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  • Re: lookin fly is underrated

    Albus Dumbledore - - Fashion


    Although I will agree dressing up a bit is great... the way you put it is slightly douche-y :s

  • Re: Dad hates gays :(

    Albus Dumbledore - - LGBT


    He may not be willing to do something like this... but if he is reasonable about it there are some great books for parents of gay children. And perhaps if he's willing get him to watch a movie like Prayers for Bobby... but he may not want to and if he doesn't don't push him to. Also, I'm sorry if i'm out of place to ask... but i notice yo haven't mentioned anything about your mother. Is she involved in any way? A lot of the time although a mother may be just as shocked and confused as a father t…

  • Quote from emilyb13: “omg that looks soooooo good. are you aspiring to be a chef or something because that looks like it came from a 5 star hotel. ” ahaha no, actually I want to be a professional composer or work with new media arts in graphic design or film. I just enjoy cooking... and each time I try something a bit more complex. Quote from Hitopopamus: “You had the square plates and everything. GJ.” It's great when everything you need to present it nice is in the kitchen. Quote from adamEcsta…

  • Re: Dad hates gays :(

    Albus Dumbledore - - LGBT


    Quote from Sharxbyte: “ Heterosexual people as a rule don't go around flaunting their heterosexuality. ” lolwut? this makes me laugh more each time I see it. You see the thing is... when a heterosexual couple kiss or hold hands or cuddle in public it's generally seen as them showing affection. [INDENT][/INDENT]But when a gay couple in public do the same thing apparently they're "flaunting their sexuality" Hell a straight couple can just about do anything bar have sex in public and most people wi…

  • Quote from SE7EN: “ Which you could use a virtual XP instead, to be honest. 1 OS is enough for me, as I don't need to faff about with restarting just to boot another OS to run a program that can work on my 7.” I run win7 on my mac for those times when OSX isn't as convenient for a specific job. For example I've done some video editing in collaboration with another person who was absolutely set on using Sony Vegas which can't be run on OSX. But on my laptop I'm just running Win7. When I finally g…

  • I spent almost the whole day bludging around Sydney harbor, jumping on and off boats, enjoying a great lunch and snacks at some of the awesome cafes... all with my amazing boyfriend

  • Quote from Die Afrikaaner: “Being gay is not a choice. ” Nicely said I was about to post this myself. But yeh, seriously... not feeling anything during sex definitely isn't a sign of being gay. Perhaps you're stressing and not settling into the moment.

  • Re: guys leg shaving

    Albus Dumbledore - - Fashion


    pretty much everyone I know at least trims down there

  • I've noticed a trend on my Facebook news feed. People in Queensland Australia experiencing a problem with their iPhone 4 alarms. apart from Queensland the east coast of Australia switched to daylight savings time at 2am this morning effectively moving the clock forward by 1 hour. People with a Queensland city such a as Brisbane set as the time zone on their iPhones didn't have a problem with their phone's clocks moving forward... but the alarms did. So if they set their alarm to 6am, it went off…

  • Re: any quick singing tips?

    Albus Dumbledore - - Music


    I could give tips, but the only real singing and vocal training I've done are for a choir. So it's probably quite different. Also all the tips I've been given are shown in a very visual and physical way so it's too hard to describe in text.

  • Razor gaming gear!

    Albus Dumbledore - - Video Games


    I just came accross this competition. I don't normally participate in competitions but this is a pretty epic prize pack. And their giving away over 1000! I was :o I figured this is perfect for the Gaming arena. mmmm new Razor pro mouse and keyboard and so sooo much more. gimme gimme gimme gimmmmmeeeee The Razer L33T Giveaway | Win The Razer Power Gaming Suite! | Razer™ | For Gamers by Gamers™

  • Re: Boys Straightening Hair

    Albus Dumbledore - - Fashion


    It's not gay for a guy to straighten his hair. And people who think that are ignorant losers... no offense Dress however you want. style your hair however you want. live your life however you want. And don't let other people dictate how you do these things.

  • Re: School uniform

    Albus Dumbledore - - Education & Jobs


    Quote from autumnleaf: “In Australia, every one has to wear school uniforms. It's a little annoying I suppose, but it's good in that it means no one really shows off how rich they are or anything. Everyone's equal =]” This isn't strictly true. My friend is in grade 11 and goes to a college in Canberra and they don't have a uniform. Depends on who runs the school. All state schools require uniforms. Independent schools don't but the vast majority have uniforms to distinguish their students. Perha…

  • mmm... very much so. My next notebook is going to be a 15inch core i7 macBook pro

  • Quote from DanBrown2013: “About 7-9 hours ;)” I smell a macBook :p

  • My original battery doesn't work at all. So I bought a new double capacity generic one online, only problem- they sent me the single capacity. So we asked them to exchange it and they just sent the double capacity one and said not to bother sending the other one back. lol So I had one battery that will last about 2 hours, one that will last 4 hours... then about a month later HP recalled the original battery because it was a fire hazard and sent me a brand new genuine battery. So now I have 3 ba…

  • Quote from Finn: “I'm a little lost here.... what happened :shifty:” ahaha, well if you can't work out what might've happened "after dinner :wink:" then I'm a li'l bit worried :p

  • Quote from Aleksandr: “Are you sure you didn't go too over the top? I” No not at all. I'm the type of person who enjoys the finer things in life, and Owen knows this. Lol any opportunity to eat delicious food drink great great wine and spend a night with someone special is a good opportunity.

  • Quote from Mr. Frazer: “Haha, looks like you really went out of your way ;D Hope your guy enjoyed it? :)” Haha yep, like I said- the best part came after dinner, so yeh it worked reasonably well

  • I like the design that's already up. But the new one looks more sinister and seems to fit the genre a bit better.