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  • I'm not sure why it tried to put an image in there.. I don't remember doing that.. haha Okay so what kind of laptops are we talking here? Are they all macs, for those that answer that they last 4+ hours?

  • moz-screenshot-2.pngmoz-screenshot-3.pngForgot my laptop charger and now I'm running off the battery. Annoying but it does seem to last pretty long. I've got a newer studio with windows 7. How long does y'alls battery seem to last, and what power setting do you put it on? I'm getting 3-5 hours which is way more than I used to get before. j/w

  • Re: How to look emo?

    b10nd13 - - Fashion


    I think you should dress and look however you want. If the "emo" style catches your eye then that's cool with me. I go through ridiculous fashion choices.. some that I already regret, haha but it's part of growing up I suppose. I'd say, waltz into Hot Topic or Google that kid from Fall Out Boy or even typing in scene hair cuts can get you interesting hair choices. I will give props to the hair. I do still like that. Not sure if I'm into the black hair, but a guy with good hair is all right with …

  • Alienware is Touring!

    b10nd13 - - Video Games


    Yeah! I just found out that Alienware is having a tour this fall with this Hummer designed by West Coast Customs (from that show on MTV). It looks sweet! I wish it was coming to my town, or even my state! Will it be anywhere close to you guys? Because if so, jealous! I'm still too new to post links, but if you Google -Alienware Humvee Tour- it shows where it's going and what it looks like. Awesome!

  • Hey guys, I got an email and thought I'd pass it along to you college-bound students trying to save a buck or two or anyone needing a new system. Basically you can save over $100 now during the Dell Employee Purchase Program sale for a limited time. I'm going to try to talk my parents into buying me a new printer. I'm pretty sure the one we have is like 8 years old, haha, so sad. Anyway, hope this helps someone out. The link is Find a Laptop, Notebook, Desktop, Server, Printer, Software, Service…

  • Spanish - tips?

    b10nd13 - - Education & Jobs


    Anyone have any tips or tricks on the best way to study for Spanish? I do flash cards for vocabulary but do you know of any practice sites or other things like that? Like for reading or writing.

  • Re: Favorite place to buy clothes?

    b10nd13 - - Fashion


    I love Victoria's Secret PINK and anything and everything from American Eagle.

  • Most popular fashions in your school?

    b10nd13 - - Fashion


    Here PINK is really big. In fact I'm wearing it now. What are you wearing where you live? Just curious, I'd like to branch out a bit or be the first to wear a particular fashion or piece of clothing here first!

  • Yeah, I mean, I could see this as a start since so many people are already on Facebook.

  • The new “Tag Team” app I found on Dell’s Facebook page helps people find the system for them. You can click on what the system's most important use is for you and browse products with reviews on the same page. It's easy and the most useful app I've found on Facebook in a long time. Search Dell on Facebook & check it out

  • Found this contest at Dell's page, thought some of you might be interested. Use video, pictures or write why your room is deserving of a makeover and you can win a ton of stuff. Like, you get the makeover, a huge 52" tv, an Alienware laptop, a 360 and seriously a bunch of other stuff. Just thought I'd pass it along, and I'd definitely check it out. If you don't enter, you can vote on who you think should win. Seems cool to me.