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  • Of course it is, all up and coming prostitutes start off with 2 boyfriends yo then it moves to 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, the entire neighborhood, etc. etc. perfectly normal

  • When I think about it, chances are it won't be built IMO, and if it is built, I can see a lot of paranoia surrounding it, possibly even attacks on the building itself they'll have to keep the place under constant surveillance in order to ensure the safety of the construction workers building the center, and both the worshipers and the civilians outside the building once it's complete yo, it'll most certainly be a pain in the ass for NYC (at least in the beginning) I'll defend their right to buil…

  • [ame='']YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame] lol at the idiocy of these people yo

  • A lot of the opposition fails to realize that these Muslims wanting to build this mosque/community center had wanted to leave their shitty and run-down original place of worship for the longest time, and that they had been worshiping quietly in NYC for a long time (with people having no problem with them until now). They're not radical Islamic terrorists, they're simple Muslims trying to live a simple life in the U.S., just like many of us are trying to do right now yo people need to give them t…

  • Quote: “^ It's a debate.. Therefore trying to make a point and bring realization.. Stupid post.” Hardly a stupid post yo, here's me actually making a legitimate, calm, and factual point and trying to bring realization to you in turn, unlike you dismissing my post so disrespectfully: Quote: “Why don't you just live your life to the fullest and peacefully?” You essentially went against what your main subject was here, by indirectly or directly on your part fueling the fire to this already generic …

  • love these oh-so unique threads about weed yo, they're almost as exciting as threads arguing about the existence of God and religion They always follow the same, basic, generic format: 1) Some bored, generic-minded marijuana user, neglecting to check the forum to see if the topic has been done before, starts the thread thinking that it has never been done before and that he or she is the only one to have ever brought up the idea, much like a child in his or her early developmental stages 2) Anti…

  • You don't date hos son you pimp them and they make you money, getting attached to a ho is the biggest mistake you can do, they'll take all your hard earned cash and you'll be penniless and on the streets being someone else's man-ho before you know it

  • Why do you care so much if people care so much if there is a God or not yo? Take your own advice son

  • Re: LeBron James

    Prophet of 50 Cent - - Sports


    Quote from Cade: “You just sound like a mad Cleveland fan to be honest.” Nah yo, he's absolutely right, it's a commonly accepted fact among basketball fans that many Cleveland fans didn't realize until "The Decision." allow me to present the LeBron James Classless Resume: 2010 Post-season Shenanigans -Has Dan Gilbert fire Mike Brown and Danny Ferry -Delays announcement just to have a useless one-hour ego show -Humiliates hometown on national TV -Hosts overly extravagant parties in Vegas 2010 Pla…

  • Re: LeBron James

    Prophet of 50 Cent - - Sports


    Quote from T-Pain: “I have to throw this out there. Why is everyone freaking out about his decision? Settle down, fans. Free country, free agency...everyone understands "free" don't they? James understood that he probably wasn't going to win a championship with the Cavaliers, and so made a smart decision.” I'll explain it for you. Bear with me, this is gonna be a long post. I moved to Ohio from California for college 3 years ago, and while I can't say I've been a life-long resident, I've done my…

  • My apologies yo, if a mod could please edit out the "or against" or remove the poll altogether I'd appreciate it, twas a Freudian slip on my part

  • your thoughts on this crackdown yo? DailyTech - Obama Administration Announces Massive Piracy Crackdown Quote: “"It's smash and grab, no different than a guy walking down Fifth Avenue and smashing the window at Tiffany's and reaching in and grabbing what's in the window." -- U.S. VP Joe Biden While they may never be able to truly defeat piracy and drive it from the lurking depths of the internet, copyright protection attack-dog organizations like the RIAA and MPAA have long dreamed of the day wh…

  • All I can say yo, is to use the anger you have productively, it'll be a tougher road through college of course just do all you can when you get to that point, apply for scholarships, financial aid, etc. etc. as the others have said though yo, while it was a selfless thing for you to do, you have every right to feel a bit angry if the promise made to you wasn't fulfilled

  • Quote: “Drugs are always good” Ignorance is as ignorance posts yo

  • Quote: “Really? I certainly hope this issue is resolved as soon as possible, but the last thing I want is for Obama to use this for more anti-business rhetoric. The whole statement about keeping the boot on the neck of BP is already concerning.” Don't get me wrong yo, I'm normally against his anti-business rhetoric, but with how they've fucked up so much as it is already and their overall sloth-like attitude about the situation? I wouldn't be opposed to their assets being seized, whether it be a…

  • Quote: “On a more serious note...the idea that the oil spill is somehow a political snafu is laughable, simply because all the onus and blame should fall on the company that casued the spill. This is not Obama's fault, he does not have a magic oil spill creating machine, nor does he have a magic wand to clean it up (by the by I am not an Obama fan at all). This problem is BP's problem and if the only ideas that their brightest scientists can come up with are trying to clog the pipe with trash an…

  • Quote: “Drugs are always good, and I suggest marijuana at least in recreation.This is not a doctor's not to cure all your problems, just a dose of perspective as I like to call it :wink:” A dose of idiocy is more like it yo Quote: “All the 12 years of that lif behind me. How do I forget about it? I'm about to start College and I don't want this lingering in my mind. Are drugs the best option? I will be going to College with the same people. So making amends is not high on my list of expectations…

  • Quote: “there the only ones i can talk to about this whole thing and im scared i'll get worse because at the moment it's not getting any better but i cant keep relying on them to help me urgh i dont know what to do :(” Again yo, as I've told you and others have about 5 times already, the fact that you aren't going all out when it comes to getting better is a huge problem you're worried about what your parents might think, if I remember correctly yo I say fuck what your parents think, tell them, …

  • My advice is to get over it yo, if she were that into you, she would have respectfully ended her relationship to start one with you she seems like she's very confused or she was using you as a thrill on the side like most puppet masters do in relationships yo, so if I were you, I'd find a chick that doesn't have such emotional baggage, you deserve better put your mind towards better, more productive things other than her and don't text her back, give her the cold shoulder in return for her playi…

  • Yes, never mind all the other sex crimes in everything else that's not related to Christianity as well yo just like any organization or religious group, there will obviously be deviants. There aren't any specific intents to commit crimes by the vast majority, so no, this isn't a blow to Christianity at all as they'll still be able to function effectively however, the media will play up these stories for the ignorant, who will wrongfully assume that these incidents are part of a huge conspiracy a…