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  • Re: Condoms

    Panda - - Gay


    try the section with the shampoo and shavers and stuff...sorry can't remember what the aisle is called. and no its not too awkward cause people understand, besides its better to be safe. just act normal and dont try to make up an excuse or anything. and usually they'll give you a bag

  • Re: girls masterbation..!!!!! HELP

    Panda - - Teen Sexuality


    yup Australia helped us so much they tried to tackle as many of our players in the match before the World Cup... thats some great sportsmanship lol

  • Re: girls masterbation..!!!!! HELP

    Panda - - Teen Sexuality


    hahaha if the All Whites are anything like telecom they're are screwed...

  • Re: I need help!

    Panda - - Teen Sexuality


    waikato is up north not too far up from maps lies if you follow them you're going the wrong way...

  • Re: girls masterbation..!!!!! HELP

    Panda - - Teen Sexuality


    i still have two Carmen Sandiego games lol... the all whites havent done too badly yet...better then south africa

  • Re: girls masterbation..!!!!! HELP

    Panda - - Teen Sexuality


    kiwis are taking over the forums... i think Kevin must have been a girl in another life seems to know alot about vaginas im impressed lol

  • Re: I need help!

    Panda - - Teen Sexuality


    no im in the mighty waikato lol thought you must be a kiwi considering your name...sorry again to BAMDANAproductions always had a short attention span lol

  • Re: I need help!

    Panda - - Teen Sexuality


    cheers keywee

  • Re: I need help!

    Panda - - Teen Sexuality


    ok for one you gotta get out of your bedroom leave the porn alone for a bit and try communicating with humans. if your walking telling yourself 'im gonna be rejected, they won't want me' etc your just setting yourself up to fail. first you gotta stop stressing and acting like its a race it WILL happen one day!! try just chatting with girls like you just wanna be friends instead of looking at them like potential fucks cause of course thats gonna get you nervous. once you're comfertable talking wi…

  • Re: girls masterbation..!!!!! HELP

    Panda - - Teen Sexuality


    hey, first relax stressing aint gonna make you orgasm. you can masturbate at any age, nobody cares cause no one will know. masturbation isnt something you master over night and its all about experimenting so dont be afraid to try things that at first you might find a bit wierd. try experimenting at a time when there is no one around and no distractions that way you can relax and focus on yourself. try playing with your nipples stroking your body wearing sexy undies, acting sexy can make you arou…

  • Re: Question for girls only

    Panda - - Teen Sexuality


    most chicks won't actually orgasm through only penetration anyway...the majority need clitoral stimulation. but also don't be to hard on yourself, try lots of different stuff, different positions like putting a pillow under her arse or getting her to cross her legs while there in the air will tighten up her vagina giving her more sensation...

  • Hey, i was 14 when i met my now boyfriend who was 18 at the caused alot of difficulty at the time (especially since we were sexually active) but we were in love and really wanted to be together. Now im 17 and he's 21 were still together despite what everyone else thought of it and everyone just had to get over it. And looking back now im glad i didnt let the age gap put me off. So if you really want it then go for it. I'd support you

  • Re: Serius Bizness

    Panda - - Teen Sexuality


    i got the same problem except im a girl (obviously), oral, fingering and all the usual stuff dont get me that excited...but rubbing against random objects for some reason does...and even when i try rubbing myself with my hand it don't theres a bit of usless information for you but at least you can know now that you're not alone in random masturbation habits

  • Re: Do I look better as a guy or a girl?

    Panda - - Fashion


    you look sexy as a girl...and a little odd as a boy no offense just being honest.

  • Re: Nose piercing questions.

    Panda - - Fashion


    they're a pain in the ass i'll like it ill you get a cold...a nose with a snot covered piercing up it not a pretty site.

  • Me personally do not want to look like an adolescant girl or a naked mole rat, i'm a woman. so i trim it nice and neat. and no matter what it looks like more importantly is what you can do with it

  • i was 13 but broke it up cause i was too scared my parents would find out lol

  • Re: Discipline and Abuse

    Panda - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from LOLFag: “Obviously, 1) your sister is being beaten by your dad for the wrong reasons, and 2) your sister can't handle being beaten. I've suffered a shitload worse than your sister, trust me, and I can definitely say that it's worth it, and that yes, I'm superior to the rest of my class, and that teens nowadays have no sense of priorities, respect, or discipline. This is the problem with today's society: you can't handle pain. What happened to her, get smacked on the ass a few times? I…

  • Re: happy happy

    Panda - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    [x] You have a boyfriend/girlfriend. [x] You have your own laptop [x] You own a cell phone. [x] You have an ipod/ mp3 player [x] Your parents are still together [x] You have a best friend [ ] There is a swimming pool in your backyard T 0 T A L: 6 [x] You dress how you want to. [x] hang out with friends more than once a week [x] There is a computer/ laptop in your room [ ] You have never been beaten up. [ ] you NEVER cry more than twice a month. [x] You are allowed to listen to the music you want…

  • Re: Discipline and Abuse

    Panda - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from LOLFag: “Beat your damn kids. The way teenagers are this year, I'm disgusted and ashamed to be in the same generation. They know no discipline. They can't handle priorities. They believe their social lives are more important than their academics. They drink, smoke, drive, and party. This is the end of civilization as we know it. Of course, in Asia, we get beaten. And we should. Our parents raised us with high expectations, and if we don't reach them, we should be punished. How else ar…