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  • is pretty shitty because over half the people have no idea what they're talking about. Even though a lot of guys on there are really knowledgeable and willing to help, I think is a much friendlier and better website, but that's just my preference. I agree with iceman about rippetoes- it's a great beginners program and with the correct diet, you should see at least 10 lbs of muscle.

  • Re: steroids

    JesseRider23 - - Health and Fitness


    dude, i don't take steroids and never will, but it's because of this why people think steroids are worse than they are. People who take steroids should be ones who have been training for years and years and years and know their body like the back of their hand. Steroids aren't something you start blindly- these guys have both their training and diet in check for years before they even contemplate taking steroids.

  • Re: Does it work?

    JesseRider23 - - Health and Fitness


    100% not going to work without surgery.

  • Quote from loving_flower: “its hard for lunch. my school is around alot of fast food and no time to go somewhere healthy. and school food is loaded with greese. with my classes and all the hw i have fast food is easy and fast. what are some some smoothie recipes?” I think OJ mixed with any fruit (besides blackberries, at least that's what i've found) is good.. You can also add some whey protein if you want.

  • Quote from loving_flower: “I'm 5ft 2 in. i eat an apple for breakfast (its fast before school) and for lunch i usually get a burrito from the local store (its a short walk from school) and ill eat a burger meal or chicken meal from sonic. its hard with school. im in all pre ap - ap classes and i know stress is a factor (as well as my birth control) though im not going to blame it all on my BC because alot of girls take it and are skinny. as for exercise, i dont have much time. i workout everyoth…

  • how tall are you and what is your diet like right now? Also, do you do any exercising? As far as getting rid of soda goes, i would recommend just not having any in your house. You won't have any if it's not there. If that's not an option, buy water bottles and drink them instead. Don't buy "flavored water" like vitamin water. There are added sugars and other shit and even though it says it has vitamins, you don't absorb them as well as you would from real food. Soda can't be a direct cause for y…

  • Quote from raz abbs: “erm i'm really not sure about weight. I'm 17 yeara old, about 5 foot 8 or so tall. My closest guess would be around 9.5-10 stone” i think that's around 140 lbs. You're not going to gain weight unless you start eating more... Lifting more will help too- if you have access to a gym, then do primarily heavy barbell exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench press, military press, pullups, chinups, power cleans. If you don't improvise with what you have at home. Fill up 2 bottle g…

  • Re: Holy crap

    JesseRider23 - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from Scarlett.h: “whoa, drinking soda can put on weight! (I'm too skinny so I wanna put on weight but don't know how to)” lift heavy, and eat a lot more than you currently eat.

  • Re: Holy crap

    JesseRider23 - - Health and Fitness


    that's awesome dude. Hopefully your mom doesn't smoke- great bet for both sides.

  • Quote from raz abbs: “hmm, So I'm fit but not particularly happy with the way i look lol. Just need to lose a bit of body fat then hopefully I'll be more confident in myself :).” lol Do you mind sharing your height/weight?

  • Re: Best Health Food?

    JesseRider23 - - Health and Fitness


    what is your problem. I think some of the healthiest foods are: Salmon, Almonds, Broccolli, Bananas, Oatmeal, Onions, Spinach, Apples, Tomatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Olive Oil, Garlic, etc etc.

  • we can't tell you if you're fit. As someone already said, it's very subjective. If you are satisfied with the way you look and the exercise you do, then i would say you're fine.

  • if you don't eat breakfast, your metabolism won't get a jump start after a lot of sleep, so you're actually hurting yourself by not doing this. Also, 5'5 and 109 lbs is skinny! You can't reduce fat from one spot nor can you "tone a muscle". Your best bet would be to fix your diet, and eat 5-6 smaller portions per day. For breafkast, something like oatmeal and a banana would suffice. As a snack, have some carrots and nuts. Then for lunch, have some PB&Honey on whole wheat bread. Small meals like …

  • eat 5-6 small meals per day if you can.. include some protein with each meal, have a lot of green veggies, and some servings of fruit. Also, have good carbs like oatmeal, whole wheat bread.

  • Quote from Bigman89: “Yes, after dinner there is nothing wrong with that and it is actually recoemended. Also, there is nothing wrong with Cheerios, unless your eating the sugared ones or maybe the new chocolate ones that they came out with but otherwise there is nothing wrong with cheerios there low in carbs and sugar as well as help reduce LDL (bad) cholestorol. Matter of fact the new whole wheat cheerios actually contain 100% of roughly 10 different vitamins and minerals among other stuff, as…

  • Quote from tethys: “posted by Bigman89 Breakfast 3 eggs 2 wheat toast+add some vegetable- eh. for breakfast? 2 servings of fruit + 1 glass of milk Snack #1 Fruit and Granola +add some proteins like meat+little bit of carbs With yogurt- great addition to fruit/granola! Lunch Turkey Sandwich or Peanut butter and honey on whole what bread- i love that and it's a really healthy alternative to jelly. Baked Chips, ex: Sun Chips ( Optional )+add some veggies, eat whole wheat bread- agreed. Snack # 2 Fr…

  • Quote from BeHappy: “Ok I started exercising awhile like 10-20 minutes everyday. Its maninly because of acne Im exercising but Im wondering what will it do later on when I get older.Will I get a fit body or like good health?” There are too many possible causes of acne; nothing has been said to rid one of acne, and different methods work differently for different people. Working out alone won't do this for you. Anyways, to answer your question, some benefits of working out (i assume that you're t…

  • Do you have access to a gym? Definitely get your diet in check though- that's to start...

  • Stamina as in running? Just run

  • It Is Me- i actually used to do that. However, in the scheme of things it's not worth working abs more than a few times a week when you work other body parts. No need to give priority to your abs- imo besides calves every muscle should be treated around the same because you use your calves everyday when you walk so they need more work. Abs are mostly diet. I guarantee that if you did that 7 times a week and i did it 3 times a week and our diets were around the same that we'd see similar results.…