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  • Haha, I'm left-handed; be jealous!

  • Re: idkkkk i guess im confused. . .

    adamEcstacy - - LGBT


    It always helps to talk it out.

  • Re: Gay people are awesome

    adamEcstacy - - Gay


    Yeah, I'm gay, but trust me, not all gay people are awesome.

  • Re: idkkkk i guess im confused. . .

    adamEcstacy - - LGBT


    How long have you considered yourself gay or bisexual, or do you not consider yourself as either? Do you believe that you have an attraction towards men (or certain men, or just this one guy), but you might also feel like what you're doing is wrong? I'm not saying that what you feel is wrong, but the societal and familial pressures you feel in having feelings for another guy. Seriously think to yourself, when you're having second thoughts: is it for your sake that you feel you might regret it, o…

  • Re: Gay Sex?

    adamEcstacy - - LGBT


    I'm glad I could help you with this. I hope things go alright if and when you do this, and like I said feel free to ask me or anyone else if you have more questions. We're all loaded with opinions and such. :p

  • Re: Dad hates gays :(

    adamEcstacy - - LGBT


    It's been two years, and my father's still not used to it. It's like, you can't change the way a man has thought for forty or so years about this, when they've had so many years of reinforcement, if you know what I mean. That doesn't mean there isn't a chance that he'll accept you eventually, but it will just take time, a lot of time.

  • Re: sex... :p

    adamEcstacy - - Teen Sexuality


    I'd say 15 minutes each. Now that I think about it, it's probably longer than 45 min. So scratch that.

  • Re: Do you sleep naked?

    adamEcstacy - - Teen Sexuality


    I live in America, and I sleep naked all the time because it's patriotic and I support the troops. But really, I sleep naked because I feel like the blankets are enough cover. Plus, it makes sex less awkward in the beginning.

  • Just touching my penis doesn't make it hard. Now, if I was doing it for the purpose of arousal, then yes, it happens.

  • Re: sex... :p

    adamEcstacy - - Teen Sexuality


    Foreplay included? I'd say we go at least 45 min.

  • I feel ashamed and guilty right after most of the time. I haven't done it in a while though, so yeah.

  • Re: Fck Buddy

    adamEcstacy - - Teen Sexuality


    I don't think I'd ever want one. It doesn't matter though, boyfriend's willing whenever I am.

  • I haven't looked at any in two months. I might tonight though. I used to watch it once every like, two or three days.

  • Ahh, there were a couple of times we laughed during sex. Mostly it's because when his chest and mine press together, it sometimes makes that awkward fart sound like when you used to put the palms of your hands together and squished them. One morning, I woke up before my boyfriend and I started getting him up by hugging and kissing him and everything. Well, one thing led to another and he was doing me from behind. I was too focused on this to hear anything outside of my room, and my niece burst i…

  • Re: Sexting!

    adamEcstacy - - Teen Sexuality


    The one guy (boyfriend at the time) I sexted was such a major turn off. I ended up watching porn to get myself off. Never doing it again.

  • I've just started to realize it, but for the past couple of months I haven't been masturbating during the week. It's all because I've been saving it up for my special someone over the weekend. Haha,

  • Re: Gay Sex?

    adamEcstacy - - LGBT


    Here are my suggestions: -You said you didn't want any sort of penetration. Just tell or text him that you don't want him putting his penis in your or anything, but besides that, you're willing to experiment. -If you still want to experiment with him, set up a sleepover date. But keep these in mind, for both of you: do your parents often check on you when you have friends over? Are the walls thin? Is your room far enough from your parents' room as well as siblings/relatives/etc.? Does your door …

  • Re: Male 16 and curious

    adamEcstacy - - Gay


    At first, I thought you were messing around when you said the 'Justin Bieber' type. I don't know, it's as if I can only take things associated with him as seriously as I take things associated with Chuck Norris. I can't tell you why you are into that sort of guy, but I can tell you that I sort of have a similar interest. It could be that he seems like a normal, decent guy. Flamboyancy is often a turn-off, and many guys prefer not dating a stereotype. You said that you weren't exactly the closest…

  • Re: Guys that wear pink

    adamEcstacy - - LGBT


    If it was a comfy pair, sure, I'd wear it, but I'm not going to wear it just because it's pink.

  • Re: One month anniversary dinner :D

    adamEcstacy - - LGBT


    Haha, I'm glad your dinner went finer than mine. We tried cooking together and had no idea what we were doing. Congratulations with your one-month with your boyfriend, your dinner, and your after dinner too.