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  • Massage from Dad

    CheerFlyGirl - - Friends and Family


    I think I made it sound worse than it is. I'm in cheer and for whatever reason I cramp up easily. My dad has always rubbed our backs or shoulders since we were little, nothing weird. Since cheer coach recommended he rub down my legs, and I didn't know how common that was. He's the best dad and wouldn't ever hurt us, it just feels different now than it did when I was a kid.

  • Massage from Dad

    CheerFlyGirl - - Friends and Family


    Anyone out there still get massages from time to time from their parent and now that you’re in puberty… it feels almost too good sometimes?

  • Caught Masturbating

    CheerFlyGirl - - Puberty


    I think my dad was in shock because when I opened my eyes he was just standing there, mouth wide open lol It's kinda funny but also humiliating because I don't know how long he was there, I had earbuds in

  • Caught Masturbating

    CheerFlyGirl - - Puberty


    Oh yeah. My mom, sister and even my dad

  • I think like a week for a family vacation, it was terrible.

  • Shaving, girls

    CheerFlyGirl - - Puberty


    I was a very late starter and had a small forrest down there because my mom said I didn't have to shave it lol so I was like 15 before I tried lol

  • Weird Parent Comment

    CheerFlyGirl - - Puberty


    It was probably meant as a compliment/joke to reduce the tension of the situation, but your mom liked what she saw, no biggie lol