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  • Condoms

    a_person_on_teh_intornetz - - Debate and Discussions


    Alright, when you click on this thread you probably think "wtf? condoms help safe sex!". But there are people that have opnions about this topic, and would probably like to debate/discuss it. There are people out there against condoms *cough*Pitbull*cough*. So....erm...lets debate. I guess. Make sure to provide reasons.

  • Title says it all. I wanna see this happen. Neal and TheGuardian are always debating between eachother in most debate threads. This isn't a bad thing, it just calls for a larger, controlled discussion. But anyway, we need something to start it off. You two can choose from a topic to start off from. How about something like "Would the world be better with or without religion?" :allnight: Let's start

  • I just want to hear people's opinions on this.. (non-believers and believers) Some people say that when they have near-death experiences, they see "the white light" or something like that. What do you think about that?

  • Quote from The Guardian: “Pass the popcorn. :p:drink:” *Passes popcorn bowl to The Guardian* :p

  • Quote from panicmayarise: “Imo they should just leave it to the student if they want to do extra work at home or not.” I agree with that one. Although it would be kinda hard to wanna choose to accept it.

  • Ok, fine. I'll start off something. -.- I don't think schools have the right to tell us what we do at home. But then again, it is good in many ways. (Im too tired to list them lol) So overall, I think we should have homework, but a lot less of it. Like math only or something. Oh and about the 'Lulzy' thing that esmo posted- just go with teh flow. :biggrin:


  • Wow.

    a_person_on_teh_intornetz - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from rachel_freshman09: “ Everyone says "you can't prove God is real." That's right. you can't. If Jesus proved to us he was real then no one would have to repent their sins, and everyone of course would believe. That is the very reason He doesn't prove himself. Because He knows the true believers don't need proof, we have something better, it's called Faith in Jesus Christ and our Lord who is God. God gives us the freedom to choose:good or evil. He doesn't prove himself because He wants t…

  • *Slurp of Coke-Cola;followed by a munch of popcorn*

  • Ok. lol, im gonna move this to Debates and Discussions. Here it is:…another-lulzy-debate.html

  • Moved From Education, Career, and Jobs --------------------------------------------------- Alright....from the title you can see what we are talking about here. What are your views on homework? Do you think it shouldn't be there, or do you think it's a good learning idea? Don't just say "HOMEWORK F**KING SUCKS", actually explain why you think it 'F**KING SUCKS'. *cough* constructive critisism *cough* Please do not try to change the topic.

  • Lol....I'm sitting here with a cup of coffee and a bowl of popcorn, reading the debate between Neal and The Guardian.

  • Quote from godless_musician: “ For example if you believe that God is both all-powerful and all-loving, then you run into the problem of evil. ” But if there was no evil, would we have free choice? (Im a non-believer, im just curious lol :D)

  • Alright....from the title you can see what we are talking about here. What are your views on homework? Do you think it shouldn't be there, or do you think it's a good learning idea? Don't just say "HOMEWORK F**KING SUCKS", actually explain why you think it 'F**KING SUCKS'. *cough* constructive critisism *cough* Please do not try to change the topic.

  • Quote from TheJoker: “agnostics r open to the idea of god/s but simple state that there is no way for us to know the truth and to a_personon_teh_intornetz ur clearly just seeking attention since u dont seem to even understand what it is ur claiming to believe in please do the world a favor and stfu” I know what it is, but I didn't understand if they believe in God or not. Sorry. -.-

  • Here is my belief on abortion: I don't give a crap what they really do so...I guess I might be pro-choice or in the middle. I also agree that one person cant tell somebody what to do with their body. When I believed in God, my church kept telling me that abortion is horrible. I'm not letting them control what I think. Next time we talk about abortion in religion class (my school doesn't know I don't believe in god) I'm gonna say to everybody (and I'm not afraid to) that I don't care if ppl get a…

  • I believe The Church is is just trying to shove their beliefs down homo's throats by saying that they can't marry. -Coming from a non-believer ---------- Post added at 07:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:42 AM ---------- Quote from asin: “Gay Marriage should be allowed as gays should have the same rights.” I totally agree.

  • My Dad

    a_person_on_teh_intornetz - - Friends and Family


    Ok- I can type too much because I'm tired. On school days, my bedtime is 10:00pm (I usually need lots of sleep lol). If I'm shutting down (my computer, xbox,etc) at 10:00, he's fine. But if I'm playing my last round of CS:S or something and it's 10:01pm, he goes apeshit. He starts yelling at me (and sometimes swearing), and threatens to pull the fuc*ing Internet router out of the wall. He doesn't understand that I can't shutdown while I'm in the middle of a game-round. He also doesn't get the fa…

  • The IHC: The Institute for Human Continuity Tell me if you think that [intro] video is true or total BS. (Don't skip the intro)

  • Quote from VenomX: “Some people in this thread believe the end of the world and God have a connection between them. So why don't you just shut it?” Since I don't wanna start another arguement between me and you.....ill shut it.