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  • i guess you could say it was when i was 12. but i didn't ejaculate then. my body wasn't ready then. i can't actually remember the first time i ejaculated. its a shame

  • I was in the schools pool for class, and I swam up to the side to listen to the teacher, and a jet stream happened to be there. I didn't cum, but it sure got me hard. After that, when we had to start swimming, I was so slow because of the drag that my boner created. Lol.

  • Re: Stop masturbating

    Jacob NYC - - Teen Sexuality


    When I went to a college to stay for two weeks, I had to share a room with a kid that I really didn't like. We did have our own bathroom in the room, but I never jacked off those entire two weeks. Part of it was because I was always afraid my roommate would find out, and that would be ackward, and the other part was I was kinda nervous about being there with fifty strangers, so masturbation never crossed my mind. So I suggest the week before you go, jack off so much, even when you aren't that ho…

  • I usually do it the normal up and down way. Sometimes I lube up my hand and rub it against the head of my dick. That is one of my favorites. Or I'll just gently stroke it until I cum. LOL.

  • I can do both, but my left hand hasn't really gotten the same rhythm that my right hand. And I like a constant rhythm. So I'll only use my left hand if my right hand/arm hurts or is tired.

  • Re: Penis Girth

    Jacob NYC - - Teen Sexuality


    5 1/4th length 5 1/2 girth It's so hard to contemplate that my dick is "longer" in girth that in length... lol

  • I've found my moms old vibrating dildo thing. A condom, I would assume not used (I hope. But it was hard to tell, it was so old, it was all dried out and very fragile). And a pamphlet that had detailed pictures to having different types of sex positions. And some thing that guys put around their cock and it somehow makes a girl feel more pleasure, idk. And a booklet of different sex position (yes, different from the pamphlet).

  • Me and one of my best friends did a few times. We would sit next to his bed and look at a porn magazine that he found in his neighbors recycling. So yes, I have a few times. But that was four or five years ago. I haven't done it in a long time.

  • Re: The Shower

    Jacob NYC - - Teen Sexuality


    Yep. It's so easy because there really isn't any clean up involved, and its the one place where you know for sure that no one will bother you. I don't ALWAYS do it in the shower, but I'd say most of the time I do.

  • Re: Parents Porn

    Jacob NYC - - Teen Sexuality


    One day, I was looking for something that had a lot of memory because I had to transefer a lot of things to another computer, and at the time, my dad had a lot of Zip Drives (100MB, which isn't a lot anymore). I went through them all to see which ones were empty. I came across one that was full of porn. I kept it, hoping he wouldn't remember about it. Two weeks later, he came asking about the disk. I said I hadn't seen it, and when he left, I copied all the files and set the disk down on his des…

  • I usually trim my pubes, but occasionally shave them. I also shave my chest and stomach, even though there really isn't much hair. I don't see how that makes anyone less of a man.

  • Re: Morning wood

    Jacob NYC - - Teen Sexuality


    You can't really make you stop getting them. They sometimes don't come as often when you grow older, but you might still get one or two... I don't really know how long it takes for them to go away. I'm the very first one up in the house, and it is like that for almost an hour, so I really don't care how long it stays. I know though, it isn't around after I've been up for twenty minutes. So it must disappear sometime between the time I get up and the twenty minute mark...

  • Re: guys only: random boners

    Jacob NYC - - Teen Sexuality


    I HATE getting them. Especially when I'm about to get off the bus (I take a public bus), and I have to walk past all those people. I try to secretly adjust my boner so it's facing up and not sticking out and being noticed, but if I can't do it in time, I have to somehow hide it as I walk off. It's difficult to do. I'm just glad I haven't gotten one in gym yet! Thank goodness.

  • Re: Showers.

    Jacob NYC - - Teen Sexuality


    For me, I don't always do "other stuff", but if I do, it's usually at the very beginning, and then, usually five minutes later (I can sometimes go longer, but at 11 or 11:30 at night, I try not to take long so I can get to bed), I get to normal shower stuff. And that takes anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes (I take a long time because I'll just zone out, kinda like sleep walking, and I take sooo much time to get done)

  • Re: A Weird Question...

    Jacob NYC - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from era: “Well I am almost 15 and my neighbor is 14. When we where like 8-9 We thought It was funny for her to show her vagina to me and me to show her my penis. As time went on we stopped doing it. WE have not talked about it since. Well me and her are always talking about sex. All the time. The other day she sorta came at me a bit. I thought it was all cool. I was just wondering what I should do, I think she is pretty hot and would it be bad to start talking about each other when we whe…

  • Quote from sam-d-man: “I wish i could but now i'm 18! not really acceptable!” sure it is!

  • Quote from wolfbird_94: “Nope Never, I'm Homeschooled, So I Really Don't have Friends, But my Real friends is my Right hand, (lol)” lolol! YES!

  • Quote from PirateX: “One time I did a slideshow for a class, and I was wearing jeans and got a boner. :(” oh no!! that's horrible! it was a random boner, wasn't it? did anyone see or say anything?

  • yeah, don't worry about your soft dick. it's the erection that counts. if people make fun of you, you should smash their face in.

  • Re: girls what do u prefer?

    Jacob NYC - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from S3CR3T: “Face + toned arms + abs. Exhibit A: emo+474l.jpg But if their kinda lanky but their face is pretty enough - I'll settle for that. Exhibit B: big_Landon%20Liboiron01.jpg :drool:” wow. i wished i looked like that. then i wouldn't have body issues lol