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  • First off, Im really sorry about you losing your sister. But ya know, You can pull through. Think about how upset your Mum, Dad would be if they lost another daughter. Think about your best friend that had time to come on here to post this: Quote from jadeyxbaby08: “that is my best friend .” It will get better. it will in time. Can you live another few months with this grief to spare the above 3 the grief all over again. You'll grow older, get a bf, get married, have kids, get a job and live out…

  • Quote from preppylexie: “ then last week i got really mad @ him cause he said something that pissed me off!!!! first of all i wasnt talking to him, he just got in my conversation so after he said wat he said i told him to shut the f*ck up !!! i dont know if it pissed him off too but he really didnt talk to me that much after that day? ” ^ROFL. OBVIOUSLY it pissed him off. I'd be fucking pissed off - if when i tried to talk to someone they told me to "F off". You seem to have no empathy for him. …

  • This could well be the most important post I make on a website so I'll make it detailed yet to the point. Life now, may not be the greatest for you - but think of someone you care about, how would you feel if they were to one day take their own life without explanation. You would be unbelieveably upset for the first 8-12 weeks, you may even develop bi-polarity (depression) from it. Then the questions will kick in - you will start to blame yourslef for not realising of their intentions sooner. It…

  • Come equipped with a "MUTE" button.... [/sarcasm] A good grilfreind doesn't have to be fit, does help though, not nescerally good at sexual acts -again it does help-......But a good gf should be there - no matter what, (with the exception of cheating on her)

  • Well played mate - If she swears at you again punch her in the nose.... She swears at you again = punch her again - rinse and repeat..... {/sarcasm} DOES NO_ONE UNDERSTAND HE IS A TROLL!!!! - Stupidity of people these days.....

  • If she doesn't get his dinner on time......