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  • I agree with the above peeps, you could talk about the trip. Just for the record, if any guy came up to me and said "Hey, I've seen you around and think you seem really interesting, want to go for a walk or out to dinner sometime?" or something to that effect, I would be impressed by his courage. I would be like damn, I've got to give him a shot.

  • Re: Accents!

    Aly05 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Oh my god I looooooooooove English accents!!! Australian's okay, and Scottish and Irish are awesome too. Welsh is okay, too. Accents are so weird, though. One of my fav shows (Doctor Who!) is based in the UK and there was an American character and I seriously had trouble telling the American apart from the British. I guess after a while you just get used to hearing it or something. I have a boring American accent (South Florida), but I think it's very plain (it's not like obviously Southern or N…

  • Quote from LOLFag: “I'm a multi-billionaire doctor with 24 patents and 2 PhDs. I have dirty blond hair, I wear brand names all the time, I've got a huge house, huge rippling muscles, and a very nice body. Would you date me?” :rofl: LMAO!

  • You're a couple years younger than me and you're not really my type (I think it's the hair, sorry!), but you are definitely cute so don't worry, it's just a preference of mine.

  • I know there are tooooons of these threads, but I'm really curious! Would you give me a chance as a date or not? Be honest, no point in lying to me! lol If you want to throw in a rating, that's cool too! Login | Facebook Sorry I have no idea how to post pics, so that's a link! I hope it works. =] EDIT: I know it says FB login, but if you have a FB and login it takes you to my pics. I think.

  • Re: My mom died

    Aly05 - - Friends and Family


    I'm so sorry for your loss. =[

  • Re: i need help!

    Aly05 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    I think you should get away from him. You shouldn't have to be around someone who just hurts you and confuses you. Work on relationships with other people.

  • Sure. If the people really like each other they'll work around any differences.

  • I'm so sorry!

  • Go out for a meal. You never know what could come of it, so what do you have to lose by going? I also think you need a break from your current boyfriend to figure out how you really feel.

  • You could be friends but only if you know you won't start to want more. If you think you can't stop there, just let it go and try not to talk to the teacher as much as possible.

  • I agree with everyone who says that you should help her out. She must be going through a really hard time. However, I also think that you need to keep in mind that this child is not yours. There's no guarantee that you'll be in her life a few years down the road. It must be extremely hard for you to know that you've waited for her and there's still this obstacle in the way. If you can't deal with that every day, get out. She wouldn't want you to stay and be bitter, and you deserve a normal relat…

  • You're very interesting looking (in a good way!). I think with a different hairstyle you could pull off the "mysterious" look, which I find totally attractive.

  • Re: I drank a lot

    Aly05 - - General Advice


    You're blood alcohol content was .38?! .40 is most likely death, .30 can put you in a coma. You're very lucky (as well as very stupid).

  • Re: Talking to yourself

    Aly05 - - General Advice


    Sure, it's normal! I talk to myself all the time! I actually have conversations with myself if I'm really bored, but I'm not crazy because I know that I'm talking to myself lol Sometimes I talk to myself to maintain my focus. Like "Okay, now I need to go do this..." because I'm pretty forgetful.

  • Quote from mikeyk: “Thank you for replying with an intellectual post. I understand that there may be some people who just can't obtain happiness. But like I said, my bestfriend's dad was shot in the face and killed last year, and I just believe that if this kid can still go outside and be happy, anyone can. I look at other people I know too, people's who parents are divorced, people who are poor, just unhappy people in general. But those people are still kicking ass in life. They are becoming st…

  • First, I'd like to say that I did enjoy reading your post. Congrats for having a concise thought process that is understandable. Second, I'm not sure I understand the reason for your post. While you are certainly correct in many of your assertions, I can't see why you need to express them. You are obviously intelligent, and surely you must know that some people may get their feelings hurt from your opinions. And I'd just like to add that while, indeed, many people just sit and cry about their li…

  • Am I wrong?

    Aly05 - - Friends and Family


    So, my best friend (Sophie) has been driving me crazy lately! She's always saying mean things about me to my face! For example, we were in the car a few weeks ago and she asked me what I thought of a girl in my class and I said "I don't like her, I think she's a bitch", which, okay, in hindsight, wasn't the nicest thing to say, but it's also kinda true, and Sophie says, without hesitating, "Oh, like you?" but she said it completely seriously. And I was at her house a couple of days ago and her c…

  • Re: Is it okay to just NOT wear makeup?

    Aly05 - - Fashion


    I say do whatever you want, and if you don't want to wear make-up, good for you! But on a side note, if you want to look more professional at a job or more put-together for a special event, make-up does make you look like you put forth an extra effort.