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  • o-block.png You Are the "O" Block You are conventional and conservative. You believe that others should adapt to your preferences. You are stubborn and unwilling to change. If you don't fit in, that's fine. You rather just stick out. You are solidly build and very dependable. You've changed very little over the years... why mess with a good thing? You stay true to your beliefs, values, family, and friends. You may not be flashy, but you are something better. You are completely stable.

  • Re: My drawing

    Aston - - Creative Writing


    Nice drawings! :)

  • Re: Do you smoke ?

    Aston - - Health and Fitness


    Nope, I don't smoke.

  • Re: I made my avatar!

    Aston - - Creative Writing


    That's looking good, nice work. :)

  • unpredictable.jpg You Crave an Unpredictable Adventure Life has gotten a bit too boring for you lately, and you're really looking to stir things up. You couldn't imagine planning your great adventure. That would go against the whole point of it! All you need is a plane, train, or bus ticket to anywhere. You'll make the rest up as you go along. You want to visit every corner of the world and have many different experiences. The sooner you start, the more you'll see.

  • silver.jpg You Are Silver You are down to earth and unpretentious. You don't feel like you need to show off, and you're very secure with your place in the world. You are understated and elegant. You carry yourself with poise, and you're more known for what you don't do than what you do. You can fit in anywhere from a country western bar to a black tie gala. You are adaptable and adventurous. You are blind to social class and background. You see people as who they are ... not as where they came f…

  • dublin-mudslide.jpg You Are Dublin Mudslide Ice Cream You won't remember any of this in the morning

  • That's a pretty good games collection you have there. I don't mind playing COD4 with you sometime, so if you would like to add me then feel free, my GT is: AstonMcKenzie :)

  • dragqueen.jpg Your Drag Queen Name Is: Agnetha Anus You go girl!

  • Re: New Modern Warfare 2 trailer!

    Aston - - Video Games


    I have really high hopes for this game, the first Modern Warfare was amazing and highly addictive. I then brought World at War and was pretty dissapointed so I'm hoping that this will kind of make up for that. I'll certainly be buying it when it comes out! :)

  • Re: =]

    Aston - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Introduce yourself, whats your name, where are you from? My name is Aston and I'm from the UK, London to be exact. How was your day, what did you do? It has been okay, It's my day off from sixth form so I had a lay in and then went to the gym for abit. Who was the first person to make you smile today? I have no idea, I've seen quite a few people today. Does anyone of the opposite sex have the same name as you? I have no idea. Actually, I think I saw a girl once who was called Aston. Name somethi…

  • asia.jpg You Are Asia You are driven, brilliant and resourceful. You tend to be thought of as a brain. You embrace ideas and technology quickly. You like to be on the cutting edge, but you don't forget about the past or tradition. You are cultured, cosmopolitan, and eclectic. You draw inspiration from many sources. You are unselfish and motivated by a sense of duty. You work hard because it's the right thing to do, not because you hope to strike it rich.

  • PE for me. :)

  • I'm not from a divorced family.

  • Re: What did you last munch?

    Aston - - Health and Fitness


    Spaghetti bolognese. :)

  • Re: sleeping naked

    Aston - - Teen Sexuality


    I don't sleep naked, I sleep in my boxers.

  • negative-3.png You Are a Positive Person No one would accuse you of being too negative! You're a naturally upbeat and optimistic person. Like everyone else, you come across things you can't stand every day. But unlike everyone else, you ignore what annoys you and focus on what uplifts you.

  • Re: So happy.

    Aston - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Nice one, I hope everything continues to go well. :)

  • Re: Are You a Jerk?

    Aston - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    You Are the Anti-Jerk You're so sweet, no one would ever consider you a jerk. When it comes to deciding what to do, you always think about everyone else first. There's nothing wrong with going the extra mile, as long as you don't let others take advantage of you. Make sure you avoid jerks who will take advantage of your kindness. Be selective about who you're generous toward.

  • You Are a Mesomorph You are muscular and strong. You have a naturally athletic body. Mesomorphs are known for being assertive, energetic, and courageous. It's likely that you enjoy power. You love competition, and you play to win! You enjoy challenges and taking risks. You push yourself past what you think your limits are.