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  • Re: i want to know your fantasy

    shorty - - Teen Sexuality


    doesn't that sounds romantic. i recently had a weird fantasy come true the laundry room.. it started on the washer machine, ended up on the floor. lasted like 2 seconds cuz it was small in there.. and was very unplanned...

  • taken advantage of meaning sex i was vulnerable. not wanting to have sex but it happened. the thing is.. idk he got so upset he wanted to pulverize the guy. but i didn't want anyone to know about it.. and he wanted to sit down with my parents and me and make me tell them.. but instead i went to meet his parents so he would drop it all... i'm not sure where we stand on anything.. i know he cares deeply about me. he even cut himself with a razor multiple times.. wasn't exactly deep but if you know…

  • i got back together with my bf.. and i thought telling him about the guy that took advantage of me would just make us stronger.. i don't believe in keeping really important things from the person i love. he flipped out.. wanting to kill this guy.. then he flipped out on me.. saying we weren't meant to be and sh*t this whole thing is breaking my heart. now he's just asking question after question on what happened i told him to drop it, but he won't. this is still going on.. i'm not sure what to d…

  • oh god my parents go ape Sh*T when i date older guys. one thing you can do is start hanging out with him at your house, and get your dad familiar with him. talk him up, say all good things about him, like he's on the honor roll or something. every dad is psycho over their daughters, it's jut how it is. I have a step dad.. and well we're not really close but he's still protective over me when it comes to guys.

  • speaking from a girls point of view. you just have to relax and let things happen. you won't stop freaking out till you experience how it is to be with a girl then you'll start to feel comfortable, and it'll come easy cuz that first kiss is out of the way. let things happen.

  • butterflies and getting turned on in this situation go hand in hand. when it's your first bf, everything is new, and exciting. the feelings are normal btw. if you're with him, and he touches you, and you just want him to be closer, and touch you all over, like you want him, and you know it then yeah you're turned on but if it's butterflies.. then.. you're just excited, it feels good, and it's new, so you enjoy it. just sayin to clarify if you're now unsure. guys like to know this stuff, but if y…

  • her favorite bands cd =] lol . concert tickets to a band something she's really into and the traditional chocolates.

  • Re: take out piercings?

    shorty - - Fashion


    Quote from Batgirl: “Why do you want to take them out? You could always re-pierce them if you wanted them back. However, with my piercings I love them too much to even consider it. And it's not all about fitting in with a certain crowd. That's for people who try to hard. Either you find the beauty and enjoyment in body modification, or you don't. For me, it's something I'm very passionate about.” cuz when i get old.. and have kids.. i probably won't have my piercings in down the line so i'll hav…

  • over a time i got really depressed.. didn't talk to my mom, wasn't happy.. which i'm normally laughing all of the time... i wasn't going out with my friends.. so i just said fuck it.. today's the day i'm going to go through with everything.. i wrote my best friends suicide letters I sat on my bed, stashed a knife in my clothes me and my mom just got in a fight so it fueld my anger, and pain and i started cutting myself.. trying to cut deep enough to hit a vein.. blood was running down everywhere…

  • Quote from abdeldisease.: “your mom cant send you to a 'nut house' for like, they're called CCIS where i am, childrens crisis intervention services or something like that... my sister has ended up in them numerous times. in a emergency having to do with depression, like cutting and mutilation, which is definitely an emergency, these are the first places you go... you stay for 7 days, attend groups, therapy, etc. and they usually set up a medication and an out-of-hospital follow up... it sounds l…

  • my best friends in a frenzy cuz her bf just broke up with her.. and she was really sad, almost suicidal.. and since i moved out of town i couldn't help her... helping her means going to her house and making her laugh, and talk things out... just being there for her.. but i can't be there for her like i used to be able to.. i just got back together with my bf. and he... invited me to prom.. i don't dance. and he's like.. will you marry me.. i'm not usually the relationship type so all of this is …

  • you can't eat your emotions for one thing.. try doing something else than that like.. listening to lots of good music that makes you happy start dancing. singing, excersizing find a hobby drawing (or doodling) writing.. from what you've told you seem to be suffering from a bit of depression my man talking to the school counselor isn't a bad thing stop by sometime i'm sure he/she is more than willing to help as for the girls. there's always girls out there. and if they can't see how great of a gu…

  • Re: Problem

    shorty - - Depression, Self Harm and Suicide


    Get Help Now. Find a Facility that's Right for You - Teen Drug Abuse and Addiction - Find Help for Teen Drug Abuse check this website out it's for teens hope it helps

  • man if you need to vent i have ears. and im here to help im pretty normal..

  • Re: Help

    shorty - - Depression, Self Harm and Suicide


    Drugs really scare me. When i was younger my mom would have this bf.. and they were both crack heads. literally and he almost blew her head off with a shot gun.. i suggest getting off all of the drugs you're on. withdrawal sucks. but anytime you could die, and life is worth living. and because drugs are making you happy, i suggest going to some kind of rehab in your area, or somewhere. drugs are no joke, you shouldn't mess around with them, i'm sure you're a great person and there are so many pe…

  • Re: take out piercings?

    shorty - - Fashion


    Quote from Steven: “Personally I find facial piercing highly unattractive, so take them all out. But really it's up to you and what crowd you want to fit in with.” i fit in with the stoners, and i do everything hardcore crowd. lol

  • [sorry if i came off judgemental before.. im not like that(usually)] have you talked to her about giving her oral? is she ok with it? or are you deciding just to do it?

  • take out piercings?

    shorty - - Fashion


    i'm thinking about taking all of my piercings out in my lip, i've got 3.. what do you guys think? should i keep them or take them out?

  • Re: Honest Opinion.

    shorty - - Fashion



  • Re: Hearbal Tea

    shorty - - Health and Fitness


    my friend sierra used to drink this chinese herbal tea when she was sick and it made her feel alot better =] it works miracles when you want to feel good sometimes. plus when it's hot it makes your throat feel alot better