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  • hating best friend

    Purple Haze - - Friends and Family


    I'm a guy and my male best friend and me like do everything together, we're like peas in a pod - he's in a long term relationship with this girl and as far as i know everythign's fine between them - I think I've totally fallen in love for this girl friend of ours, tho noone knows (I tend to hide my emotions very well) - my friend's gf has been and will be away for an extended period of time - since then he's started getting close to this girl i like, soometimes i feel a little too close - and ev…

  • Quote from Jarndyce: “I like that specificity!” i used a calculator :p

  • attractive - 25% would want to hook up with - 0.417%

  • Re: Sit-ups.

    Purple Haze - - Health and Fitness


    yeah i get that too - also on the bit of the spine that bends halfway - a good mat will help, if not a towel or blanket or something of that sort - i prefer to do crunches these days anyway, much less stressful on your back

  • Re: What should I think of this?

    Purple Haze - - LGBT


    well, its also wierd to be fancied by somone of the opposite sex who you don't fancy - same principle really just understand their feelings, don't lead them on, and get on with life

  • Re: The Sexuality Spectrum Test

    Purple Haze - - LGBT


    Your result for The Sexuality Spectrum Test ... Bi/Slightly Straight You scored 9 (-52 being completely gay, 0 being bisexual, and 52 being completely straight) For the most part, you are bisexual. You have a slight preference for the opposite sex, but either sex would suit you. If you are sexually inexperienced, it is possible that this will change after you do some experimenting.

  • Re: Screencap game.

    Purple Haze - - Films, TV and Books


    Quote from director91: “Dazed and Confused......?” i wonder what gave you that idea

  • Quote from SparkyMarky: “Other thing is to put something like a rolled up sock just behind your balls and keep it there you orgasm loads better.” or anything that likewise puts a bit of pressure on your prostate

  • Re: balls wen masturbatin

    Purple Haze - - Teen Sexuality


    tight up against my body

  • Re: Kegal muscle ??

    Purple Haze - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from pikechu: “o wtf i thouht it was just girls... >_<” lol - i though tit was just guys

  • Re: Came Out

    Purple Haze - - LGBT


    Quote from Mannequin: “I came out to my father. He was fine with my Panromantic Asexual status. It felt nice.” i bet he didn't know what that meant XD

  • ^ouch!

  • Just try like changing the grip you use to pleasure different areas and see what works best I find it works best to experiment and find these things out yourself, so its really adapted to the things you like best - but if you really do struggle feel free to PM me

  • balls serve no use without a penis.... - whereas a penis without balls still can...

  • Quote from marco17: “What difference does that make? Not say it doesnt ...but just wondered?” changes the way you masturbate normally - uncirc peeps generally jerk by pulling the foreskin down whereas circ peeps generally rub over the head

  • Re: How small is too small?

    Purple Haze - - LGBT


    anything 4" or over can reach a females g spot - 8" and up might become painful - thrusting up on the bone - and if its too thick could cause problems with stretching too wide

  • well, guys don't have them, so for starters its somethign different to play around with, otherwise its just quite fun

  • since girls don't have prostates i can't imagine its that good...

  • Re: Funny

    Purple Haze - - Teen Sexuality


    well it is one of the most troublesome areas for teens as they develop into this world of unknowns and uncertainties - i imagine plenty of people can already find the answer to their problems just through reading existing threads, hence no need to become members

  • Re: Afterwards

    Purple Haze - - LGBT


    Quote from juicyfruit: “the very first time i masturbated with my friend when he was sleeping over, handjobs included, it was great. it felt awsome. but that was late at night. when i woke up the next morning, i felt sick to my stomach. afterrealizing what i had done the night b4 i wanted to barf. that was only for the first time however.....the nest few times were im assuming with u it will eventually stop too” same can't really explain why, but horrible feeling at first - like anyt…