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  • Re: The good old fashion lan

    PsionicArchon - - Video Games


    It's good to see people are still laning, I can't find anywhere to take my gaming laptops to... that's the whole reason I went with a laptop opposed to a desktop for my gaming set up.

  • The solution to your keyboard mouse issue is a little something called an in game filter, if you don't want pc gamers joining you console match then set it as such so they are unable to join. Gta 4 has a whole slew of filters.. that and auto aim. I just think this whole situation is sad.. to be honest.

  • I already have two monitors set up certain games wont function in windowed mode, and quite frankly there are times when I'd rather have access to full screen. The shadows and textures in mass effect for example have a tendency to distort when the resolution is below the native resolution of your monitor. Alt + Tab is not an option there either as for what ever reason that game takes about 200% longer to reinitialize then any other game I own even gta 4 comes back faster. All well, it was worth b…

  • Sitting around, getting frustrated by constantly having to alt tab out of my games I thought up an all to original idea and did quite a bit of poking around on google. A way to use a web browser while in game, a method of using msn while in game.. aim.. anything. I drew blanks, the programs that are supposed to work wouldn't. Don't even bother telling me I should just alt+tab you're wasting my time.. I don't want to have to alt tab is the thing, it breaks some games and frustrates me on others. …

  • The good old fashion lan

    PsionicArchon - - Video Games


    What the hell happened to gaming... it's not the most anti social aspect of our society. Back in the days of the original doom people used to get together, string up their pc's with ethernet cables and have fun... it's all but a thing of the past now. Even taking a spare controller to a buddies house to have a split screen fps match is a thing of the past. I just want your opinions on this.. I wasn't around during the early gaming days I'm only 18 but I've learned to appreciate them i'm a retro …

  • Games for live... pointless

    PsionicArchon - - Video Games


    Leave it to Microsoft to take a perfectly good idea, a wonderful idea at that and turn it into something utterly pointless and stupid. Games for windows live.. when I first heard about this I nearly jumped for joy.. finally a way for a pc gamer like me to play games with most of my friends with everyone making the jump from pc to consol, more and more each year. I thought, and in some games you are able to that this meant.. finally meant cross platform game play. All it truly allows you to do is…

  • Aww... I've been seeing love screw up quite a bit lately.. I can't figure out what possesses people to be so unfairly cruel. Are they unable to foresee how powerful their words, their actions are. I'm sorry about your crappy situation.

  • Sorry man, in a bit of a bad mood the past few days and.. well.. overly snappy. Thanks, I agree. It can be rough.. they end up meaning a lot to you. There's always going to be a better guy if a girl would rather have someone who cheats on then dumps her. The whole thing's just a mess of confusion if you ask me.

  • Where would the world be if god didn't have a pocket full of assholes he could sprinkle all over kingdoms creation to leave useless and unwanted posts like yours. I hope you feel a little better about yourself. What was the boy supposed to do, beat down his girlfriends lovers. You are the prime reason I created such a video, might I suggest typing while doing a handstand, maybe then you'd get enough blood flow to your brain to leave something worthwhile behind. *takes a bow* Thank you, thank you…

  • Tell me what you think.. yes it does fit in here because as the information states it's based on real life events. [ame=]YouTube - The boy who fell in love[/ame]

  • I've been getting a lot more help with this then I anticipated, thanks everyone... I'm convinced that I'll have to play the waiting game and that there's still a long road ahead of me when it comes to finding someone and yes my original intention was to mirror some of the stuff I saw on here but.. I'm not so sure about it anymore. Confidence is easier to have when you can see reason behind it. In other words if your constantly treated like dirt eventually you begin to think that you are just tha…

  • I've been doing.. well.. everything. I can't seem to attract much of anything. Girls just don't seem to look at me in the beyond friends sort of way. I've had several girlfriends and by girlfriends I mean friends that are girls, no relationships. Opportunity never presents its self for me to ask them out and the ones I do ask out brush me off in a week. It's.. depressing. I'm kind of just... there to every girl I have ever seen and or bumped into. You know.. that random guy you take one look at …

  • Well.. interesting. I was expecting something else, wonder what I'm doing wrong then.

  • LoL, well thanks for replying, I wasn't expecting much as far as this thread's popularity is concerned and I was a little peeved when I started it. I am kind of at my wits end here, what seems so simple an art for others is about as complex to me as solving general relativity would be to a toddler. No, that was not an understatement. So, if I can't get inside the woman's mind what's the harm in asking eh.. The holidays are coming up and there's quite a few breaks I don't feel like spending alone…

  • The tittle pretty much gives this one away. I'm struggling at the moment and I could use some help.. I don't want to seem weird and undesirable anymore so I figured if I honestly knew what people wanted I'd be fine. This is obviously aimed at the girls/women of teenhut, what was it that interested you in your current boyfriend, what traits and features did it for you.. what about his personality, in what ways did he act that drew you in?

  • Woah, alright now I have to reply to this. I know it's been ages sense I've replied on here.. I used to all the time and well life caught up with me and took all of my time away. I'm in a simmiler situation to you but I'm the guy and the girl's the one changing on me.. ignoring me.. treating me like I never meant a thing to her when I was the one there for her.. picking her up.. helping her. It hurts.. it hurts a lot when you cared about someone so much that you were at one point willing to stan…

  • I know it's been a while sense I have posted here.. or done much of anything here. I'm at the end of my rope again.. and it inspired me to right another song. Destiny to fade What is your destiny.. what if What if your blind to it, can not see And in your fate you are alone Days to come, days to pass.. life long promises A destiny to fade I am no rock, no stone My life a charade A destiny to fade I am lost now can’t you see Soon to say, nothing’s left of me I’ve gone away… no safe place to stay …

  • Hm.. well, it doesn't seem to me like something they do untill they've found the right guy it seems like something they do just to hold them off untill they find a "real" guy. They get into the relationship knowing they wont like us is what I'm trying to say.

  • I would wait it out, which is what seems to be the popular oppinion around here. The fact that he has not hit you in more then a year suggests that he really does love you and is plenty willing to control his impulses for you however the underlying personality is still there. The anger is still there which means yes, it is a posability. If things get worse.. if he does hit you then leave. It's common ground for a women to stick around hoping that things will change, if it gets too bad, remove yo…

  • Oh boy oh boy have I heard that friggen line before. It's a distinct possability that in your sudden distence she figured something out and yes you have grown further appart or it could all be in your head you never know. The only way you're going to find out is if you talk to her. Pull her aside and say look, we need to talk. Many of lifes problems can be solved by stoping, thinking, and going about things logicly. If you don't explain things to her, talk to her you may never know. Well, best o…