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  • Do you believe that the world is gonna end at 2012? Nope Have you ever made your own survey? Dont think so Can you swear inside your house? Yes What color is your bed comforter? Comforter? Is being love worth it? Yes Do your parents have home videos of you as a kid? No What ethnicity was your last ex? Err white. What color is your bra or boxers? Mostly white, with red lace and different colour hearts How long have you lived in the house you live in? Like 2 weeks What color is your iPod? Grey Are…

  • Your Sensitivity Score: 49% sensitive-3.jpg As far as sensitivity goes, you're a lot more in tune than most people. You can't help but be touched by what's around you - good and bad. But when things do get really bad around you, you are strong enough not to break down. Are You Extremely Sensitive?

  • You Speak General American English! general.jpg 60% General American English 30% Yankee 5% Dixie 5% Midwestern 0% Upper Midwestern What Kind of American English Do You Speak? Im not even American

  • Your Travel Profile: travel.jpg You Are Very Well Traveled in the United Kingdom (75%) You Are Somewhat Well Traveled in the Southern United States (38%) You Are Somewhat Well Traveled in Western Europe (21%) You Are Mostly Untraveled in Southern Europe (20%) You Are Mostly Untraveled in the Western United States (5%) You Are Mostly Untraveled in Asia (4%) You Are Untraveled in Africa (0%) You Are Untraveled in Australia (0%) You Are Untraveled in Canada (0%) You Are Untraveled in Eastern Europe…

  • Last time you consumed alcohol? Today What were you doing at 8:00 this morning? Sleeping What were you doing 30 minutes ago? Texting How do you feel about the person who texted you last? Shes a gas woman Have you ever been around someone who was high? Yes Do you like your life as of now? It's okay Have you ever drank with your number one? On Bebo - Yes Three words to explain why you last threw up? Sick Where did your last hug take place? Tonight, Square Pint Ever kissed someone who smokes? Aye H…

  • Re: Se7en Subjects

    Emz_x0x - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    SUBJECT ONE- THE OUTSIDE What's your name? Emily How tall are you? 5ft6. What color are your eyes? Green What color is your hair? Dark Brown naturally Are you Male or Female? Female What is your best physical feature? Eyes What's your shoe size? 7 Glasses, yes or no? Aye Did you ever have braces? Aye On a typical day you are wearing? Clothes? When you go to bed you're wearing? Knickers & a tShirt How often do you exercise? Never SUBJECT TWO- MUSIC Name two of your favorite bands: Deadmau5 & Pend…

  • Re: doitdoit

    Emz_x0x - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    When's the last time you could've gotten some ass? Tonight i guess Are any of your friends sluts? Not really What was the highlight of your week? Meeting Claire How long have you been friends with your best friend? Lucy - like 7 years. Steve - 4 years. Jason - 1 year Does someone have a crush on you? I dunno Who makes you the happiest right now? Nobody atm What have you learned about relationships? They are hard work Who is one friend you trust most? Jason Do you still talk to the person who bro…

  • I think the mature thing that needs to be done now, its to explain your feelings to your best friend and let him make up his mind about what who he wants to be with more. But, be careful, being 'the other woman' is not fun, and isnt rewarding. Also, its just not nice. You said your feeling remorse so hopefully you know what ye did was wrong.

  • You Are As Cool As They Come cool.jpg Rational and relaxed, no one could accuse you of being dramatic. You roll with the punches, and nothing ever gets you too worked up. You are able to maintain perspective and see the big picture. And even if you're emotional inside, you don't let it show. You're great at keeping it together, and you're rewarded for that. People see you as an ideal friend, employee, and partner. Are You a Drama Queen (or King)?

  • Re: Together

    Emz_x0x - - Creative Writing


    That is so pretty.

  • Re: surveyyy .

    Emz_x0x - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Where is the one boy/girl you want to see the most right now? 7 Aside Do you know any mechanical stuff about cars? No Do you hate the last guy/girl you were talking to? No. Last movie you watched? The Proposal One thing you're looking forward to? This Weekend What holiday is closest to your birthday? Idk, August bank holiday? Last night you felt? Drunk Are you taller than 5'5"? Yes Do you think you have made a difference in anyone's life? Perhaps Did you speak to your father today? Yeah How old …

  • How old are you? 17 When did you start smoking? Bout 11 or 12 Do you plan to give up? Hmmmm What do you smoke? Benson & Hedges Gold And the main question - How much do you smoke? Average 10 a day.

  • Question #1 Text: From Liz, asking what im doing tonight Question #2 Vacation: France Question #3 Thing you bought: Food Question #4 Time you went to the gym: A looongg time ago Question #5 Time you went to a bar: Monday Question #6 Date you had: Never had a date Question #7 Last concert you attended: Destiny's Child Question #8 Friend you saw: Skanger Question #9 Time you laughed: While ago Question #10 Person you kissed: Kevin =/ Question #11 Last game you played: Idk Question #12 Person who m…

  • Re: survey . (:

    Emz_x0x - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    1. This survey gets a little personal; can you handle it? Aye 2. If you married the last person you texted, what would your last name be? Same as it is now 3. Were you happy when you woke up today? Yeah, worried though. 4. When were you on the phone last? And with who? Sunday, Steve called me telling me he was on his way to pick me up. 7. What are you excited for? England i guess 8. What were you doing yesterday? Coming back from CTB 9. Honestly, who was the last person to tell you they love you…

  • You Are Western western.jpg You see yourself as an individual - and you're driven to be as successful and happy as possible. You know you only have one life, so you want to live it as well as you possibly can. You see life as a service. You believing in serving yourself, your family, your friends, and even the world. You believe that one person can change the world, and you'd like that person to be you. Are You Philosophically Eastern or Western?

  • Your Defense Mechanism is Humor humor.jpg When life gets you down, you just have to laugh. And that's a very healthy reaction. It's not that you don't take your problems seriously. You do. You just don't let them control you. You are able to make the best of things, even when things look very, very bleak. Some people may consider your sense of humor to be dark, but it has served you well! What's Your Defense Mechanism?

  • Re: mom kicked me out

    Emz_x0x - - Friends and Family


    I think you should listen to your Grandma and sit down with your Mam and try to talk everything out in a mature fashion.

  • Re: Pregnancy

    Emz_x0x - - Friends and Family


    There is nothing you can really do. All you can do is what your doing, helping him to realise his options and trying to make him realise he has to tell her at some point. It might be hard, but it has to be all in his own time. If i were you, id just keep being a supportive friend.

  • Its a good thing you care for your friends enough to be bothered by that, but you are right in thinking that spazzing out and crying because of that is bad. Tbh, as you grow up, people change and move on. People you thought were going to be in your life forever leave and such. Just try not to take it bad. Your friends are doing the right thing by opening up and being friendly with other people, you should do the same. Not saying you have to ditch your old friends, but having other friends is a g…

  • Re: Is this normal?

    Emz_x0x - - Friends and Family


    Its normal as long as you think it is. If its bothering you that you aren't spending as much time as you want to with your school friends then you should organise something for you all to do together. I had the same thing in my last year of school as my two best friends were in the year above me so while they were at college during the week i hung out with other people, then at the weekend id spend it all with them. Its no big deal as long as your okay with it.