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  • Close to something I had way back in the past brotha'. All you do, is play along for another couple months and see if you discover any sparks within the friendship relation. You should only make a move when you are ready, and when your up for it. Do not rush things, if you decide to ask her out. My advice is, just be friends until your ready to try something. If she rejects it, try and be friends like; Making her laugh like you did. Friendship, is better than love.

  • Re: Your Gayest Encounter?

    Dr. Spence - - Gay


    You guys are gay. rofl, just fooling ya!

  • Re: Your Gayest Encounter?

    Dr. Spence - - Gay


    Quote from aleaiactaest: “2008 - went to see a musical.” I am so jealous.

  • Your Gayest Encounter?

    Dr. Spence - - Gay


    I have encountered many different "gay experiences" in my school days, and other days. I have always wondered the gayest experiences from others, and thats why this post is here. Post away yours, and read others! My gayest experiences: Grade 8: 2007 - Someone in gym pulled this guys pants down, and fell ontop of me, but naked with his penis in my chest. Grade 9: 2008 - Walked in on four guys, jerking off in the showers together. Grade 10: 2009 - French teacher pants me, and failed - but someone …

  • I have never cut. But its not safe, as it can kill you everytime you do it. Cutting the wrong place can kill you almost instantly. Think about this before you do it next time.

  • Just be yourself, and find friends or a group just like you. But I would recommend you to find your inner' self before you decide on anything as changing character when you have new friends can cause many things. Try hanging out, or finding information about different kind of "people". (ex. Preps, Jocks, Casual, ect.)

  • Join a online community, or a local community group in your region. I am sure there are activities you can do in your community that can boost your friendship up, perhaps at your job - if not, try getting one as it will boost your socialtivity. Such as this forum, you can chat about anything. But in regions, there are surely Youth Groups, Teenage Groups you can join - if not, call your community hall for information.

  • First off, Kinds of days can trigger off memories, or feelings. Such as "rainy days", it stands for depression and sadness. Perhaps something in your past happened, that reminds you of a day something that caused mischief. also, such as "sunny days". It stands for happiness, and enjoyment. Perhaps something in your past reminds you of something joyful that happened to you and/or your family relations. If not, then you have a trigger to yourself that you only enjoy bright days - meaning you are a…

  • Well, if your mother is doing so - I would have to say, talk to her and tell her the way you feel. Most mothers have a side of them, wishing they didn't have a child - and I think this play is taking toll. I also live in a small town, but that didn't stop me from talking to everyone - and getting help. Hope everything works out

  • Re: girl...

    Dr. Spence - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    If you like her, I believe you should give her a chance. If you do not wan't to date a "druggie" or "ex-druggie", that would be your decision. I would try out the relationship before judging, or tell her how you feel or ask if she does any drugs still and get it clear. Hope everything works out mate.

  • Re: help

    Dr. Spence - - General Advice


    Moving can be a horrible situation, I have been threw it many times. I have moved 4 times and went to 5 schools less than 1 year. I know the experiance. What I would tell you what to do is talk to your parents and see if theres anything optional, if not. The best thing to do is go with it. I didnt want to go with it and I would of regret if I didnt move. I met new friends, and did alot of new things. Do this, and you may have fun. If you dont feel like you should, good luck to you

  • I need a little help with a girl I like in my school named Amber. We were together in a relationship before (previous post) but now she said we should be just friends and I agreed because I did not want to look stupid. But now I want to ask her out again, but it seems like she is advoiding me. I hang with her a little but she doesnt show that she likes me or wants to be freinds. Help?

  • Ty Ty Ty !!!! Keep Posting !

  • Alex, I know her !!!! Sheesh, I got my freind to do it for me, So Now were together we go to the same skool I knew her for 3 years Duh! Thanks for the replie WhatIsMyName? I will try that, just the part about talking to the other guy, I dont really do that in our community for some reason. Alot of people would like competition, but i asked my gf if she would go out with him but she said no Thank you all

  • The Problum Is, Some one else did it for me

  • Its great to hear that you are wanting to be with some one, But I would suggest. Go with a boy.... 1) Like You 2) Same Interests 3) Are very close

  • Hey Alex, Your post sounds really hard, Trust me I have the same problum. But Im in the progress of the happenings (im 13), I have alot of Boys as freinds, And yes I have a Girl Freind. But I just got her, She means the world to me. Anyway.... What Im thinking you should do, Is get involved with communications groups. Like clubs and stuff, Try talking to girls. You may never know. A girl may be right for you and knows you as for me. I met my GirlFreind in a school club. And Im happy. Think About…

  • Heyy names chase, I asked a girl out and she said yes. And this is my first girlfreind. And I don't know what to do. Ive asked my freind, I asked her what to do when I get to skool and she says, " stand beside her, don't let her talk much, don't stand too close and compliment here " But then my other freind tells me that another boy is going to ask her out. WHAT DO I DO!?!?! THIS GIRL IS MY LIFE!!?!?:confused: