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  • Uh this is how it went for me... and the girl who was also a virgin at the time *Me doing my thing* her: ahhh ahhh ah stoppppp mmmnnmm please stop me: Sorry her: no I'm sorry it just hurts to much. *Tries to get back in* Her: no ahhh I'm so sorry but it just hurts, I want to do this an other time. I'm really pissed off at this point "so are you going to give me head or am I going to have to get myself off?" Yea my first time was not that great

  • If you want to make it work out give her some freedom. She's going to meet new guys. Guys that are stronger, bigger, better looking, and funnier then you. Being jealous is just going to make her want them more. You are going to have to have a lot of trust.

  • Take up a project immediately and get her off her mind. Also going out with the boys for the sole purpose of picking up girls will help you get your mind off her as well. Once you meet a girl to take her place you will forget about her. Try not to think about other guys snuggling with her. It hurts...

  • Quote from Ottawa: “Just wondering you everyone else would date. Set your reply up like mine. Could they be a different age? Does it matter about there social class? (preps, geeks, etc.) What color hair do you like the most. What color eyes? Do you prefer skinny, average, muscular, obese, other? How tall do you like them to be? Would you care if they smoked? What if they got drunk sometimes? Would you date a weed smoker? Anything else you want in a boy/girl friend? .” - I like my girls younger. …

  • Age: (17) # of Relationships: (1) Longest Relationship: (2 months and still going) Shortest Relationship: (Have never had a relationship end yet.)

  • Quote from Neal: “I should be able to conclude girls are lesbians by this logic. ---------- Post added at 02:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:33 PM ---------- ” What I'm saying is that you don't ask a fish how to catch fish.

  • Good boys are boring. They spend to much time "respecting" the girl to get inside of her pants. The girl gets frustrated why the guy is not making a move on her and will find a guy that will open her legs instead.

  • What girls say they want and what they really want are completely different. You're not going to learn anything by asking them what they want.

  • I have a friend that was in your same position. When her BF left for basic training she spent all day bragging to everybody about how awesome it was that her BF was in the military. She was probably doing it to help her understand that her BF is awesome. And make the wait worth it.

  • Re: nude pictures.

    Buck - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    stop trying to control him. Are you going to smash his computer when you find porn on it?

  • Old Spice - Original Scent The most manly yet clean sent in the world. Refreshing but warm at the same time.

  • I decided to make her a wooden bookmark.

  • When I'm talking to girls I don't know I notice a lot of the time they hold their cellphones out in their hands when they want to give me their number. So you can try that.

  • Personally I don't give a damn if my girlfriend playfully flirts with other guys. She is a very attractive individual and I know when I'm not with her guys are constantly approaching her, and I don't expect her to be a asshole and just ignore every guy that talks to her. I have enough trust in my girlfriend to playfully flirt with guys as long as she has no emotions for them. I actually think it improves are relationship because she won't get bored with me, and notices that I'm more manly and at…

  • Well she does like to read. I kind of like the bookmark idea. It sounds very simple. Other then reading I don't really know what she does... haha. She's just kind of a simple preppy cheerleader girlie girl that does not have any hobbies. She is very friend oriented she needs friends (or me :wink:) to keep her occupied. That's what is making this so difficult.

  • So I've been dating her for five months now. We have only been exclusive for about two months. A lot of my friends are suggesting me buying her Jewelry but I feel that jewelry is to personal for such a small time and it might show commitment. I am a commited guy but I don't want to scare her off she might not be the same kind of girl. I have a spending limit of $30. This is the first relationship I've ever had to worry about a birthday. And unluckily for me it was so close to the date I asked he…

  • I dated a freshman my junior year and it's carrying over to our senior-sophmore year

  • Re: What's better?

    Buck - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Dystroxia: “:rofl: how are you controlling it, exactly?” Well I mean you being a female you might not understand. Like when they are kind of soft you can easily kind of like apply pressure to it and it hardens up.

  • What's better?

    Buck - - Teen Sexuality


    So lets say a girl is pressed up against you weather it being a hug, cuddling, making out etc. And you start to pop a boner. Is it better to have a full throbbing one so the girl knows that you're not small or just a softer one she knows it's there but it's kind of subtle.

  • So I've been in a relationship with this girl for two weeks. I want to start getting closer. I've never heard her refer to me as HER boyfriend. I have called her my girlfriend in front of other people a few times and for some reason I want her to do the same instead of just calling me Buck. I also feel like she is sometimes scared to talk to me first. Like she needs my approval to talk to me. I don't want that. I want us to be a lot closer and like share things like normal BF/GF do. Also how do …