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  • Quote from skyanna1990: “Do you have the guts take this survey? ” I would think so. Quote from skyanna1990: “Would you do meth if it was legalized? ” No. Those meth commercials scare me. :o Quote from skyanna1990: “Abortion: for or against it? ” I'm against it. Completely. In the cases of rape, it's hard, but I still don't think it's right. Quote from skyanna1990: “Do you think the world would fail with a female president? ” Hopefully not, I'd like to be president. Quote from skyanna1990: “Do yo…

  • Quote from amando96: “1. If you where in the middle of the desert, and saw a man dying of dehydration, what would you do? ” Share my incredible survival skills with him. Quote from amando96: “2. What would you do if you found out you have aids?” Cry. And then pull myself together and go try and help look for a cure while living my life to the fullest I guess. Quote from amando96: “3. What would you do if you found out you where adopted?” I'd wonder who the baby in my birth video was. Quote from …

  • Re: Help por favor

    EioSloth - - General Advice


    I don't think they can write cursive yet... We asked my friend's little sister who's that age and she can't. We're going to do some drawing and games, but I don't think we have enough time to teach an instrument. But anyways, we have enough, thank you

  • Re: Help por favor

    EioSloth - - General Advice


    Anything. Some ideas we have are writing cursive, making friendship bracelets, journaling, baking... etc.

  • Help por favor

    EioSloth - - General Advice


    A good friend of mine and I are putting together a day camp for our "mentees". I was wondering if any of you had some ideas of what they would want to learn, they being a few eight year old girls. We have some ideas, but we need a few more. Each ... "thing" should be something that can be taught in about an hour or so. Thanks for your help.

  • Re: Worst Games Ever in History

    EioSloth - - Video Games


    Quote from Hitch: “Bratz. Period.” Amen. ---------- Post added at 01:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:20 PM ---------- Quote from Jsnoopy: “Haha what a troll-dey troll troll. But anyways, there was an article about this on a gaming website called the escapist. it said that the worst game of all time was some big rig trucking racing game. Not only were there NO collision detection system, so you could literally drive straight up a mountain, there was zero point to the game, as the other t…

  • Re: Why do you like flying kites?

    EioSloth - - Sports


    Competition between me and the forces that be, because they obviously don't want my kite up in the air, or it would be a little easier.

  • Quote: “According to this test, you appear to have a mixture of both healthy and unhealthy perfectionistic tendencies. ” Oh no.

  • I would think that it would be worth a shot, if there's a chance you might lose the house and things are really unsure. Best of luck to your family!

  • I'm Mormon, or rather a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. My family has been Mormon for a long way back, but I have my own faith. I think even if I had never been exposed to it, I would still have become a Mormon sooner or later, just cause it aligns with my personal thoughts. No matter what, I would believe in a higher power. I respect atheists who respect my personal beliefs. When they are determined to prove me close-minded with rude arguments, that's more than a litt…

  • Everything. All the normal stuff, plus onions (is that normal?), mushrooms, bacon, etc etc.... Of course, then it's kinda harder to eat, but still AMAZING.

  • One best friend, it was in 1st grade or so and I asked her why her hair was so long, because another boy had pointed it out to me. This led to that, etc etc. Another time, I was at a party and this girl told this weird, not really funny joke. I was so jacked up on sugar and who know's what I laughed anyways for like 10 minutes. And we just became friends I guess.

  • Never done it, never will except for extreme cases. I once accidentally injured my brother that way and I could see it hurt like crazy. I felt really reeeeally bad... But for females, I don't think there's really a gender-based injury that's equivalent in pain. There is, however, pregnancy... :p

  • Re: Confused

    EioSloth - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    I have absolutely no authority to give you advice, but if I were you I would definitely at least TRY for the better girl. *aka girl 2*

  • I never said she was racist. She's just less sensitive about it than she could be. I know about racism.

  • Your Love Style is Light Hearted You tend to approach falling in love lightly. You try not to obsess about it and instead enjoy the process. You see love as the most important part of your life. You don't obsess over it, but it is what gets you up in the morning. You see love as a great adventure. You like to have fun with your partner, and you have a lighthearted approach to staying together. You are swept off your feet by words of love. A love letter or love poem from your sweetie can make you…

  • Re: Facebook.

    EioSloth - - Debate and Discussions


    I have friends who don't belong to a social networking site because they have no interest. I have friends who use a soc. net. site to keep in contact with friends, like me. And then I have one friend in particular who uses it to make friends and meet guys, one of which she dated for a very long time. The last one is still okay I guess, but not if you spend all your time on it and forget about physically meeting new people. I don't think many people are unhealthily dependent on it.

  • Anybody ever watch another person rock climb? It's really interesting to me at least, and it's cool to see ways their strategy beats mine.

  • Re: Summer Employment.

    EioSloth - - Education & Jobs


    I just babysit, but my sister makes balloon animals at restaurants. Coolest. Job. Ever. She's going to do it next year at college too.

  • Re: Is smoking cool?

    EioSloth - - General Advice


    Quote from Aannddyy: “I gagged when I saw the title then laughed when I read your post. Of course it's not cool, what the hell are you smoking?”