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  • Quote from MadDogTen: “Well, I have 1 Simple solution. Tell your Parents to Stop Buying Junk Food and get healthy food (Usually Healthy Good Fills you up more)! (This is exact same thing I did this week. I just asked them to stop buying it, or hide it in there Room {Otherwise I would rather grab something easy for a Snack.). Now, Healthy good don't exactly Mean Fruits and Vegetables, Whenever I get Hungry I just get a Couple cups of Cereal (Yes, I eat Cereal in a Cup, you can easily hold the cup…

  • Re: I'm so skinny :|

    AccessDenied - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from rrose1015: “When i was in elementary, people kept calling me cute and chubby and all because I was fat. Okay, so I wasn't fat fat but I was chubby. Kind of like a child who has baby fats or something like that. This high school I started losing weight. And not just the weight you get to lose by burning calories or so, but weight like OMGYOU'RESOSKINNYNOW kind of weight. I'm soooo skinny right now. Pants I wore last elementary look like baggy pants right now on me. And I think I still …

  • Re: ill... AGAIN. :(

    AccessDenied - - Health and Fitness



  • Sammie, hi Obviously for privacy reasons you don't state which country you're in. But you must contact your town services and report your parent. No child should be treated so badly by their parent, even though obviously you're not a "child". You could contact Childline. State which country you're in, what's happened, how frightened you are, because they might be able to give you a contact URL nearer to home. ChildLine

  • Re: ill... AGAIN. :(

    AccessDenied - - Health and Fitness


    Talk to Mum.

  • Re: ill... AGAIN. :(

    AccessDenied - - Health and Fitness


    Have you had your tonsills removed? you really need to get your mum to accompany you, demand they get taken out. My young Georgie boy had a recent op after being quite ill with a serious throat infection. I missed you, hunny.

  • Re: ill... AGAIN. :(

    AccessDenied - - Health and Fitness


    If your doctor said it wasn't tonsillitis, then what did he say it was? You have a right to be told. Doctors are sometimes vague, but shouldn't be. They need their arses kicked, but mores the pity you can't get away with that, so make an appointment but this time with another doctor and get a second opinion. If you phone, don't be passed off by the doctor's receptionist in getting you a telephone consultation. And don't accept a waiting time of what could be up to a fortnight. Doctor's reception…

  • 1. Why are you taking this quiz? Bored 2. Are you liking it so far? Will have to see. It's only Q.2 after all. 3. If you had to eat a human in order to survive, would you? No 4. What's your favorite smiley on teenhut? 5. What was the very first cell phone you had? Nokia, forget which model now. 6. Do you eat raw eggs? No 7. GIMP, or Photoshop? Neither 8. Firefox, or chrome? Firefox 9. mac or windows? Mac 10. Favorite band? Katie Koulias', Athens 11. Favorite song? All of this: Music Mirror - PIG…

  • Quote from amando96: “I seriously don't get why people drink 'till they pass out, throw up, wake up, throw up more, and have a huge headache the next day, not exactly my idea of "fun"... I suppose a drink every now an then is fun, chat for a while with mates and all...” We drinkers have our reasons, some, sadder than you can possibly imagine. But as Morphine says, your liver isn't going to fail from occasional drinking. Hammered, yeah. And the next morning one's ass feels like it's going to drop…

  • Re: liver damage?

    AccessDenied - - Health and Fitness


    I have discovered just how much sugar is present in a can of Coke. It's frightening. Coca-Cola contains high fructose corn syrup. A twelve ounce can contains 39 grams sugar. The same applies to other sweetened beverages, and alarmingly, even Diet Coke causes addiction because of its high caffeine content. For pity's sake, all that sugar you are drinking daily, it could cause diabetes. And ffs you really, really don't want to suffer the way I have, and occasionally still do!

  • Re: liver damage?

    AccessDenied - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from Torn: “Excess sugar can cause liver damage. There are many reasons to avoid sugar, including the fact that it inhibits your immune system. And the aspartame-sweetened drinks aren't much better side effect-wise. ” Torn's advice is true. Excessive sugar could lead to diabetes and that's the last thing you need. Mine's inherited, but all the same.. Chris Hansen's advice on keeping to just 1-2 cans of Pepsi/Coke a day makes sense. Doing so will also help reduce your massive intake of caff…

  • Please would a Mod close my thread? Many thanks all those who helped solve my question, provide good answers and gave me a lot to consider. Very helpful. Not so Aleksandr. Idiot.:rolleyes:

  • Quote from rmg126: “Core 2 Duo? Oh! That's not that old at all (well, slightly obsolete now, but by no means terrible.) And that also tells me there's a PCIe x16 slot for a video card if you decide to get one. :D” Quote from nthdelusion: “you could always upgrade your ram and cpu.....” Got me interested now, you two.. what if I pillaged the guts of the comp, saved the case and added a new CPU? My ex-bf, still friendly, is a comp techie. Would it be financially viable to salvage the comp and buil…

  • Quote from SE7EN: “Windows 7 is extremely better than XP, and you can break the 3GB limit if you get the x64 of Windows 7 (AND if your CPU can support x64) otherwise 3GB stays the poor limit. Other than that, I've been using Windows 7 since Beta through RC and pre-ordered it and got it on release. I've loved it since Beta (even if a few of my things didn't work, but hey it was Beta) everything I use works including shit that's not supposed to work. Overall, I'd only ever use 7 on a system with I…

  • Quote from Sidewinder: “3GB of RAM is not too bad. Most systems that come with 7 have 4GB. I have Vista running pretty good on 2, and the visual differences between the 2 is minimal. The processor might be a problem though. It would be better just to get a new computer with 7 on it. As for differences, the taskbar is different. They added a lot of functionality too it but it is a lot like the Mac dock. The file system is set up a little different with Users and program folders. Then there is UAC…

  • Quote from amando96: “Can that computer handle windows 7? Windows 7 System Requirements Upgrade PC Video Graphics Media” Probably not, because of its limited 3GB RAM. Thanks, though. Quote from rmg126: “Yes, Windows Defender functions as a firewall and antimalware scanner, but I don't use it at all as I have another A/V program that I prefer. WD is supposed to be pretty robust thought. Windows Aero is GPU-accelerated, so the cool 3D effects don't hog much RAM or CPU. Only thing to worry about is…

  • Although I use a Mac for professional reasons, at home for convenience I use an old Windows XP computer. However, Windows XP isn't going to last indefinitely, so I am faced with buying the new Windows 7. What are the marked differences between it and the new Windows 7? I'm told the user interface is mostly similar, except for the Control Panel. And what is Windows Defender like? I presume it's the onboard firewall? Any advice and info is gratefully received. Thank you.