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  • Brilliant advice Jasmine. I think your step mum might be finding your dads drinking hard too, it seems to me like the root of the problem is him. I think your mum is afraid of losing you, and on one level blames your dad but she loves him too, it's quite a hard situation for her aswell as you. I think your dad needs to see a psychologist to stop his drinking because it's either causing alot of problems or adding to them. This whole situation is going to be tough on your family but like Jasmine s…

  • Quote from jasonmrazlover: “I'm in the same place, and I am trying to move on but its just sucking me back in. I've had loads of advice.. Probably one of the best was keeping a journal, sounds gay but.. It keeps your mins off it. :)” i've considered keeping one myself, apparently not many guys do but a few weeks back i found a couple of pages while i was clearing out my room, turns out they were from about 4 years ago when i had given writing one a go, it was like a letter to myself from the pas…

  • I usually have all these thoughts of just going up and asking... but then chicken out and do it over facebook asking through a friend is pretty common, especially since you can't see her often so that might be the way to go, either that or just blurt it out when you see her next although if your sister is there she might say no because of that...

  • I don't know why he'd feel that way about a 2 year gap in age, in my old school that was the unwritten rule, 2 years it could be stretched to 3 but really depended on the person... Anyway for him to ring you and confess all that surely means he's into you, i kinda feel like someones convinced him not to go out with you, either because of age or this gap year thing. Here's what i think you should do: either text or sit him down and have a chat, tell him straight how you feel and get an answer off…

  • I think you should sit Jen down and get her to tell Chris, i know that might seem counter productive but if you and him get together she won't take it well and if she isn't going to tell him then you'll either end up stuck in a love triangle or someone's gonna get hurt. Like i said before this is just advice, don't follow it if you think its bad

  • Do it!! i've been in similar situations as this and trust me you don't want it to be a "what if" even if she says no, then you can move on but if she says yes then great! Quote: “Anyways, he never replied to my message.” I hate when i get left hanging like that, i feel for you on the other hand good job on doing it, it's hard but i always feel so much better off for getting it over with, hope he replys (and says yes)

  • Wow that's a tough situation i don't want to say what you should do incase it dosn't work out well, but i'll tell what i think. Now i don't know enough about your friendship with Jen or what kind of person she is but i suggest talking to her about your feelings for Chris.. to be honest i think it would be best if Chris were to have a chat with Jen and tell her how it is, that way she can move on and maybe after she's got over him you could move in. That option might have a bit too much waiting t…

  • Re: Shy or what?

    Chris_Z - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Sorry it seems to me she's not interested in you, in my experience what she's doing isn't the best way to go about it, i'm all for letting people down easy but she needs to make it clear, otherwise you end up not sure and still thinking about her. It's happened to me alot, i'd prefer a "no" but maybe that's just me.. anyway chin up man, keep searching