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  • My sister's keeper.

  • Re: Immigrants

    zapfox - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from DeaExMachina: “I'm not against immigration, I feel we should increase immigration. However, illegal immigration is the root cause of a great many of our social ills.” Due to what I assume is your actual location in the US and the fact that your family members can speak from experience about the effects of illegal immigration, your post had credibility until right about here. Illegal immigration is a cause of some social ills in areas directly affected by it, like the border states. As…

  • Quote from elfinitty: “Hi everyone.I am having my education in Turkey and i know English quite well.I am almost 15 and i want to spend a summer maybe a year in the USA for education.I can go there with my school but i want to go there with an international group.I have never been to USA or far away from my family.When do you think i should go there?Have you ever studied in another country?” Hi there!:) I personally have traveled quite a bit; never for study, although I know many people who have.…

  • Re: Immigrants

    zapfox - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from xNerRadx: “I guess it's becoming a bigger problem in some areas. Illegal immigration has always been a problem but I guess it's gotten worse.” Yeah. Like ever since 1513. Since it's been largely ignored, I'll say it again: unless you can trace your heritage directly to the indigenous people of the Americas, it's difficult to criticize any immigration. Granted, there was no authority to govern immigration back then. However, I'm pretty sure that being killed and having their land stole…

  • Quote from Alejandro: “I'm outtie. People in this thread have no common sense. I hope those reading can notice my posts and see how common sense beats research in this topic.” No seriously. Before I fall into complete disbelief, please tell me you are joking.

  • Re: Discussion: Obesity.

    zapfox - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Alejandro: “Well, considering my father is the size of Mt. Olympus and I followed his footsteps in weight until early teens and changed my life style, yes. If it wasn't for Derek Jeter and models that people like to criticize, I would still be fat today.” And I sincerely congratulate you on the achievement. That does not, however, mean that everyone is exactly like you. Like I said, you lack a certain degree of empathy. Quote from Alejandro: “Ever seen The Biggest Loser? A lot of marr…

  • Re: Discussion: Obesity.

    zapfox - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Alejandro: “2.) This is going to make me sound elitist, but a healthy, fit person can give better benefits to society. Please enlighten me on how obese people make good role models for children?” So let's say there's an obese father. No matter what he does, he will be a bad role model? So his child will always ignore any possible good qualities like, oh I don't know, responsibility, good judgment, perseverance, integrity, etc.? We have already given you several examples of contributio…

  • Re: Sb 1070

    zapfox - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from DeaExMachina: “That would be everything under USC title 8, chapter 12: specifically § 1302 under subsection 11. ” Thank you for taking the time to post that Quote from alfaspider06: “I know every news channel is baised, the only reason I only named CNN was in an effort to save time. What really upsets me is the fact that everyone knows Fox is baised, but nobody says anything about how CNN, MSNBC and the others are baised as well.” Yes, I agree that it's a shame. While I am not the kin…

  • Quote from Alejandro: “To zapfox, an obese person can not contribute to society as well as a fit person. ” You're telling me that you've never seen an obese person in a position of power in government, business, education, etc.? While I agree that a person's tendency to base certain decisions on appearance might influence the hiring frequency for unfit people, you can't say that it stops obese people from making an impact in society. Quote from Alejandro: “The healthy looking and attractive look…

  • Re: Sb 1070

    zapfox - - Debate and Discussions


    Much of this discussion has been handled in another thread, albeit on a broader scale, here. Quote from alfaspider06: “It does not enable racial profiling! What this bill does is take an existing, thats right existing, federal immigration law and give the Arizona police the right to enforce it. This can be used on any immirgant into the USA! ” I want to be clear here: I am genuinely interested in finding out the name/designation of this federal immigration law. If anyone can tell me, please do s…

  • Quote from shalini_singh: “Okay, so i am sure that everyone here has seen an obese person at one point in their life. What do you think when you see an obese person? Are they lazy and unhealthy? Are they any less of a person? Are they contributing to society by being obese? for my own opinions, i do think of them as generally lazy and unable to eat healthy and exercise properly. personally, i could not see me getting fat, at the slightest bit of fat i immediately change-up my diet and watch my i…

  • Quote from collegeboundcoach: “Most will ask you to invest in products first, so you have to front the money to make money. I would not recommend it.” I think the OP was referring to paid to- sites, not MLM or distribution sites like you see on TV. Paid-to sites are usually free to sign up for.

  • Quote from Frosty: “I think it should be noted that there is a lot of government legislation and regulations that not only contributed to the actual oil spill, but the negative outcomes of said spill. Now I"m sure that little if any of this can be directly attributed to Obama, but unless he actually tried to eliminate it I don't think you can totally absolve him of blame.” This is true, but how can the president be completely aware of all of the legislation currently on the books? It took a disa…

  • Quote from gardenhead: “I'm fine with agnostic people, but I think the whole concept of agnosticism is basically rooted in cowardice and passivity. I could respect a person more who really believes in something eventhough it's something that I don't necessarily agree with.” Really? I could argue that an agnostic really does believe in something. Strong agnostics are firm in their belief that there is simply no way to know. Therefore, they have concluded that there can be no assumption either way…

  • Re: When do u shop?

    zapfox - - Fashion


    I'm big on bargain shopping. I like the idea of coming home with twice the clothing for half the price.

  • Re: A cure for AIDS.

    zapfox - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Kaitlin: “let's take away peoples rights and not allow them to breed, and then kill off people who break the laws... that ought to decrease the population a bit, especially in china ps - aids jokes wouldn't be funny if there was a cure” That, or we could hold a random lottery. The winners get to live and the losers don't. It's just as effective, but it's much more suspenseful.

  • Re: Immigrants

    zapfox - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from xNerRadx: “Thanks:D. And... none of your business.” Oh my. This is a futile cause. Your opinions are simply too deep rooted, regardless of their validity. There are people who understand and empathize with those involved. Then, there are others who cannot or don't care to try. However, your core argument about non-citizens demanding rights they cannot have is sound, if only from a cold, purely legal standpoint. I guess I just have an easier time thinking: If I were a Mexican worker be…

  • Re: A cure for AIDS.

    zapfox - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from T-Pain: “About viruses, what do you know? They are pretty much a strand of DNA with a protein and a tail? Bacteria, parasites, are different. Viruses are, arguably, not alive (or alive).” You make a good point. Viruses are very strange things, and the controversy of whether or not they are "alive" in the scientific sense rages on. I feel the same way o.o

  • Re: Immigrants

    zapfox - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from xNerRadx: “That sounds like their problem to me. NOT OURS. We've got problems of our own. I'm sorry but I just don't have sympathy for them. If you want to come into our country, do it legally and make sure you're considered a citizen before trying to change our government policies.” Fair enough. I can't blame them for trying to affect regulations that could possibly put them back where they started with nothing to show for it, but I also realize that they aren't under the normal prot…

  • I was just talking to my grandfather, who's worked with computers for most of his life, about this. Apparently, he remembers drum memory. I have a hard time remember he's that old.