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  • Colin's Music at Work

    collin13 - - Music


    Been listening to this one a lot lately. Good tune.

  • Last Thing You Ate?

    collin13 - - Health and Fitness


    Had a stuffed chicken breast, sweet potato, with broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots. So good.

  • younger sibling puberty

    collin13 - - Puberty


    My little brother is 14 now. I did start before him, but he started at a younger age and developed quicker than I did. We are all different but end up more or less the same.

  • Quote from tothemax: “Quote from collin13: “Quote from tothemax: “idk if i have how do u tell ” An indication that you've started is growing hair around your penis. Your penis and testicles getting bigger. Random boners. Body odour. Interest in girls or boys in a sexual way. Stuff like that. ” i def don't have any hair down there and i haven't noticed any growth either ig i still haven’t started ” We all start on our own time line. I didn't have any puberty signs till I was nearly 13.5 years old…

  • Quote from tothemax: “idk if i have how do u tell ” An indication that you've started is growing hair around your penis. Your penis and testicles getting bigger. Random boners. Body odour. Interest in girls or boys in a sexual way. Stuff like that.

  • It was a slower progression for me as well and completely different than what my little brother experienced. He is 14 now, 9th grade, November birthday, has pubes, voice is changed. He also started puberty at a younger age than I did, but not much younger (like months younger) but progressed faster through it. I didn't start growing hairs till I was 13.5, ejaculated after the hair grew, but my voice was still unchanged a year later and that is when the voice change actually started for me. Its f…

  • Boys: which one hangs lower?

    collin13 - - Puberty


    They both wobble to and fro. I reckon the left hangs lower when it is warm.

  • Ejaculation amount

    collin13 - - Puberty


    Quote from collin13: “Got my first one yesterday! It dribbles, don't really know if it is different if you can make a lot, it feels amazing! I'm 13. ” Wow ... reading thru this ... July 26,2021 I got my first one. A day that will forever be imbedded in my memories as a little 13 year old. Now that I'm 16, just a routine thing. Still no volcano eruptions, but enough to enjoy it when it occurs only to have to clean it all up. I still don't make a lot. A squirt or two and some dribbling. I started …

  • Surfing

    collin13 - - Health and Fitness


    Best way to learn is to start on a long board first and practice popping up on the beach. Need to nail the landing with both feet contacting the board at the same time and the rest will come! Its an amazing sport for sure!

  • Colin's Music at Work

    collin13 - - Music


    This is an old one but a good one. From before I was born!

  • Boys and anal. have or thinking

    collin13 - - Puberty


    Quote from masong: “Quote from maseb: “Quote from Gizm0w0: “I’ve thought about trying it with my bf but kinda scared it’ll hurt ” Use lube and go slowly, and talk to each other ” What does talking to each other do? ” Communication is key. Keeps you in tune to your partner so you know with certainty that they are comfortable and in to what you are doing.

  • How Did You Come Out

    collin13 - - LGBT


    You'll know when the time is right to tell your parents. When I told mine, they responded positively and said they already knew. Our parents know us better than we think. I've been attracted to other guys for a long as I can remember. I just always knew. It's like an intuition that we have. Very hard to explain but I never had an attraction to girls at all. When my friends would talk about such and such a girl, it did nothing for me. I was more interested in my friends.

  • pubes

    collin13 - - Puberty


    If you want a bush, keep it, if you don't shave it. I like pubes on a guy.

  • Colin's Music at Work

    collin13 - - Music


    Some Cali-reggae ... Dirty Heads.

  • LGBT Flags

    collin13 - - LGBT


    Quote from BlackParadePixie: “information overload.... ” This. Why so many?

  • Please speak to your coach who you trust immediately. Also, follow this hyperlink for assistance and do so. People care about you. I am worried that with a plan that you are not in a good place. Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988 (United States) or click HERE

  • How many friends you have?

    collin13 - - Friends and Family


    My two best friends are twins and we have been inseparable for almost as long as I have lived here. One other real close friend as well and then a bunch of buddies, mostly mates I play soccer with. At school, I mostly keep to myself.

  • Do you sleep naked?

    collin13 - - Teen Sexuality


    It's become more of a habit for me as I've grown up. Now I'm just uncomfortable to be clothed while sleeping. Unless I'm sick, I'm naked.

  • Quote from BJade: “Quote from collin13: “Something as such is only important to shallow people. ” which is shallow? The person who just sleeps with people to be a notch on their bed post. Or the person who doesn't want to be played by a player ” The notch on the bed post types.

  • Something as such is only important to shallow people.