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  • Isn't there a movie that had a group of guys doing this? I know there is. I just can't think of the name.

  • Black

  • Re: online or on campus!?

    Kate.x - - Education & Jobs


    I take two online classes and two classes on campus and I have to say I prefer campus classes. Not only because you get to interact with others, but also because physically going to a class is so much more motivating. My online classes are out of sight, out of mind, and I easily forget about them which results in my assignments being turned in late.

  • You Are a Monroe Piercing You are glamourous, sophisticated, and very classy. You're the type to think carefully before getting any sort piercing or tattoo. You are naturally charming. People find you to be very alluring. Your manners are impeccable, and you always have something witty to say. While you look like you're high maintenance, you have simple tastes. You're a homebody who often rather curl up with a book than go out.

  • Re: Were they?

    Kate.x - - Teen Sexuality


    I was a virgin and he wasn't.

  • Re: What is sex like??

    Kate.x - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from neverforever: “My legs killed the next day from my bf basically folding me in half hahaha. But rather than that it was aaawweessoommee.” Lol mine too. But yeah it hurt the first time... a lot at first. But it felt good after we got going. And yeah I was really sore the next day. It hurt to sit down and my legs were pretty sore too. But like the others said before me, it's different for everyone.

  • Re: Post What color shirt you are wearing

    Kate.x - - Fashion



  • Re: M/F shaving pubic hair

    Kate.x - - Teen Sexuality


    I shave. Prefer guys to trim or shave.

  • Re: Brown or black?

    Kate.x - - Fashion


    I agree with brown

  • Re: how often do you...

    Kate.x - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from woodz: “damn that sucks if you giving but rarely recieving!!!! you needa get that stimulation girl. tell him you wont go down on him until he starts going down on you more often. he will shape up real quick haha. and yea oral is pretty fucking amazing lol” I totally should lol... I've thought about it but I don't think I could do that. I'm too nice

  • Re: how often do you...

    Kate.x - - Teen Sexuality


    Oops I voted wrong. lol. I give twice or more a week. Rarely receive because my boyfriend doesn't like doing it :rolleyes::(

  • You know how to let your emotions show but you still find it difficult to do so as often as you should. You should be prepared to let your emotions out more often. When you feel sad let yourself cry, when you feel angry, let your anger show, when you feel happy allow a smile to cross your face. Allowing your emotions out in this way will do wonders to your physical and mental health.

  • Re: The Paint Daub Test

    Kate.x - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    You Are Deep You try to observe the world rather than judge it. You feel like you are here to learn. You see every side to people. You know that things are complicated and nuanced. You have trouble getting along with people who are flippant or silly. You crave substance. You connect best with philosophical, thoughtful types. Your friends care about ideas.

  • Re: Is my chest... normal?

    Kate.x - - Health and Fitness


    Mine does that a bit too so I know how you feel. I just try to ignore it

  • Re: =]

    Kate.x - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Did you like doing arts and crafts as a kid? Yes Have you ever collected soda pop tabs? I think I did when I was younger Do you like the Jackass movies, or do you think they're stupid? Mostly funny. Slightly stupid. Have you seen Wolverine : Origins? No. Have you seen Dinner for Shmucks, if so what are your thoughts? Yes! I thought it was pretty funny but it wasn't what I expected What do you think about chicks with small boobies? I feel bad for them Are boobies overrated?? Yeah What do you thin…

  • You Are Sweet You have a fun personality. You enjoy life to the fullest, and you have a good group of friends. You are always looking to add a little more authenticity to your life. You prefer things and people that are real. People can count on you to be generous and optimistic. You give back to your friends, family, and community. People don't realize that you're much more old fashioned than you seem. Values are important to you.

  • Black

  • Re: Help im a virgin!

    Kate.x - - Teen Sexuality


    Obviously you don't know what you're doing, you've never done it before. Practice makes perfect. If she doesn't care enough about you to understand that, I honestly don't think she is worth losing your virginity to.

  • Re: Google search

    Kate.x - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Type in "[your name] needs" in the Google search: Kate needs to be exposed for everything Type in "[your name] looks like" in Google search: Kate looks like her mother in that dress Type in "[your name] is " in Google search: Kate is great Type in "[your name] has" in Google search: Kate has a hoof Type in "[your name] likes" in Google search: Kate likes to let the quiver in her voice take over, and often loses pitch control Type in "[your name] wants" in Google search: Kate wants to throw in th…