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  • Alright, so me and my girlfriend had unprotected sex 2 days ago (first time, it was 'in the moment'). The day after, she bought a Plan B "age 17-" pill. About, eh, 16 hours afterward, she got sick and threw up (she described it as "not really full-on throw-up, just mucus-looking"). Would 16 hours be enough time for the pill to be absorbed by her body, and these are just side effects of the pill already having had been working?

  • Quote from Tenris: “Hi Right...where to put your arm at the cinema - this is often a tricky problem and it took me some practise the first time I went to the movies with a lady. I suggest not necessarily putting your arm around her back, but resting it on the top of the back of the chair and occasionally rubbing her arm (the one furthest from you) or shoulder. This will ensure that she is comfortable, you can show some affection and you can be close to her. Something to do - you don't necessaril…

  • Alright, so I'm a very timid kinda guy when it comes to what to do with a girl; as usually I really like the girl and don't want to mess it up. But, anyways: My girlfriend is coming over in a bit, and I have no idea what to do. If worst comes to worst, we'll just talk and stuff on the couch; but I'd really rather find something fun to do somewhere. Any ideas? I highly doubt she'd like playing Rock Band or something. After she's over for a bit, we plan on heading over to the movies to see Harry P…

  • Alright, so I've been looking across many sites on the web today, and I just can't seem to find a 'teen-friendly' money-making website. Does anybody have suggestions? I type around, leisurely, 100 words per minute and am fairly techy (programming knowledge, CSS/HTML/PHP knowledge) Thanks in advance, Zach

  • Re: Guys .. A question

    Zach - - Teen Sexuality


    Chew on my nipples.

  • Re: Calluses On My Penor

    Zach - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from dubblebubble: “You really have callouses????? LOL dude, take a week off and leave your dick alone. :lol:” What do you expect me to do for a week?

  • Re: Calluses On My Penor

    Zach - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from hotteenm: “Lol. I can masturbate for hours without lube, but the worst that has happened is that it hurts the next time i get an erection.” Practice makes perfect.

  • Calluses On My Penor

    Zach - - Teen Sexuality


    I just realized my penis is getting callused! Do I win the 'whatever-award-you-get-for-frequent-and-rough-masturbation' award or does anybody else masturbate for sport?

  • Re: Literotica

    Zach - - Teen Sexuality


    Yes. Hell, I've actually started masturbating to sex stories. I'm a big book reader, and I think whatever I image in my mind from a well-written story is 25x better than any video is going to be.

  • Re: Your First time

    Zach - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Liam: “I was 9 and it was in a bouncy castle at my friends 10th birthday party.” :eek: Was the birthday boy's name Michael?

  • Re: what does it feel like

    Zach - - Teen Sexuality



  • Re: Judging Guys

    Zach - - Teen Sexuality


    I'm straight, but I've got a pretty smexy gay voice so I usually go a bit farther just for the giggles. But yeah.

  • Re: Grower or Shower?

    Zach - - Teen Sexuality


    ~2" -> ~7" Grower. Now all we need is a thread where guys measure the amount in their loads.

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Zach - - Teen Sexuality


    Fuck. Why not?

  • Re: How quick can you be?

    Zach - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from CornFlakes: “Just use the the time on the porn video :p.” Porn's overrated. I can fap to JavaScript tutorials.

  • Re: How quick can you be?

    Zach - - Teen Sexuality


    My other hand usually holds a stopwatch.

  • You're both minors. It's legal.

  • Aight, so my grammar really isn't that bad; am just extremely bored at the moment. I'm 14 years old, in 8th grade. I've been going out with a girl for a mere 3 weeks so far, and am growing to like her even more every time I hang out with her. Before I ask my question, and you realize what a sob I am, you should know I can be pretty damn paranoid about things I care about. Girls, at school, how do you feel about a boyfriend holding your hand, etc. etc.? I feel crazy awkward standing there doing n…

  • Quote from CornFlakes: “:rolleyes: Ah this must be hard. Seriously its not your fault this happened. It was purely his own choice choosing to end his life.” Thank you. I just got in my daily laugh.

  • If he's not able to respect the fact that you're not ready, he obviously doesn't love you like you do him. And, if that's the case, and he does, in the small chance it happens, breaks up with you over sex, he wasn't even worth it.