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  • suicide is not the answer at all, bring yourself up a bit, your a coward if you wanna take the easy route out. take things slow and live your life! BECAUSE AFTER ALL YOU HAVENT GOT A LONG LIFE AS IT IS...

  • right guys... i just need a bit of advice from boys or girls about this situation so hoping for a bit of help... basicly i was with this boy who i fell head over heals for at the start i really did love him we was together for a year and 3 months and then i ended it because we started to have serious problems with the way he treated me and other stuff etc etc.. towards the end of our relationship and when me and my boyfriend at the time wernt very good i started speaking to this other boy we lik…

  • a little flirting does no harm... and its true about boys your own age being immature i always goes for boys older than me i prefer it that way x