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  • He has never had a girlfriend before and because of that, he is very insecure when it comes to relationships. I noticed that he often doesn't know how to act and that he's thinking if he acted in the right way. I think he doesn't want to embarass himself or act in "a weird way" or something. Besides telling him that everything is fine with him and he shouldn't worry, I don't know what else to do. It goes like this: when I open up, he opens up, when I don't, he doesn't. I always have to be the in…

  • Hello community! That's my first post here because I am really don't know what to do anymore, I just need help. The situation is: I've been seeing this guy for around 7 months. He was passive from the beginning. I had to initiate everything at the beginning, then it got a bit better from his side (I talked to him about that for more than one time and then he asked me out more) but now it's almost the same again. He's a very nice person and from one side he acts interested BUT ONLY if I initiate …