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  • Quote from Alexia: “Seems like every girl claims to be bi nowadays. Not because they are attracted to girl, nor because they would ever try anything with a girl, but to get attention from guys. And every 13-17 year old girl on facebook has had a wild bisexual experience from neverreallyhappend town. Srsly, STFU. ---------- Post added at 11:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:56 AM ---------- /Rant.” i second this. even my cousin claims she's bi. -all this is just another phase/fad that most…

  • Re: hey all the girls out there

    heyjojo! - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from charmaine: “It just tastes like cum, I find it neither good or bad. I don't mind him cumming in my mouth but I wouldn't order a pint of it ;)” FINALLY! a sane answer! thank you very much and no i wouldn't want to taste my cum because thats just against my pride. lol.

  • fuck that. that's disgusting. i bet you've done it.

  • hey all the girls out there

    heyjojo! - - Teen Sexuality


    yeeeeaaah i was just wondering. does cum taste good? (no i won't try it myself, no homo.) cuz don't you uaually swallow the cum after bjs? :]

  • i believe otherwise. guys may not date a girl with small boobs just because he knows his friends will dawg him if he does.

  • how do eat a girl out: with a knife and fork!!! (literately LMAO) that was a great one ;D anyway, is the alphabet in lower case or UPPER CASE???

  • how do you say i love you to a girl that's over you? how do i get her back? how do i get over her?

  • he likes you. lol. he just wants to act cool around his friends. but yeah, he likes you. and he wants your attention. he wants you to notice him. my guess is that when his friends are around, he feels like he's mixed with the crowd and that he wants your attention on him. so he does the things he does just to get you to notice him. its the most discreet way of flirting for a guy ;D. i think... lolol. but yeah. just go 1 on 1 with him when your alone and if your friend butts in, tell her to gtfo.…

  • if you're good enough friends with her, then hanging out shouldn't be a problem. try asking her to chill at like, the mall or like the beach. idk where you live so do whatever it is most kids do around there. but yeah. no lie. go for it. like Nike said, "Just Do It" :]

  • dude i get where youre coming from. YOU want HER to come back to YOU. then you'll see if she really loves you. and... if she doesn't. time is a healer. it'll hurt a lot for the time being, but you'll get over her you need to just do what you do. basically you need to just think of her indifferent. make her just another girl, put it in your mind that you're over her. and i agree with plax all the way. the only way you can win her back is if you make her miss you. (btw, jealousy is never the answe…

  • i was soooo right :]

  • Re: Closure...

    heyjojo! - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    you're right. i have to try. but its just that once the season starts. i have practice everyday except sunday. weekdays its 3 hours, right after school, and i still have hw and its already 7. (i get out 3:30, prac is at 4) and on sat its right smack in the middle of the day, starting from 1 and going all the way to either late 4 or early 5. im always exhausted. the days i don't have practice, i have games. its ridiculous. im committed beyond my will... but i can't just quit, my coach already tol…

  • Quote from humidex-7: “You sound like most guys tbh, you're probably just lacking confidence. Personally, I don't tend do go for the shy type, mainly 'cos I'm such an outgoing person.. but w/e, alot of girls need thier boyfriend to charm them, and to be friends with their friends.... it's about the attraction, rather than laying your qualities out there like that... you're not for sale. You're a prize :] .” that....was beautiful

  • Closure...

    heyjojo! - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Im basically goin crazy about her. i can't stop thinking about her. there isn't a day that goes by that i think about what we had. i broke up with her for what i feel was over nothing. but was it really?i thought academics would be too much for me, since it is the hardest school in the area. but, it wasn't so bad. The one thing im trippin off of is that during the bball season, i didn't have time for anything other than eat, sleep, school, hw and bball. so would our relationship have lasted? i m…

  • well. base it on speculation lol. when my friend got hit she was like, "OW! YOU HIT MY BOOB! hahaha...." (she got elbowed pretty hard)

  • i had a HUGE fight with my 'girl' friends today about this. my friend and i was totally having a huge debate on the way to the bus. sooo.... i believe nuts hurt more because not only does in paralyze a guy but also leaves the guy in lasting pain. when girls get hit, it seems like they just laugh it off. (that's what it seemed like when my friend got hit, thats how this all got started) prove me wrong.

  • Push 2!!! and GI Joe and Harry Potter 7 (which is gonna be 2 movies)

  • Re: Clothing Styles yo.

    heyjojo! - - Fashion


    i've been wondering tho, whats the real definition of a 'hype beast'

  • Re: Clothing Styles yo.

    heyjojo! - - Fashion


    aha i like to match with my jordans Nike ftw

  • Re: Harry freaking Potter

    heyjojo! - - Films, TV and Books


    loved it. but i've read the reviews that people posted around the internet. OMFG they totally blasted it. hella haters, the film had to leave out some critical parts that pissed people off. things they added made sense to me because after all, it IS a movie, not a screenplay for crying out loud. like the burrow scene where it gets destroyed, they added that i think because they didn't want to have BIll and Fleur's wedding there. i think they want it somewhere else. and they left out the HUGE bat…