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  • Re: Is this overreacting?

    DeamonD - - General Advice


    Guys....easy For all you know he might have given her a gift of like a dildo or a picture of her on a fat girls body or whatever else which COULD have very much offended her.... Why must everyone jump to conclusions before getting to the details T___T

  • Quote from breakboy: “not masturbating made girls unattractive? maybe you're gay” o_O Quote: “But anyway, before the 11 days.....dude...girls started to look more attractive...MUCH more attractive. ” O_o

  • 11 days I lasted... It started becoming fucked up. I have a very high sex drive...I dont necessarily fuck everything she moves, but when I have a gf, she better be able to keep up.... But anyway, before the 11 days.....dude...girls started to look more attractive...MUCH more attractive. Weird as hell. Must do it to keep mind clear T__T

  • Re: sex... :p

    DeamonD - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from a83486: “Thanks, Anton. That's really helpful :]” yea man ^__^

  • Re: Is this overreacting?

    DeamonD - - General Advice


    wtf.... well first of all what was the gift.....

  • Lol wow I say just shrug it off. Your mama jokes are immature. If you feel like you must respond, then I say just say that JUST CUZ DEY MAMA SO OLD SHE GIVES POWDERED MILK DONT MEAN THEY GOTS TO BE PUTTIN DA MAMAS OF DA WORLD YO shiiiieeet....

  • Quote from SugarLips: “I believe that if your living in their house, under their care.. you have to fallow their wishes. I was talking to a girl who wanted to get her mom to sign for her to have her belly button pierced and I told her the same, just respect your parents wishes, they aren't saying no because they want to be mean, a lot of people get infections, and i'm sure they don't want you to go through that pain (My moms belly button turned BLACK.. just 2 years ago) Maybe they think you're n…

  • Quote from Peter37: “I thank the person above and FallenAngel. I will overcome my jealously and I have to make this shit work.” Glad I could help Yours sincerely

  • Re: Fck Buddy

    DeamonD - - Teen Sexuality


    Had one. It was ...useful.

  • Re: sex... :p

    DeamonD - - Teen Sexuality


    honestly? It depends. Shortest for me was 10 minutes but I was horny as all hell. Otherwise about 25-45 minutes. Tips? Well Just practice man, build up your stamina. When you masturbate dont try to jerk off too fast, slow down. If you masturbate at crazy speed you are actually "teaching" you body to cum sooner. If you are about to cum and wanna go on, think about something else for a split second, it might give few a few more thrusts so to speak. Otherwise, there are tons of techniques you can t…

  • Dude wow that is bullshit. I can understand you know things working out and all that but "just leaving without giving a reason is total crap. She has to tell you why, she owes you that much. As for break will pass. Time heals all wounds man.

  • Yea I also think its a chain letter. Reply with "T__T chain letters...." that way you dont make her look stupid by rejection, also find out if she was serious.

  • Er i highly HIGHLY doubt she is pregnant. I say doubt because if there is something you are not telling us, then who knows. If you mentioned everything, then no. Even if say some sperm got ON her vagina, it would be physically impossibly for her to get pregnant because the sperm would have to "swim" allllll the way in, and they simply cant and wont and will die as they hit open air. SO either her cycle is messed up cause of the medicine, or it could be that she just didnt bleed a lot ( happens s…

  • Im kinda on the fence here. I see where you are coming from, especially considering that you dont choose either from a girl who is the "one and only" and your future... although pursuing this girl is not logical per say BUT i dont see how it could hurt. You can give it a shot letting her know that you dont know how it will work time management wise and if she wants to try you would be more than happy to, but if she has to see you everyday and spend 26 our of 24 hours talking to you on the phone …

  • Well you already worked up the courage to ask her out right? AND she said yes right? The absolute hardest part is done. Think of it this way: you already passed the exam, all you have left is like a few days worth of school and you are in for a great summer holiday. You dont have to be shy. Sometimes shy is cute but not to the point where it looks like you have no self esteem. Know what I mean? And never think "omg what am I gonna say" you can never "plan" a conversation. Mainly because a conver…

  • Quote from Peter37: “Holy shit, this is a change to hear lol. Now I feel like a totally fucking prick, which I am of course. I really don't know what to do from here. All of her friends hate the shit out of me as well, which really doesn't contribute well. What the fuck do I do man, I've fucked this shit.” Apologize to her. It does wonders. If she still likes your your relationship will take a better turn. Sit her down and be as sincere as you can. Tell her that you realized that you have been a…

  • Quote from FallenAngel: “Um, but he said: I quote, 'There may be a chance.' So, man up and ask her out. :)” ...and I said : "She is obviously not really into you for looks (sorry to say that)" No I know what he said....BUT that STILL doesnt change the fact that she "doesnt know him" and is clearly not attracted to him PHYSICALLY because if she knew him for 2 years and doesnt know if she likes him or not it does not look good. How long does it take for a girl to be attracted to a guy? A split sec…

  • Quote from jon93971: “Jenna, deamon and Frazer, thank you very much. :):blush:” ^__^

  • dude she...doesnt....really like you If you know a girl for 2 years....and she still doesnt know you enough to know if she likes you or not....Im afraid its not really...looking good. I mean WHO KNOWS...MAYBE you might be able to woe her but... She is obviously not really into you for looks (sorry to say that) because she would have said that u are kinda cute (at least) to her friends..... Basically....where it is sitting right now....its not looking good....but as I said...there might still be…