Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 134.

  • Re: Guys: Body Shaving?

    authanam - - Fashion


    Thanks guys I'll try it again when it's calmed down I did do it in the shower. It was a lot easier. I also used some Gillette post-shave balm, which helped for a bit. But I've had to go commando for the rest of the day, cos it was so sore.

  • Guys: Body Shaving?

    authanam - - Fashion


    I was getting sick of having so much hair downstairs so I tried a lot of it to "clear the area" I left the trail from belly button to crotch, and just a substantially trimmed bit of pubic hair around the crotch, but I got completely shaved off a lot of hair on my balls, lower shaft and outer crotch area. But now it's two days later and red dots have started appearing around the shaved areas and they itch like fuck. Is this normal, or did I do something wrong? Either way, how can I make it NOT ha…

  • Re: Guys, gays and underwear

    authanam - - Fashion


    Personally, I don't wear thongs. I wear boxer-briefs because I think they're quite sexy and are the most comfortable If you want to wear man-thongs, then why should anyone stop you? x

  • I'm actually having the same "inner crisis" atm, except that I'm male I know a couple of girls that like me, and I kind of like, but I don't really want to do anything about it. Tbh, if you like girls, then go for girls. Atm, I'm doing the opposite xxx

  • I Want To Be Bi, But I'm Not So Sure...

    authanam - - LGBT


    So yeah, in like March or April I finally came to terms with my sexuality and realised that just because I'm attracted to guys, doesn't mean I'm not attracted to girls (hence BISEXUAL). I told (mostly) everyone that I was bi, and most of them said fine, but some people said that it was just a phase, that most people usually think that they're bi but then become either straight or properly gay. I got kind of annoyed and said that I was definately bi, because it was about freedom etc. But recently…

  • Re: Balancing my arms.

    authanam - - Health and Fitness


    I'm frankly astounded that noones mentioned w***ing yet. I taught myself to by ambidextrous in that fashion, so I don't get that problem ;P x

  • Mental Heart Rate

    authanam - - Health and Fitness


    Ok, so I'm at work yesterday (in a supermarket) so it's slow and boring. I'm not doing much, when all of a sudden my heart starts beating at a rediculous rate. Literally about 180 beats a minute. I wasn't running or doing anything strenuous, but it kept like that for at least 20 minutes. It really freaked me out. What do you think happened?

  • Re: do u wish that u were straight?

    authanam - - LGBT


    Quote from Dr. Drew: “If I had a choice to edit my sexuality in some sort of Admin control panel, I'd tinker with my straight side a bit, level the playing field a bit so to speak. But no, I'm perfectly happy being bi. Best of both worlds. :D” I love being bi, but its not about 'the best of both worlds' its about there just being one big world.

  • Re: Question for Bi-sexuals

    authanam - - LGBT


    Robert Pattinson, Megan Fox, (with Taylor Lautner and Cheryl Cole in equal last place)

  • Re: Bad Boy

    authanam - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from Bram: “Play hard to get. Don't be the one who texts first, or says hi first all the time. Make it so that people realize if they want to talk to you, they're going to have to put some effort into it, and therefore value you.” This is the one post that made the most sense. I won't be buying a leather jacket and motorbike anytime soon, but I will also stop being so eager to talk. Thanks! xxx

  • Bad Boy

    authanam - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Apparantly I'm too nice, which is why girls/guys don't like me. So I'm trying to be a bit more of a bad boy. I realise this sounds like a pile of bollocks, but I'm willing to try anything haha. But how do I play the 'bad boy' without being a massive wanker?

  • Obviously, it's pretty clear with girls. But I'm bi and I don't know what I'll be doing. So if my first sexual experience is with a dude, will I still be a virgin?

  • A Certain Style I'm After

    authanam - - Fashion


    You know the music video of Panic At The Disco's 'Nine In The Afternoon'? You know the first bit where they're in the street? You know those rocking shirts/waitcoats they wear? Well, I love them. Where can I get me some of them?

  • Honestly, you are a VERY attractive girl. You don't need to lose weight at all. As John0991 says maybe tone the tummy a bit, but you don't need to lose a thing. I particularly like the glasses. Get some red ones They'd look cool.;)

  • Re: braces off faster (read)

    authanam - - General Advice


    Don't even moan, man. You've got it lucky. I got mine coming up to 2 years ago and they won't even TELL me how long I've got to have them for. I might be going to sodding uni with them. I DO NOT WANT THAT.

  • 6'6" Body Shape

    authanam - - Health and Fitness


    Yeah, if you've read any of my other threads, you'll know that I am 6'6", scrawny and skinny. And paranoid about being so lol So I decided to finally measure myself so I can tell you and you can tell me how un-normal or normal I am for a guy of my height. Arms: 11 inches Chest: 33.5 inches Waist: 29 inches Thighs: 19 inches And I weigh 147 pounds (I think) 10 stone 7 pounds I realise I am underweight. I just wanted to know HOW MUCH underweight.

  • Pigeon Chest

    authanam - - Health and Fitness


    How do you know if you have it? I'm pretty skinny so I don't have much of a chest, but is it lack of muscle or a proper problem?

  • Re: Whats It Called?

    authanam - - Health and Fitness


    Gasp. An unnamed excercise? Well then, for irony's sake, as the most unfit guy I know, I name them 'THE AUTHA-CRUNCH' XD

  • Re: how big is big

    authanam - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Paperclip: “Goddamn you are retarded. It's floppy, if you're not at least 6' without being erect then you have a small penis and should feel bad.” Was that meant to be a ' or a " because I'm trying to work out if you're being an ass or not.

  • I'm gonna go against everyone here and say that I HAVE been in love NOT LUST with two girls. More at some times. And before you say it was not lust because quite frankly I've never been that superficial. These girls have been the nicest, funniest girls I've ever known. And yes, they were pretty, but I never thought of them in a sexy way. I truly believe that humans, like the majority of nature, are not meant to have only one partner. In fact, we only believe in monogamy because it has been drumm…