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  • What clothes did you last buy?

    Jake445 - - Fashion


    Quote from D. Falcon_11: “Quote from Jake445: “Boat shoes ” Where the boat shoes you bought Topsider or Duck shoes? ” Just topsiders. Not convinced they look especially good but they work well to slip in and out of on a boat.

  • What clothes did you last buy?

    Jake445 - - Fashion


    Boat shoes

  • Quote from Sirrie Bellum: “Quote from Jake445: “Quote from Sirrie Bellum: “sometimes every day, depending on the mood ” Is that mood depression or optimism? Hope you’re okay. ” optimism of course ” That’s that 2024 energy!

  • Quote from Sirrie Bellum: “sometimes every day, depending on the mood ” Is that mood depression or optimism? Hope you’re okay.

  • Boys: which one hangs lower?

    Jake445 - - Puberty


    Left also

  • a change in taste

    Jake445 - - Puberty


    My taste hasn't changed much but I'm more open to eating stuff I know I don't like compared to when I was younger. Meaning at a nice dinner, I'll eat the silly decorative herbs that restaurants use to be fancy compared to putting them to the side. I do enjoy black coffee more than I used to, but that's it.

  • Puberty with Nudity

    Jake445 - - Puberty


    Quote from leesha: “No one should have to see you naked at any stage ” I feel like it's mostly not a thing because having a little 'pod' with a shower and space to dry off and change is expensive for schools. I went to a pretty nice, modern-ish one and we still had the classic open shower room of 100 years ago. I know some school have things like that, but mostly you either have to get over it or never change your underwear. Neither is an option if you want to, or have to, swim.

  • Puberty with Nudity

    Jake445 - - Puberty


    This definitely depends on how you feel about nudity, how you were raised, and the culture surrounding you. But if you start showering in a locker room before you're in puberty, you'll probably take it better compared to being forced to start in 8th grade, when you might be super insecure about... everything.

  • Starbucks order.

    Jake445 - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Starbucks is kinda mid... but nitro cold brew is fun if they have it

  • Have you ever survey*

    Jake445 - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Been to the beach Lots! Swam in the ocean Sure Played paintball Just airsoft had surgery No been in the hospital Visiting (and being born I guess) had sex Sure made out with someone in the shower Yes taken over a hundred pictures in one day Don't think so been grounded Once been beaten up No? beaten up someone else [b]No?[/b] bullied someone Don't think so been bullied Not successfully gotten a piece of gum stuck in your hair [b]No[/b] failed a grade Nope failed a test Sure spent more than 4 hou…

  • How to dress well as a guy?

    Jake445 - - Fashion


    I guess it depends on the look you want to go for. Shirts might work well for you in the summer, even short shelved, but short enough that you don't need to tuck them in. Not a fan of necklaces or rings on boys, but it's preference. I do recommend a real watch though if you want a useful accessory. Not too big.

  • Where did you lose

    Jake445 - - Teen Sexuality


    Where were you when you lost your virginity: My bedroom how old were you/them: 14;13 Did you enjoy it? Very much Did you do it with them ever again? Sure Was it their first time? Yes Were you dating? No, (but friends with benefits.) Did you tell your friends/family? My close friends, my sister, and my oldest cousin.

  • Non-cotton/low cotton briefs

    Jake445 - - Fashion


    I have trekking boxer briefs that are like 95% thin merino wool, and they've been really good so far. I'm sure they make them as briefs to. Not sure if I'd recommend them for daily wear, but it would be okay, maybe better than synthetic workout underwear.

  • Nudity/Sexuality

    Jake445 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from JHR-133: “Quote from Ryanschmo: “Yes, it is only in recent times that nudity has been discouraged to the point where it's generally only acceptable in sexual situations and therefore considered inherently sexual, and even then, most places around the world still don't see it that way. Just a few generations ago, there was a weird dichotomy: people in the West were generally expected to dress VERY modestly, not even exposing their forearms or ankles in some places. But when swimming, m…

  • Sometimes I have to, and I agree it's kinda annoying.

  • New pfp and gender identity

    Jake445 - - General Advice


    Quote from Bellu: “I've def been teased But I was using hyperbole to explain my point I just meant people think I'ma chick far more often than they should and are very sure of themselves ” I see, it's probably annoying if strangers do it often. I didn't care much as a kid, but I also never had anyone insisting super hard on their first assumption.

  • New pfp and gender identity

    Jake445 - - General Advice


    I kinda feel that, when my twin sister and I were like 10/11 we looked quite alike to the point that we were asked if we were identical twins. Puberty and swimming changed that though, and it might for you too! Also, sounds like the people 'thinking you're a girl' are mostly teasing you?

  • I feel so fucking embarrassed

    Jake445 - - Teen Sexuality


    Sounds awkward but maybe she'll knock from now on lol! Even if you never talk about it. If she never knocks, I'm surprised today was the first time.

  • Can people tell you're gay/bi?

    Jake445 - - Gay


    Quote from Gabraham247: “Quote from Jake445: “I'm bi but apart from me hugging all my friends in school, not just the girls, I don't think it was very obvious really. ” Hugging shouldn't be a sign of sexual preference, or anything else other than you are affectionate and not afraid to show it. I hug my male and female friends and I'm straight. I admit I hug them both differently tho. Guys I more just quickly bro hug. ” True and it's good that you hug all your friends but some boys will still be …

  • Biten up

    Jake445 - - General Advice


    Quote from Judenator: “Quote from BJade: “:lol: I get biten by bugs all the time. And I don't sleep naked, and even when my window is closed. They're just everywhere at a certain time of year, big clouds of Little bitey insects (not mosquitoes but something like midges, I'm not sure what they are ) ” This is what it's like every time we go to visit some cousins (they definitely are mosquitoes though). As I'm getting dressed in the morning, apply bug spray all over my body, after lunch, apply aga…