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  • Re: does this make me bi?

    Cirrax Lankart - - LGBT


    actually, according to a rather funny test conducted...80% of straight guys still get hard to gay porn, simply because its sex. lol

  • Re: Dont know what i am

    Cirrax Lankart - - LGBT


    your gonna hate this...but your not bi. if your not getting turned o by girls but you are getting turned on by guys...your gay hun. I'm sorry. and if you try and foirce yourself to be straight....well, thats a painful road, believe me. I';m not officially statuing your gay, but thats what it seems like to me. if you cant get it up for girls but its practically spring loaded for guys....then the evidence is clear. sory. if you have any questions I'm willing to answer them.

  • Re: Coming out to my best friend

    Cirrax Lankart - - LGBT


    we ALL feel like we should keep it to ourselvs, itsht efear of not being liked, not being accepted. its natural. but believe me, you'll be relived once he knows. oh./..I should really read the rest of the posts sometime. XD seems like you already told. well congrats.

  • Re: does this make me bi?

    Cirrax Lankart - - LGBT


    I'm gay, and yeah, you really have to try it to see if your that way inclined. if you have any other questions and stuff, contact me.

  • I have many hireditory illnesses and I'm not the most healthy of people...but those are due to other conditions, not one of them related to my sexuality. other than that...I have a well proportioned body with an 8pack, I have all my teeth gleaming white and all in all...I al a damn healthy guy. and I'm gay. if gay was a disease, you could catch it. you cant catch gay. you are just a sad excuse for a human...and I remember must have had your name changed...most vicious pitbull! you have…

  • Re: Thinking

    Cirrax Lankart - - LGBT


    Quote from Cirrax Lankart: “in all honesty, I used to be gay. seems that it starts to change when we become comfortable with ourselves, the middle no longer satisfies and we settle down into a specific gender role. now I can look at a naked girl in front of me and nothing happens, in fact, I often do, I have many female friends that get changed around me. I simply lost my attraction to females. maybe the same is happening to you?” used to be gay...I meant I used to be bi. XD LMAO.

  • whoever -repped me saying have an amazing nack for verbage. your ability to state the fucking obvious will most certainly get you far in life. what an idiot. the answers yes dude. go ahead with the teddy.

  • dond worry supersly, a teddy is a sign of endearment, it would be incredably cute and sweet. I would almost die with embarrassment and luscious warm feelings if my guy did that for me. I'd love it. go ahead, treat her to your romantic side.

  • Re: What kind of guys do you like?

    Cirrax Lankart - - Gay


    I want a talented cutie who's very physically comfortable with being public with our affection, a guy thats warm and enjoys lots of quality time together...oh wait...I have that...YAHOO!

  • Re: gay people

    Cirrax Lankart - - Teen Sexuality


    I do believe it may have been due to neccesity Purple Haze. As the wars raged in those days, people needed able bodied young men, perhaps it was frowned upon simply because it did not produce children and future soldiers. And due to the increasing need of men at arms, it became a source of hate and anger, and eventually...discimination. perhaps even law took hold and held it illegal, and after a while, people forgot the days where it was natural.

  • tell him you want to trust him...but he obviously doesnt trust you. he continuelly denies you access to his phone showiong he has something to hide, and if its not him cheating then it would most likely be no problem, so why should he hide it? the very foundation of a relationship is trust, there has to be trust or there can be no relationship. you cant doubt each other, and the more he hides, the more doubt you'll feel, and its killing the relationship. doubt must be quenched, it cant be ignore…

  • Re: GLB epiphany

    Cirrax Lankart - - LGBT


    it was always therre. I only started noticing it when I found myself watching gay porn on the net at 10 years old. XD I accepted it at 12, I actually looked myself in the mirror and just sighed, and I said, I like guys. at the time I still liked girls, but I knew I was most likely gonna like guys too. after a while the bi phase ended and I became me. pure homo. lol.

  • people dont usually come on here saying that about their parents and not mean it, I know it hurts you, but you need to look at what you want, you cant focuis on how they feel about you, if they cant be accepting of you, then their not much of a family, and maybe, you could go and make a new family, love them as though they were your own. a mother and father's job is to teach and protect their child, that includes emotional;ly, if they cannot accept you, they are not doing their duty as mum and d…

  • Re: Thinking

    Cirrax Lankart - - LGBT


    in all honesty, I used to be gay. seems that it starts to change when we become comfortable with ourselves, the middle no longer satisfies and we settle down into a specific gender role. now I can look at a naked girl in front of me and nothing happens, in fact, I often do, I have many female friends that get changed around me. I simply lost my attraction to females. maybe the same is happening to you?

  • Re: gay people

    Cirrax Lankart - - Teen Sexuality


    ok...allow me to explain thenhighly scientific side of this. scientific studies where taken, there were a set of twin, perfectly the same in every way shape or form, was straight, the other gay. they had died, and scientist started studing them. seems the gay one had higher levels of stregen in their bodies. all m,ales have the female hormon estrgen in their bodies, but its outdone by the testosterone of our male genus. now what they found, was that within thew womb, enough testost…

  • I understand why your uncomfortable. how about you just say to him, that you'd prefer it if he wouldnt keep sleeping in the nude. it makes you uncomfortable. simple as. he'll see it as another everyday straight guy not wanting to to have to look at another guys junk. plain and simple. I hope my advice works for you.

  • this is something you need to figure out yourself. which do you feel you should persue. which means more to you and what kind of future would you prefer. ask yourself these questions, but above everything. ask yourself what feels right.

  • Re: Just a question

    Cirrax Lankart - - LGBT


    I was 14. but knew I was gay at 10.

  • Re: young bi/gay guys

    Cirrax Lankart - - LGBT


    ya know people, this is a forum, not a dating site. this is a blatant violation of the rules. why hasnt this thread been shut down?

  • she's not pregnant. dont worry. barely 1% of precum is sperm, and it wouldnt manage to go through the fabric, inside the vagina, up the uterus and into the womb. just from grinding. everythings fine.