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  • Firstly, don't worry about your sister. She is quite normal and at best a bit mature for her age. Secondly, don't snoop in your siblings' private things.

  • Re: Asian Penis size?

    Hank5 - - Teen Sexuality


    Your penis is quite OK and nothing to worry about. Besides, you are young and it can still grow. The urban legends about race and penis size is unscientific and mostly untrue. Studies have shown that, for a given body height and weight, there is little or now difference in size between a guy of caucasian, asian, black, or any other descent. You will find that a caucasian guy with your own body height and weight will ON AVERAGE have a penis similar to yours. Many of the so-called huge penises dep…

  • Re: have u ever touched...

    Hank5 - - Teen Sexuality


    Why do you necessarily have to be gay to touch another guy's penis? My roommate at high school and I are both heterosexual, and had engaged in mutual masturbation a couple of times. Quite exciting, but it is certainly not for every one, and you certainly have to be good buddies to so that far.

  • Re: shower sex

    Hank5 - - Teen Sexuality


    1. how many have done it Yep, have done it, many times 2. what do you think of it Great fun, but a bit awkward because you are standing up, and if you are somewhat taller that your gf, the difference in height could be a problem to connect properly. 3. if you haven't would you like to one day Not appliccable. Can recommend it though. :wink:

  • Quote from jack8613: “One of my best friends got pregnant and she made him withdraw. I guess they really are one in a million.” In other words: there was penetration, and even though the guy might withdraw before ejaculation, chances are that some sperm cells could have been deposited deep inside her vagina via the pre-cum. With penile-vaginal penetration the chances of getting pregnant is not one in a million, but probably something like one in a few thousand. The motto: use a condom.

  • Just find yourself another girlfriend. She obviously is not interested in you, and there is nothing you can do to convince or force her to like you.

  • Re: Girls: What do you prefer?

    Hank5 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from *Boleyn*: “Au natural, por favor. No need to get rid of what the good lord gave you ;P” I deduce that you prefer intact (i.e. non-circumcised), non-shaved guys? Good taste!

  • The chance that she is pregnant, given the fact that you did not ejaculate (although pre-cum can contain sperm) and she is on the pill, is extremely low. Relax. Girls do experience irregularities in their periods, and it can be brought on by unnecessarily worrying about what happened.

  • Re: Bad situation!!

    Hank5 - - Teen Sexuality


    Leave it to your BF to explain the situation to his mom. It is he who insisted on going down on you; it happened in his house, and it was his mom who walked in on you. Let him handle it. As for you: unless his mom raises the topic with you, just stay quiet about what happened. An understanding mom will not raise hell about it - she should realise her son is grown up, youngsters do engage in sex, and should be glad that he has a good libido.

  • Re: Too loose for him.

    Hank5 - - Teen Sexuality


    You are not the one at fault. He is the one that should do something about his undersized penis. Advise him to get a copy of this book: 9780615297675.jpg

  • Re: Cut or uncut?

    Hank5 - - Teen Sexuality


    Some races prescribe circumcision, especially if the race is associated with a particular religion. Thus Israelis is mostly circumcised (being mostly Jewish); Arabs ditto (being mostly Muslim). Some black races circumcise, others not, but it has little to do with religion in their case. Thus in South Africa the Zulu nation does not circumcise, the Xhosa nation does (both races being related as both are Nguni people). In total, 82% of the world's males are intact. The only country where routine b…

  • Re: Victim of shrinkage

    Hank5 - - Teen Sexuality


    It is not the size that counts - technique is everything. Having said that, do NOT get yourself this T-shirt: 364022785v2_225x225_Front.jpg But there is hope; here is the solution: bmw_small.jpg

  • Re: attractive penis

    Hank5 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote: The uncircumcised penis functions better and is more attractive. In a healthy male the uncircumcised penis, more accurately called the intact penis, functions better and is more attractive than one that has been cut down by circumcision. The word uncircumcised is also used to refer to the restored penis, that is one in which enough skin is regrown to "undo" a circumcision. Uncircumcised is natural. Uncircumcised is better." Read the rest by clicking here. 24688_103821512989370_10000084564…

  • Re: penis head

    Hank5 - - Teen Sexuality


    Invest in a direction finder. compass.gif

  • The pics disappeared. Here, for the poll, is the choice illustrated again (hope it works this time: Black shorts team 4614797463_90296cee9d.jpg Red shorts team: 4615416082_c39378b138.jpg

  • Re: attractive penis

    Hank5 - - Teen Sexuality


    Intact, natural, non-mutilated (i.e. non circumcised) - no prepuce amputees. 82% of the world's males are intact. The majority of the world's women have spoken.... Flaccid or erected does not matter; the one can change into the other (unlike circumcised penises, which are scarred for life).

  • The only "normal" penis is an intact penis. As for size: there is no such thing as a "normal" size; there is only an average size.

  • Re: what do girls prefer.

    Hank5 - - Teen Sexuality


    Do you mean hair up ↑ there or down ↓ there?

  • The black shorts team: 0c20f8143b.jpg The red shorts team: 256775f554.jpg

  • Re: Being Jewish

    Hank5 - - Teen Sexuality


    I received the following comments with a neg rep: Quote: “Circumcision won't completely stunt growth, in fact almost every boy born now a days has a circumcized penis. It is common practice and you don't see everyone having a small penis. Don't neg rep, unless you know what you are talking about.” Apart from the fact that I do not neg rep (which is only for people with a guilty conscience, and who cannot provide facts and statistics to "prove" their point of view), I have a surprise for you: not…