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  • Haha thanks guys you're right. Us girls get crazy sometimes.

  • So there is this guy that i've known for a little while and he would always talk about how hot and everything he thought i was to my best friend. Finally at a party one night, he and i made out. I thought that it was over after that, but he got my number from my friend and texted me the next day. I didn't think much about it until he started texting me from morning until night every day for a week! We get along great and he kept making statements that included spending time together later on. Bu…

  • So i'm not really sure if this should've gone in the friend section or not but here it goes. I recently have gotten to know a group of guys from another school since my best friend started dating one of them. Her boyfriend is a really nice guy, but he keeps trying way too hard to set me up with his friends! They all have hit on me before and tell me i'm attractive so it's not as if they're not interested. But as soon as they start hitting on me a little bit, my friend's boyfriend jumps in asking…

  • First Date

    tikitat06 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Ok so I'm going on a first date with this guy to a nice restaurant but not really like 'wear a dress' fancy. I'm not sure what to wear that would be appropriate yet not seem like I'm trying to hard. Any ideas?

  • Re: Help!!!!

    tikitat06 - - Friends and Family


    No I don't think you're overreacting. No adult should ever call you the things your step dad has been calling you. I think going to your dad was good and if you continue to feel this way I would keep talking to people about it until you get some attention and something gets done!

  • I would stay with C. Unless you've completely fallen out of like/love with her, there's no reason to give it all up for an infatuation.

  • Yes just get him something that he's into or has been talking about wanting for a while. After a year you should know the stuff that he likes lol

  • Be straight up with her! It's obvious the girl likes you....and I'm going to be honest...nothing flatters me more than a guy who has the confidence to come right out and tell me how he feels without beating around the bush. Guys in my past have said something like "I'm just going to be straight up with you. I think you're a great girl and I'm interested in you. Can we hang out sometime?" Girls LOVE confident guys. Also, I would say like instead of love in the beginning....i mean...unless you rea…

  • When the relationship is unhealthy and has more cons than pros. If you feel like you're being weighed down, unable to do things in your life, feeling unhappy, depressed, or even like that person isn't adding anything to your life's time to move on.

  • Re: Smoking

    tikitat06 - - Friends and Family


    I don't really know what advice to give you. I'm against smoking...and yes while this new stuff is probably better for you than anything else, it's still something that you may eventually get mentally addicted to...if not physically because there is no nicotine. If I were you I would stay away from it and feel lucky that your parents are so cool about drinking. No one really looks good smoking anyway.

  • Re: I need help

    tikitat06 - - Friends and Family


    Wow I'm really sorry all that has been going on. I feel for you, but the only way you're going to get out of this mess is to start cleaning your life up and quit looking at all the bad stuff. As corny as that sounds, I have a best friend who is really upset with her and things keep getting worse for her the more she thinks about how terrible her life is. You may not have the ability to make your friends act differently, but you can by pulling your grades up and…

  • Re: What to do...?

    tikitat06 - - Friends and Family


    Well bottom line is that you can't force anyone to believe or do anything. You can try having a talk with her about how you feel, but I wouldn't recommend telling her that what she's doing is wrong. It's obvious she misses your other friend and if you try to make her quit being friends with her...she might just end up not being friends with you. I would advise letting things happen as they happen. You don't have to hang out or be friends with your old friend, but I wouldn't constantly tell your …

  • Woww that's really messed up. You need to make sure that he gets arrested or something. He's like 3 times her age! Sorry that you're stuck in the middle of all that. Hopefully you're living with your mom and not your dad?

  • Very sorry to hear about all that. I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through but I agree with the above posts. Take her to a psychiatrist if you really think it's getting to her and just be there to make her smile. You don't need to do much more than just let her know that you'll always be there for her.

  • Well her friends are always going to be more faithful to her than to that's not surprising. And the fact that she's acting fine isn't really all that confusing...she's the one messing up and because you won't bring it up, she gets to be with two guys. Cut the crap and tell her what you saw. You're letting her walk all over you!

  • I don't know what I'm doing....but for some reason I keep attracting guys in relationships!! I date, but i haven't been in a committed relationship for a while because I'm trying to enjoy my last year of high school and then see who I meet this summer and in college. For me, having a long term boyfriend wasn't that big of a deal for high school. Anyway, I don't feel as though I've done anything different than I always have...and maybe it's just that graduation is approaching so everyone is tryin…

  • I definitely think you might wanna take a little break from dating. Get your head together. Figure out what you like and don't like. And I also think you should try to mend things with your ex. I have a guy that I was very much into about two years ago and I thought I would lose interest in him eventually like I had every other guy. But I still think about him a lot. I hate most of his decisions and I talk so much crap about him just like you do about your ex....and I really do believe all the t…

  • I'm guessing he might be more touchy because you guys are actually on a real date with no friends around to add pressure. However...if he's naturally a shy guy that doesn't date very often then he may not be. It depends on who he is.

  • Yes I agree with the above posts. He doesn't talk about his lack of God very often to you so I'm guessing you talking about God makes him uncomfortable the way you would feel if he had a conversation about how the idea of God is stupid. If your religion is too important to you to be more sensitive of him then maybe you should consider ending things. It's just a matter of what's more important.

  • Ummm try to get him back? But obviously you had some emotional reason for breaking up with him so don't try to get him back just because he's attractive.