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  • Favourite parents saying

    Moonshae - - Friends and Family


    when he wants to tell me a secret.....he says...."Between me, you, and the wall...."

  • Mostly lesbian

    Moonshae - - Lesbian


    mostly.....yeah....that is confusing. Sounds like they want to say bisexual.

  • not interested

    Moonshae - - Lesbian


    Have you ever had a boy who did not know you were a lesbian ask you out on date? How did you handle that?

  • Too much porn?

    Moonshae - - Teen Sexuality


    I dont watch porn. I find it boring. there are some subjects I like the browse, but I dont usually watch it. i think you more than likely to get a porn addiction than having ED from it. Porn is a fantasy and many especially boys make assumptions from what they watch.

  • Xbox VS Playstation

    Moonshae - - Video Games


    I have an xbox one which I bought used. I never buy video games new. I buy them almost a year after released after looking at player reviews and gameplay. I have an Xbox One and my dad's friend just gave me his Playstation 4 Pro with a dozen games cause he went PS5. Which game system do you prefer and why?

  • Titanic Submarine

    Moonshae - - Debate and Discussions


    A rush to skip the rule and regulations lead to the tragedy. And probably because of the money he was making from the dives. it was a lot, too.

  • Nightly prayer

    Moonshae - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    i dont do any kinda of special nightly prayer or words. God and I talk like people. He wants me to keep it real so I do. He has never complained so I think I am good.

  • Starbucks order.

    Moonshae - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    i make my own at home but Chai Tea latte


    Moonshae - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    mild. cause anything else goes in hot and comes out hot

  • help my mom in the kitchen. my mom passed in 2016. I miss her so much

  • Girls, you ever beat up a guy?

    Moonshae - - General Advice


    oh yes. he kept on grabbing at my legs and his friends laughed and egged him on. tugging on skirt a bit. I am Irish and Italian...a volatile mixture. I warned him twice. I balled my first up and spun around and knocked him over. He got at home suspension and I got in school suspension. My school was not very tolerant of bullies.

  • Showering at school after P.E.

    Moonshae - - General Advice


    i never felt odd showering or undressing in front of the other girls. I did play high school sports so not sure if that makes a difference or not.

  • Multi gender bathrooms

    Moonshae - - General Advice


    i have seen restrooms like this. its usually a single small bathroom

  • Sexual orientation and transgenders

    Moonshae - - Puberty


    thats a tough subject. I think it makes you straight. From the boys perspective, that a different subject all together. I have never been with any transgender girls and not into them. i know transgirls but just not interested in them sexually or dating.

  • Locker Room Nudity

    Moonshae - - Puberty


    my mom used to tell me about having to take showers back in school after gym class. She even said they made the boys take them. I am sure thats the early 80's thing that went on. I was on the high school volley ball team and always played on the softball team too. The others girls had no issue just being nude. I am sure its not like the boys locker room with them strutting around. Shower, dress.. done lol

  • OMG.. like a really long time. I couldnt tell you how long. I dont remember.

  • Complete confusion

    Moonshae - - Lesbian


    Let go young padawan.. let the force flow through you. Go with the flow. Dont try and be someone you are not. Always do you.

  • I dont share that with anyone. less history more mystery. Just becasue I am a lesbian doesnt mean I find all women attractive or that I am like a dude..always on the prowl.

  • Nudity/Sexuality

    Moonshae - - Teen Sexuality


    it depends on where they are from. In the US nudity is always seen as sexual. They make it taboo....or associate it with sin.

  • Do you sleep naked?

    Moonshae - - Teen Sexuality


    no. I need my comfy clothes to sleep. I live with my dad so I cant