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  • Re: Favourite designers.

    AmzK - - Fashion


    Marc Jacobs, Bec & Bridge, Wayne Cooper

  • Re: Essay

    AmzK - - General Advice


    Yeah, in all seriousness, learn to research the topics correctly, and how to reference correctly. A good academic essay should have at least 8 references, which are from scholarly texts, NOT websites [unless it is an E-Reserve book site etc. in which case you list the details of the book, and the web address] At Uni, if we don't have at least 5 references, it's automatic failure. If we have 8 or more, you're guaranteed to pass, because it doesn't matter how crap your essay is, you've backed your…

  • Re: Grinding and Boners

    AmzK - - Teen Sexuality


    Yeah, if it was my boyfriend I'd like it. Probably get really distracted and want to take him home right then and there

  • Re: Good curling tongs?

    AmzK - - Fashion


    Quote from Batgirl: “VS is shit, period.” Damn straight I bought a straightener of theirs...took it back that same afternoon, and used the money from that to start saving for a GHD. Parents ended up buying me one for my 18th, so I just bought a kick arse blow dryer instead

  • Re: Cartilage Piercing?

    AmzK - - Fashion


    Quote from recondinent: “bump? I don't have a bump... should I expect one? D:” You may get one, you may not. It's common though. It's just you're ear looks a little bit thicker in the area of the piercing, from where the cartilage shatters

  • Re: Cartilage Piercing?

    AmzK - - Fashion


    Quote from CalifornianDream: “I think my previous cartilage piercing partly shattered my top ear via the gun. It still hurts now, after years of having it pierced, and that bump is there. ” More than likely I've had mine done for two years now, and the bump is still there. It's as if the part of the ear surrounding the piercing is thicker than the yours the same?

  • You Are an Appaloosa Horse appaloosa.jpg You are extremely independent and even a little stubborn. You always do your own thing. You have an amazing endurance, and you can soldier on through almost anything. You're one tough cookie. You are quite intelligent and resourceful. You enjoy solving problems, and you've definitely got some street smarts. You work hard and never give up. You are loyal and reliable... you always get the job done. What Breed of Horse Are You? Blogthings: Take a Quiz. Anno…

  • Re: Cartilage Piercing?

    AmzK - - Fashion


    Quote from TextilesGirl: “sometimes you can hear the cartilage break a bit apparently, might be uncomfortable for a while as it heals but then it should be fine.” Yeah, the cartilage can shatter if it's done with a peircing gun. I had mine done with a gun, and my ear has a bit of a lump where it was done, and one of my other friends had hers done with a peircing needle, and hers doesn't have a lump. Where we went to though, it was double the price to have it done with the needle than the gun, so…

  • Re: Good curling tongs?

    AmzK - - Fashion


    If you've got a good straightener [GHD, G5, Diva etc.] then just use that. I've got a really oldddd Remington curling iron, that has been around since I first starting competitive dancing [so about 1995] and it's still going strong, and gets a really good result. So if you want a curling iron, and don't want to use a straightener, then I would suggest one of them

  • Re: Cartilage Piercing?

    AmzK - - Fashion


    I've got mine done, I just went to a good piercing place and had it done. Doesnt really hurt, it's just uncomfortable really.

  • Re: What's Your Orientation?

    AmzK - - Teen Sexuality


    Bisexual/Bicurious Haven't worked it out just yet

  • On top I found was easier, cause that meant I was in control. Try both missionary and on top, and go with what seems easier for you

  • My boyfriend is normally pretty good with how long he goes for, but sometimes he can be ridiculously short, and other times it just hasn't happened at all after about an hour.

  • Went out last night and made out with one of my best friend's three times while waiting to get into a nightclub...

  • Re: Possibly Pregnant?

    AmzK - - Teen Sexuality


    Very unlikely, but to put your mind at ease, just go get a home pregnancy test

  • Re: Grinding

    AmzK - - Teen Sexuality


    Guy behind girl. One of the nightclubs down here, when your on the dancefloor, it's just every one grinding against each other. The other week when I was out with just my girls [left the boyfriend at home] there was so many guys who came up and started grinding up against me, and the best part is, you don't have to talk to the person, you can just walk away whenever, and no one cares.

  • Re: First Time Position

    AmzK - - Teen Sexuality


    Missionary is good to start with, and when she starts getting more comfortable with it, then have a go at girl on top if she's keen.

  • Re: Speedos?

    AmzK - - Fashion


    No way, gross.

  • Nope don't believe in it. My view is try before you buy. So basically be in a committed relationship but not married.

  • Re: My balls

    AmzK - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from Madkapz: “Naw, I might let the sweat sit there for a couple of years.” Have fun trying to convince someone to go down on you if your balls reak