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  • Of course. Most are probably hoping to be more than friends at some point...

  • All over her hamburger buns...

  • Quote from Pranit: “at 17 me and my GF we both had attraction on that level to each when I was of 15 but she was controlling herself for not to getting into that mood coz I was younger than her by 3 years, and I was little bit nervous for relationship. and finally after two years I forced her.” You-dont-have-to-come-and-confess-we-gonna-find-you.jpg

  • Re: condoms?

    Raoul_Foil_Duke - - Teen Sexuality


    Everyone likes to demand that people "prove" their stuff. If you don't believe them, there's something called Google! Could probably find the answer in the time it takes to write something accusing someone else of lying and demanding that they provide links.

  • ^ Thanks. You can run and tell THAT, homeboy!

  • Re: My gay friends

    Raoul_Foil_Duke - - LGBT


    Quote from Jjplane: “So anything in a book must be true? Also I don't agree with saying that we shouldn't attach meanings to actions, actions speak louder than words. And I disagree with doing something because it feels good. Murdering others feels good to some people and do does raping-- doesn't mean you should do it. I'm not telling the OP to not give blowjobs if he wants to, just saying we should have discretion in what we do.” antoine-dodson-t-shirt-2.jpg I think there's at least a small dis…

  • Re: Squirting

    Raoul_Foil_Duke - - Teen Sexuality


    Lol! Totally worth it! :wink:

  • Re: Squirting

    Raoul_Foil_Duke - - Teen Sexuality


    I could imagine that would be quite the surprise... For your partner too! "Did I break it??"

  • This is EXACTLY the sort of post I was talking about the other day... Trolling on steroids.

  • Re: Squirting

    Raoul_Foil_Duke - - Teen Sexuality


    Ok everyone... Videos!!!! Anyway, that's hot. Seriously. Never seen it happen, but sure would like to.

  • Christian = believes in Christ. Any labels or stereotypes don't apply. Each Christian is different. Some are like you described, and others are not. There's no rule that you can only date other Christians. Maybe ask her about how she feels about religion. Maybe she believes but still likes to have a good time. Just don't define her by a label.

  • College is big. You'll probably pass by each other accidentally at some point, but it will be all too easy to pass him by. Maybe you'll grow toward being friends again? Is that something you would want? Seems like people tend to change quite a bit between high school and college.

  • Re: Question for non-virgins

    Raoul_Foil_Duke - - LGBT


    Anal sex to me is like putting a rubber band around the base of your meat and then dunking it in a tub of warm cottage cheese, rather than like a glove. The sensation is completely different from vaginal sex.

  • Re: My gay friends

    Raoul_Foil_Duke - - LGBT


    In his book "Hell's Angels," Hunter S. Thompson describes a bunch of Hell's Angels sitting around a bar. A gay guy approaches one of the bikers and offers him $10 for the privileged of sucking him off- kind of like prostitution in reverse. The bilker accepts the tenner, and the bj, and merely comments that gays give good head. If some of the toughest bikers in the country can roll like that, why can't you. Fun is just fun. Everyone tries to attach so many meanings and extra significance to every…

  • Re: Anal sex hurts!? >.<

    Raoul_Foil_Duke - - Gay


    That could be the air that's in your ass. If there's a tight seal and nowhere for the air to escape to, once you start shoving meat in there, it will displace the air upward, putting pressure on your intestines further up.

  • Re: Double Standard

    Raoul_Foil_Duke - - LGBT


    Seems like you guys have noticed the same. Good input, and thanks. A lesbian friend was telling me about how much some girls hate her, try to trip her, etc. I guess ignorant people are everywhere...

  • Same.

  • Ooooh... Eat donut!

  • My mom was like "Raoul has a girlfriend... Raoul has a girlfriend!!!" She was totally teasing me, but I suppose that means she was ok with it.

  • Quote from ImSupaafly: “This is pothetic, why a year later to decide that she wants to report it, its obvious after being raped its going to effect you mentally not alone physically so she should have knew the concquences of the situatuion, there are so many rapes happening in this day in age! myself in my opinion the police would not look into this case and take it as serious as a new rape case! ok it may be a ligite case of rape but a year after to report it, she may aswell just live with the …