... I Have to say: No. It´s not alright.

  • I don´t know much about the O.J simpson case, so, I can´t judge based in prejudices. So, The answer is: I don´t know.

  • Re: Are You A Homophobe?

    Nietzsche - - Gay


    I don´t hate gay people in any way, but I feel that they don´t have the right to adopt childrens, since I don´t think is natural. That make me homophobic?, because I don´t see myself as one...

  • Wow, hard words, don´t you think? I never in my life I wish the death, don´t even to my worst enemy, and now, you are talking about your mother!! But I understand that you are in a very difficult situation, I hope that all get better.

  • the depression is something common in teenagers, I feel alone sometimes, but later I think in all the persons that I love and that I know they love me

  • Re: Friends or Seinfeld?

    Nietzsche - - Films, TV and Books


    Seinfield. I think that friends is a "easist" comedy, (but I liked too)