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  • Dinosaurs aren't mentioned because they weren't real. Creationism exists. Fact. Ha.

  • Quote from NBstunter: “omg the 4 drunk driving accidents was the other driver was drunk! ive never drank or done drugs! does a few harmless very practiced controlled stunts on the street make me a horrible person??” ....... Yes. Horrible like Hitler. In fact, i'd say it makes you worse. You, sir, are worse than Hitler.

  • Quote from lexi7313: “if really not n the mood dish out wat they gave if in an ok mood use scarcasm its your best friend” Sarcasm is even worse than Yo' Mama jokes.

  • Say what I say; "So's ya face." Useful in ANY situation. :wink:

  • First of all... how can you have sat next to someone for a few weeks without having said anythig to them? That's a talent in itself. Sod the romantic lark that some have said, it'll get you nowhere. She'll expect non-stop romancing and shit, and you won't be able to meet those needs. Be yourself. Pluck up the courage and just say hi, or ask if she has a pen you can borrow, or just anything to kickstart conversation. No use whimping out, lad.

  • Re: how often do u look at porn

    DahKnee - - Teen Sexuality


    About as often as I need to wank. And having been single for about a month now... the figure is slowly increasing.

  • Re: M/F shaving pubic hair

    DahKnee - - Teen Sexuality


    Tried shaving once... didn't like it. So I trim. And I prefer women to be shaven.

  • Sausage roll.

  • Re: my looks

    DahKnee - - Fashion


    In my honest opinion.... not attractive but not ugly. Only thing that stands out is the arm hair.

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    DahKnee - - Teen Sexuality



  • Has anyone ever told you they were in love with you? No. Ever cried while you were on the phone with someone? Yes. Are you currently frustrated with a boy or girl? Very. What annoys you the most? People who lie to get what they want. Have you talked to your ex today? Hmm... Through text I did. Which is worse, missing someone or not having some one to miss? Missing someone. Hows your relationship between yourself and your parents? Okay, I suppose. Can you commit to one person? Easily. How many te…

  • 7 Pounds.

  • Re: TOP5 TV Series

    DahKnee - - Films, TV and Books


    1 - The Inbetweeners. [STARTS AGAIN MONDAY!!] 2 - Scrubs. 3 - Misfits. 4 - Family Guy. 5 - Gavin & Stacey.

  • Re: The ban on England shirts...

    DahKnee - - Sports


    Quote from Aleksandr: “Who cares? Soccer sucks anyways.” So does your mam, but that's another matter... Political Correctness is fucking mental, and I wouldn't be surprised if they tried things like it soon enough. Wouldn't want to offend the people who we welcome into our already over-populated country without asking anything in return, right?

  • Re: World Cup

    DahKnee - - Sports


    Quote from Silentstrike: “So we agree :D” Guess we do.

  • Re: The ban on England shirts...

    DahKnee - - Sports


    I've never seen any kind of problem with wearing football shirts for a major competition. It's always made people seem beter towards each other, if anything.

  • Re: Best sport ever to watch and play?

    DahKnee - - Sports


    Quote from BlockHead2111: “You insult the beautiful game of football by calling it soccer. Shame on you.” I concur! Swine.

  • Re: World Cup

    DahKnee - - Sports


    I never said I, personally, was particularly knowledgable, and I only expressed my own views on the teams mentioned. Sorry, but have we been watching the same Holland team play? They're EXTREMELY selfish. They seem to be afraid of passing the ball to one another and run it themelves. Don't get me wrong, the team is talented, but greedy on the ball. It's what caused them to crash out of the 06' cup, and Euro '08. They could be a VERY destructive force if they worked as a unit, but they're just no…

  • Do you have the guts take this survey? Yes, I suppose. Would you do meth if it was legalized? No. What'd be the point? Abortion: for or against it? Depends on the circumstances. Do you think the world would fail with a female president? No. In fact America has suck dick so hard having Male presidents they have nothing to lose appointing a female. Do you believe in the death penalty? We don't have it over here, but if they were to try and bring it back i'd support it 100%. Do you wish marijuana w…

  • Re: World Cup

    DahKnee - - Sports


    English football fans are probably the most knowledgable fans around. And of the teams you mentioned, I see only 2 teams that could beat England and it not be an 'upset', and those are Spain and Argentina. Look at Germany, the team is aged, and they're missing key players like Ballack who pull te strings and spray the ball around the pitch. They're a unit, but don't have as many players of note as England do. Holland are a VERY good side, but they're so selfish on the ball and try play that's th…