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  • Re: Gay people are awesome

    ben101 - - Gay


    do you have the mind of a 12 year old or something?

  • Re: Dad hates gays :(

    ben101 - - LGBT


    I think this is the best advice your ever gonna get, I found this video a while ago, and it is damn good: [ame='']YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

  • just take my advice, this isnt uncommon

  • the fact that when you masturbate it doesnt feel good, proves entirely that this is nothing to do with guys or girls at all, its all to do with you. So really, you need to figure yourself out before you start doing stuff with others. You need to explore yourself more and learn techniques that get you going etc If you dont know how to get yourself off then nobody else is going to be able too I would try that first, and see how that goes.

  • its not very good for your health im pretty sure ive gone more than 6 weeks, and often like a month at a time when ive been really busy working or something

  • 2 things first: 1) there is nothing wrong with going on a first date at 19, nothing at all and dont let anybody tell you different. 2) try not overthink this too much as that will only make it harder, just be yourself, let it come naturally, she needs to like you for who you are if you want this to work, just dont overthink this because it will put too much pressure on you, try distract yourself and think about this as little as possible.

  • Re: Sexting!

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    I meant in my country, ive never heard of it, tougher culture I guess. I can see it being dodgy if your just sending them to random's etc and then its an issue. But it can be 'the best' if its with your bf or gf that you trust and love and you can make eachother smile and it can be a fun thing to work your partner up with through the day before you have sex that night or something

  • Re: Sexting!

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    wow this is so over the top, ive never heard of a case here of somebody taking there own life because there pictures have been spread around? anyways, I think you should be careful about it, but I dont think it is a bad thing, between a bf and gf who trust and love eachother, it can be a great thing Also, if what your saying is true, that if an underage person, sends an adult a dirty picture, the adult becomes a sex offender, then thats insane. Im meaning an adult that didnt want the picture, if…

  • Quote from autumnleaf: “Maybe you should try approaching guys you're interested in, instead of waiting for them to come to you? Or you could just try and involve yourself in people's lives more, and I'm sure something will come up!” Yeah, I mean what is stopping you going up and talking to guys?

  • i nearly always feel terrible after... thats why I dont do it much really..

  • Re: Am I?

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    If a guy was doing those things would he be a whore? sleeping around? but if he was knocking up some rich old lady, then wouldnt that make him a whore?

  • 10 years is fine, depending on your age. one of my best mates, is 19 and his girlfriend is 43, but its sorta fine because he is 19 and nearly 20

  • Re: Am I?

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    I dont really think that having lots of sex with different people makes you a slut Lots of guys and girls do it, expecially here, and if you love sex and dont want a relationship then it can workout pretty good for you, so I dont think that makes you a whore at all. I think what makes somebody a whore is when they have sex for reasons other than pleasure and fun, like to get somewhere in there career or to get somebody to buy them things etc Thats what I think

  • how about giving him a special night? Making/getting him his fav dinner then cuddling up on the sofa and watching one of his fav movies with him then give him a love letter that you had written him earlier something like that could workout nicely?

  • how old are you and how old is he? did you get his number or email or something?

  • Re: how often do u look at porn

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from autumnleaf: “I find porn a turn-off, I don't know if I'm strange because of that, but I just don't like it.” yeah im sure..

  • Re: Im a virgin.. Dont know why

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    Eimmy he will just be all like: hatersgonnahate.gif

  • Re: Hooking up

    ben101 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    then just skip the first thing I said about meeting somebody and becoming friends and just start defining the relationship with them

  • Re: how often do u look at porn

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from ANTI CONDOM: “ Every day!” yeah its the closest you get to a girl lol

  • Re: Hooking up

    ben101 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    um do what I said maybe? thats kinda what I thought you were asking