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  • i saw the title of this thread and was half thinkin it should be in the sexuality forums, but this is actually a very good topic. i think half the problem is women putting themselves under pressure to use make up as they think they're not as attractive without it. Men don't really mind and can't understand why women care about make up so much. Really a man doesn't mind if a woman has make up on or not. And usually a bit of lipstick is the most they might ever ask. Really, natural beauty is much …

  • sorry, im in the habit of giving crap advice. >must be more optimistic<

  • or just ignore her and watch any shreds of your friendship that haven't been damaged by you ignoring her so far dissolve until you barely say hello to her when you pass her in the corridor and your time together is filled by akwardness and a cold silence while you think to yourself "why the fuck did i ignore her?".

  • Re: Dad..

    distance freak - - Friends and Family


    ehh, stay away from him. he seems arrogant to think he can order you around after what he tried to do.

  • Re: This is bullshit

    distance freak - - Friends and Family


    why would he want to look through your stuff? maybe your mom mean't that he COULD hack into your laptop if he wanted to, because hes a "computer genius". He might not actually want to look through your stuff. but if he does, tell your mom to get some better friends.

  • Quote from Hooligan: “yeah, i think girls play alot of mind games... yet with guys its more of a "all cards on the table" approach” Does that make girls better poker players?

  • that really sucks for your brother, you on the other hand have it pretty reasonable. that myspace/facebook thing is a new one on me. i would think a mother who can use the internet that well in the first place would be a little more liberal. can't your brother get around the phone call monitering problem by deleting records of calls from his log or sopmething. my parents would like to think they are strict but there not too bad ( rules yes.... punishments no). even after being hospitalised with …

  • Re: Your Favourite Band/Singer

    distance freak - - Music


    yes you will be laughed at....... ha ha ha. actually i really like simple plan and good charlotte are pretty good too. Bands Rage Against The Machine Linkin Park Simple Plan The Answer (irish blues rock band that toured with ACDC not so long ago) and , ahem, Dixie Chicks. Others Marko Kon and Milan Novijc Alexander Rybek Don Baker Nelly Ciobanu

  • so he killed himself cause of a girl? thats just a tad obsessive, isn't it? oh yeah and you didn't kill him

  • is the fact that she is your cousin your main reason for comparison. most of my cousins are better than me and my dad envies his brothers and sisters for the wonderful, brilliant fucking AMAZING children they have:gay:. but i honestly don't care. im not the most popular guy at school either but i don't go around envying those who are as i have a great group of friends. the real question is, why the fuck do you care about any advantages your cousin has over you? and i don't believe that everyone …

  • athletics, im no champion but im building up to marathons and hopefully ultra races (50k, 100k etc) hence my screen name

  • punch a wall:D or kick a football or buy a punchbag. i wake up every morning and give my bedrest a few punches and any time during the day im angry i direct that anger unto whichever poor unfortunate object i see first. RIP lampshade

  • i think, from my expierience, girls have the ability to cut deeper than guys when it comes to feelings. there a bit harder to approach, and usually aren't afraid to hurt people emotionally (guys use these things called fists and usually make a mess of trying to hurt a person emotionally anyway). so there are and always will be some big differences. either that or its just the ones i know, but ive yet to have a girl attack me in a fist fight with any real conviction, and ive yet to be hurt emotio…

  • just wait, you can still be friends and talk to her, but she must have a good reason for wanting to wait. you just have to respect that, and hang out with some other friends for a few weeks. its not like shes being unfriendly, so at the end of the year it will be grand and back to normal. don't you have exams to focus on or something?