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  • Re: Dexter

    Matt93 - - Films, TV and Books


    I absolutely LOVE this show! If I had to rank all of the seasons: S2 S4 S1 S3

  • Re: Modern Family

    Matt93 - - Films, TV and Books


    I started watching it about three days ago and I'm loving it so far. The characters are so well drawn (which is surprising, because the ones in most mainstream tv shows this decade tend to be shallow and cardboard)

  • Re: TOP5 TV Series

    Matt93 - - Films, TV and Books


    Lost Dexter Weeds The Office (U.S.) True Blood

  • I don't have Showtime either, so I have to wait a few hours before it gets put up online.

  • It seems to me like you're addicted to sex (which involves compulsive searching for multiple partners). The best advice I can possibly give is that you should consider going for counseling.

  • My main worry is that by waiting until Monday, I'll lose the energy that I'm filled with (as in, feeling good and confident). Oh, and I don't recall ever seeing her in the halls. I'm not gonna go around the school hunting for her, so......

  • I'm so incredibly pissed right now. Today was the perfect opportunity to ask her - I wasn't stuttering much, I felt confident all day, etc. Yet I didn't do it. What's making me even angrier is that I'll have to wait until next Monday to see her, because tomorrow I don't have the class we're in and then on Friday I'm attending a wake and funeral all day. GAAAAAHHHH!!!

  • Oh hey, just so you know, I found out it's next Friday (I got my dates mixed up). So I'm not feeling as stressed and rushed as I was before! On another note though, how I can project 'just me being me' through a note? Wouldn't that be a turn-off?

  • I'm now heavily considering writing a note that says "would you be interested in going to Homecoming with me?" and putting in one yes and one no box that she should put a check in. I'll give it to her in the middle of class. Is that a bad idea do you think, or....? What's another way I can write a note without it sounding too cheesy and or embarrassing?

  • Quote from Jenna: “Well, considering it's this Friday, please don't get your hopes up. There's a really good chance that she already has a date. I don't really know about the note, some girls would find it cute and like the idea of a guy that is too shy to come straight out and ask them, some girls prefer someone who is more outgoing. From the information you've provided, though, it's kind of hard to tell. Is there any kind of established friendship with her at all? Or is she basically just an a…

  • We sit next together in class and haven't really talked a lot (keep in mind we HAVE talked somewhat though). I've recently developed a huge crush on her, yet I'm not sure if she likes me back, so I don't know if it's worth asking this girl. If I do in fact ask, how should I make the approach? I can't just ask her straight out because I have severe anxiety, and on top of that I stutter like there's no tomorrow. I'm thinking of writing a note, that kind of a turn off? Is it too cheesy? …

  • Re: Are you still a virgin if...

    Matt93 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Kevmo7: “but the question is baby, what 'is' loosing your virginity? like I was saying above” ^^This. People always have different viewpoints as to what sex constitutes.....

  • Re: Are you still a virgin if...

    Matt93 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Mrs. Lovely: “So because you've wanked before, you go around saying you're not a virgin? :gay:” Um.......I was talking about sexual activity with a partner. Although I guess it's my fault for not mentioning that in my last post....

  • Re: Toy story 3

    Matt93 - - Films, TV and Books


    Great movie, although it was really depressing.

  • Re: Are you still a virgin if...

    Matt93 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Mrs. Lovely: “What she's saying is that you're speaking bullshit. :lol:” Some people strictly think that ONLY a penis going into your vagina means that you aren't a virgin, so you can do oral, anal, or get fingered and still be a virgin. The strict definition of virginity is not having had sexual intercourse, but.... The whole concept of virginity is sexual abstinence and you aren't really abstaining from sexual activity if you do that. Neither would you be considered innocent sexuall…

  • Re: Worst Teachers you've had!

    Matt93 - - Education & Jobs


    My 8th grade English teacher Mr. Pizzuto. I swear he had it in for me.....

  • Re: Are you still a virgin if...

    Matt93 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Izzie :): “^ That's wrong unless religion” Huh?

  • Re: Are you still a virgin if...

    Matt93 - - Teen Sexuality


    If someone besides yourself sticks their fingers into your cooch, then the answer would be no.

  • Re: Vampires SUCK

    Matt93 - - Films, TV and Books


    Quote from goobers206: “about time somebody makes fun of twilight those movies suck” Believe it or not, its worst than Twilight. It wasn't even a spoof of the films; it was just a collection of references to them (with the addition of some IRRELEVANT references to Alice In Wonderland and other non-vampire films that came out this year)

  • Quote from dusk: “The point isn't to show off, Ill make out with a girl in public, because I'm too busy having a life to give a shit if I offend some people. IMO if they got lives instead of focusing on mine, maybe they wouldn't be so offended.” When it's nearly every day though and so close to me (many times next to my locker), it kind of gets annoying. Hugs and quick kisses are fine, but when it's a slobbery make-out session and there's the whole 'hands down pants' thing (which I see more than…