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  • Boys have you ever...

    Gabraham247 - - General Advice


    last 3 days in a row. While running all 3 days and then hanging with friends. Will be again today I'm sure after playing basketball in the heat all day then being with everyone in the park trying to chill out and meet people

  • red compression shorts

  • tank and shorts

  • Where did you lose

    Gabraham247 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Durango: “Did you tell your friends/family? I didn't need to, as they were all right there watching us do the deed. ” Same. Nothing like being judged by your family. Mom kept saying, "put your back into it". Little cousin kept repeating "yolo, yolo, smash her like u mean it". Grandma gave me a yelp review that said "3/10. Wouldn't recommend"

  • Middle Sibling Life

    Gabraham247 - - Friends and Family


    I'm curious too. Doesn't sound too bad.

  • What is everyone wearing right now?

    Gabraham247 - - Fashion


    Usa soccer tee shirt and white board shorts

  • Thoughts on nudism

    Gabraham247 - - Puberty


    Quote from collin13: “Why all the shit talk on "boomers"? Isn't that half the problem in the world today? Broad generalizations with absolute no merit? This to me is the reason why we have so much division in society (well that and our moron politicians). I think it is dangerous ground to lump an entire generation into a basket and contributes massively to divisiveness. ” Re-read for context. Sure I could've used a different name for that generation that doesn't have a generally thought of negat…

  • Quote from sbpepe: “2 days ” damn

  • Titanic Submarine

    Gabraham247 - - Debate and Discussions


    I do think the media coverage plays into this. But not convinced the media is "evil" or racist or elitist just because it chose to cover the Titanic Sub more than the Mediterranean migrant boat. USA has always had a love affair with everything Titanic. Plus the proximity plays into a bit. Does nationality and wealth play into it at all? Probably.

  • Titanic Submarine

    Gabraham247 - - Debate and Discussions


    Anyone else not enjoy the memes and jokes about the 5 rich people who died attempting to visit the Titanic wreckage at the bottom of the ocean in the sub? Is it possible to find humor in life but still respect the loss of life and the importance of life? I mean some people make jokes about a lot of fucked up things like the Holocaust and racism and being a paraplegic, etc. A lot of people say humor has no boundaries and that as long as it's funny, it's funny. While other people say certain thing…

  • How does it feel to cum inside a girl during sex? Amazing For those who are gay, how does it feel to cum inside a boy? N/A Is the feeling different to an orgasm during masturbation? Yes Is the feeling different if you have a condom on or not? Yes but still recommend a condom for obvious reasons

  • Black Joe Boxer boxer briefs

  • Thoughts on nudism

    Gabraham247 - - Puberty


    Quote from Sean2001: “Quote from Gabraham247: “Lol. A lot of people make fun of or get mad at people who identify as something maybe others don't obviously recognize them as (especially old white men do this ... about trans or furries or others stuff people self identify as). These people (Boomers or just plain phobes) think it has to do with our generation. But in a way it's nothing new imo... ” I can see why you mentioned trans in the sense that being trans, or preferring pronouns that are dif…

  • shaving

    Gabraham247 - - Puberty


    Quote from Eilae: “Quote from Ryanschmo: “Quote from Eilae: “Quote from gagefromtx: “I have shaved down below since I was around 13. ” do other boys care/comment when they see? ” I'm not Gage, of course, but from other posts on here, it seems boys are now shaving often enough that it's ceased to be noteworthy. He's probably far from alone. ” I hope so ” Its my experience that guys definitely will comment on their friends when they go from bush to smooth. Guys bust each other's balls on small thi…

  • @Sean2001 don't all or most doctors and ppsychologists consider sexual addiction a clinical diagnosis? If so, are you calling them wrong?

  • Thoughts on nudism

    Gabraham247 - - Puberty


    Quote from collin13: “Not so sure about that. People can identify as anything they want in this day and age. If someone says they are a cat, they they be a cat ... lol ... so if they identify as a nudist, then they are seemingly naked! ” Lol. A lot of people make fun of or get mad at people who identify as something maybe others don't obviously recognize them as (especially old white men do this ... about trans or furries or others stuff people self identify as). These people (Boomers or just p…

  • Do you sleep naked?

    Gabraham247 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from pahern0317: “There is nothing wrong with sleeping naked. ” Of course not.

  • just my bed, haven't gotten up/out yet

  • Black boxer briefs

  • Quote from Sean2001: “Quote from theletters: “i think you can get a uti technically if you don't piss after cumming. so yeah its probably best to go anyways ” Has anyone done any trials on this? I can see the theory: semen contains fructose which could be a growth medium for bacteria. But, for that to happen, bacteria have to get in there and normally the urethra would be sterile. Then, even if you don't pee immediately, you will before too long. The longest time without would be if you went to …